OK, so I remember a while back I had a small discussion on Dohhh's diary about this and something Jac said in his diary made me want to talk about it but thought I'd open up a new thread instead so everyone can contribute if they want to.
In Jac's thread he talked about having a +£95 night which he was pleased about despite not playing that well. For me though, I hate it when I have a winning night and have played badly. Obviously it's even worse when I have played badly and ran badly but for me I just see playing badly as -ev. Sure, I've been fortunate there and escaped with a profit but I know that that can't continue or else I'm just not going to be making any/much money from poker.
For me I'd much rather have a day where I play really well but still lose £200. I know that my bad luck won't last forever and should even out in the long term. So running badly one day just means running well on another day in the future. Had I been playing badly and running badly it could have been a loss of £500 instead of £200 (possibly more if I started to tilt - which only really happens if I'm playing badly) Conversley in a session where I've won £95 but have ran really well I can only help and think how good a session it could have been had I been playing well. Instead of a £95 profit it could have been £300 - when I'm running well I want to make the most use out of it that I can.
I think a part of this attitude I have now comes from a disciplined/nitty BR management. I'm still playing 50NL as my main game but can still go as low as 20NL if there are good games running. At 50NL I have almost 180BI's - so having a session of playing well but losing just does not effect my BR enough for me to care. I think in the past when I've had much less strict BR management I would probably have been the opposite and rather taken a winning day and playing badly over a losing day and playing well.
Usually though its a mixture of both to win a tourney but sometimes you just can not miss and I dont mind those times either
But winning MTTs is huuugely about rungood and also it's much more important about when you get that rungood. For cash it's not the same, hand number 1 is essentially exactly the same as hand number 100,000, it's always the same starting point/situation, like set over set is gonna win you X number of BBs, MTTs are a little different. Some people will run like god every time they play a £5 FO and run terrible everytime they play the £110 Roller and that's just tough luck, and cos the long term in MTTs is soooooo long and things like the Roller are only once a week, you might literally never even see the long term in your life time... so I'll never turn down a bit of rungood
I agree that playing badly is way more tilting then running badly though.
Ps. Playing 20nl with 450 buy-ins is sooo -ev for many reasons imo.
Has to be playing well. Poker can't be a results orientated game. I player in a BH yesterday 20 of us left 18 get paid I have AA, other guy has KK, straight arrives and I'm out in 20th. OK a bit of run bad, but I played well, I'm ok with that, it happens. 80% of the time I win a monster pot and I'm close to the chip lead, this time I didn't and I'm out. The only thing you can be certain of with poker is that you will be both lucky and unlucky, often in the same game. The day before I was h/up in another b/h all in short stacked with A4 ran into 44, Ace saved me on the river and 2 hands later I won the tournie. I played well in both, lucky in one, unlucky in the other, that's poker.
Yes but the problem is you can get sicked in a £250 Mtt to go chip leader with 10 left with 20k up top then the next day sick someone else in a £10 mtt to win for £120.
It may take you a long time to get in that position again, thats the problem with varience it doesn't account for timing.
In cash I completley understand where Ivan is coming from but an MTT player wants rungood at the right time. Please!!!!!!!
It's an absolute no brainer.
Run well!
I can play the best poker I can play, but some idiot can still call and "run well" with his 58 off.
I would rather be the idiot..... Oh wait....
Okay so this translates into... a) -£££s or b) +£££s
Quite a tough decision but I think I opt for option b. Good luck to those who prefer option a.
When I used to play football, sometimes we would play very bad but still grind out the 3pts and obviously we would take this than have a day whereby we peppered the oppositions goal but could not find a way through and come away with either 1pt or 0pts. This really is a 'no brainer'.