Play well over run well. And it is not even close.
I don't give two figs if I get binked. I've had every sort of nightmare session you can think of and some you can't. Plenty of insane runs where I can't hold and conversely others where I can't miss. It doesn't really matter.
I make a mistake, I play bad, then I have severe annoyance issues with myself.
It's a one-off situation right? Why would you prefer to walk away from that 1 session having played well but -£££s as opposed to playing badly that session and walking away +£££s? We can recognise that we have played bad and make sure we don't play like that again recognising that we had got lucky that time.
I put it to you this way, let's say God (for examples sake) comes to you and says 'today I am giving you a choice, you can either a) run well but play badly and I guarantee that at the end of the session you will be +£££s or b) play very well but at the end of the session I gaurantee you will be -£££s. Which would you choose?
I don't give two figs if I get binked. I've had every sort of nightmare session you can think of and some you can't. Plenty of insane runs where I can't hold and conversely others where I can't miss. It doesn't really matter.
I make a mistake, I play bad, then I have severe annoyance issues with myself.
as always
was starting to feel a little isolated
I put it to you this way, let's say God (for examples sake) comes to you and says 'today I am giving you a choice, you can either a) run well but play badly and I guarantee that at the end of the session you will be +£££s or b) play very well but at the end of the session I gaurantee you will be -£££s. Which would you choose?