wd ducky on your win and somehow by just going it have managed a spot on the leaderboard for the roi challenge, I doubt I will be up there long. gl love xx Posted by ILuvPickle
So I played cash again today from 8am to about 3pm and not one person came and punched me in the face! What's the point of having this diary if no ones going to come and physically abuse you on a cash table!! LOL
Luckily for you guys and the Duck's wrath, I'm in profit...
May Profit +£484.00 1594PP Total Profit + £1228.54 BR £1278.54
~ Seriously though...playing cash is so much more stressful then it's worth...my poor Ducky nerves can't take it, so the punch in the face still stands please!
My week from **** is nearly up as we have the last of the Year 6 SATs tests tomorrow - I haven't played hardly any SKY since Friday or Saturday last week coz I've been so tired... violins plz;)
It looked like I was on the beginning of a downswing too as £850 became £750 rather quickly sigh! Maybe it'll turn round next week. That is if Mrs FreshFish doesn't make me withdraw all of it for a big building project for our front room lol;)
So I played cash again today from 8am to about 3pm and not one person came and punched me in the face! What's the point of having this diary if no ones going to come and physically abuse you on a cash table!! LOL Luckily for you guys and the Duck's wrath, I'm in profit... May Profit + £484.00 1594 PP Total Profit + £1228.54 BR £1278.54 ~ Seriously though...playing cash is so much more stressful then it's worth...my poor Ducky nerves can't take it, so the punch in the face still stands please! Posted by mrsduck
I've suffered from the same problem. A little kindness was all I asked for on my thread a while ago. I used more colourful language than you but essentially asked for the same thing.
I think the waiting list to get on my table had record numbers.
In Response to Re: Ducky's 2nd Challenge ~ 5K for Christmas. Current BR £1169.71 : I've suffered from the same problem. A little kindness was all I asked for on my thread a while ago. I used more colourful language than you but essentially asked for the same thing. Vultures! I think the waiting list to get on my table had record numbers. ... Good stuff btw. Keep crushing Posted by Jac35
Lol Jac! Lining up to play a Duck haha...!
I did eventually take their money though, so it wasn't all bad
Keep up the good work MrsD:) My week from **** is nearly up as we have the last of the Year 6 SATs tests tomorrow - I haven't played hardly any SKY since Friday or Saturday last week coz I've been so tired... violins plz;) It looked like I was on the beginning of a downswing too as £850 became £750 rather quickly sigh! Maybe it'll turn round next week. That is if Mrs FreshFish doesn't make me withdraw all of it for a big building project for our front room lol;) Posted by freshfish1
Congrats...you've now completed your SATs! Hopefully you'll come back with renewed vigour and an upswing! Don't let Mrsff make you withdraw it all, if you have to, make some compromise like ~10% lol!! Good luck!
Got lured towards cash again this avo...which went very well! Played for an hour and a half at 1 table and came away £181.56 richer a lovely hourly rate!
May Profit +£671.55 1685PP Total Profit + £1416.09 BR £1466.09
Frequent reader, first time posting - the updates on your BR are just immense, every time I see this thread there seems to have been another big jump up #DuckMode
You must be in at a fairly large buy in level for cash, like NL50 or higher... how do you find the standard at that level relative to the bigger buy in tournaments (£20+) that you regularly play? Allowing for the fact that it looks like either discipline is easy pickings at the moment
All great this Ducky keep it up How many hours a day/week/month are you putting in and how many tables at a time? I'm having a bad time of it lately the draws are sucking me out good luck love xx Posted by ILuvPickle
Hey Luv, I'm not sure really... but I play one table at a time, occassionally two, never three... I need maximum concentration! At the moment I don't work mondays so I generally play a fair bit from around 8am - 5pm Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays (unless I'm doing something obv!). I very rarely play in the evening or night, just the odd occassion when I'm home alone. I can't teach if I've been playing poker at night or don't go to bed fairly early, as poker and teaching both take alot of brain power so I don't like to play too late, plus I also teach 2 or 3 nights a week! I finish early Thursday and Friday at the moment so get to play for a few hours from about 3pm those days... It all depends on my work timetable.
Tighten up Pickle...we need you on that leaderboard!
Frequent reader, first time posting - the updates on your BR are just immense, every time I see this thread there seems to have been another big jump up #DuckMode You must be in at a fairly large buy in level for cash, like NL50 or higher... how do you find the standard at that level relative to the bigger buy in tournaments (£20+) that you regularly play? Allowing for the fact that it looks like either discipline is easy pickings at the moment Posted by shakinaces
Hey Shakey, Thankyou very much for your message! Loving #DuckMode haha!! I've been very fortunate these last two months I think having a real bankroll has really helped and not depositing and withdrawing willy nilly. I play 50nl and yesterday it was a Mastercash table so I sat with £100. I'm more comfortable there than the lower levels I don't know why...it could just be a mental thing. When I did the Mastercash spin up challenge I kept failing the first two levels...I just couldn't crack it, but once I got to 50nl I was more comfortable and completed the challenge in one go It's the same with tourneys, I can really struggle with £3.30 and £5.75 BHs but am very confident at £11 and £22. I'm most confident at £11 DYMs and find £22 ones a real challenge. I think it's all just what you're used to.
If you see me on a table please come and punch me in the face...
What's the point of having this diary if no ones going to come and physically abuse you on a cash table!!
Luckily for you guys and the Duck's wrath, I'm in profit...
May Profit + £484.00 1594PP
Total Profit + £1228.54
BR £1278.54
~ Seriously though...playing cash is so much more stressful then it's worth...my poor Ducky nerves can't take it, so the punch in the face still stands please!
Most players seem to focus/ specialise on on aspect of the game, cash is always fun
My week from **** is nearly up as we have the last of the Year 6 SATs tests tomorrow - I haven't played hardly any SKY since Friday or Saturday last week coz I've been so tired... violins plz;)
It looked like I was on the beginning of a downswing too as £850 became £750 rather quickly sigh! Maybe it'll turn round next week. That is if Mrs FreshFish doesn't make me withdraw all of it for a big building project for our front room lol;)
Hopefully you'll come back with renewed vigour and an upswing! Don't let Mrsff make you withdraw it all, if you have to, make some compromise like ~10% lol!!
Good luck!
Played for an hour and a half at 1 table and came away £181.56 richer
May Profit + £671.55 1685PP
Total Profit + £1416.09
BR £1466.09
(When) will my bubble burst..?
Frequent reader, first time posting - the updates on your BR are just immense, every time I see this thread there seems to have been another big jump up #DuckMode

You must be in at a fairly large buy in level for cash, like NL50 or higher... how do you find the standard at that level relative to the bigger buy in tournaments (£20+) that you regularly play? Allowing for the fact that it looks like either discipline is easy pickings at the moment
I'm not sure really... but I play one table at a time, occassionally two, never three... I need maximum concentration!
At the moment I don't work mondays so I generally play a fair bit from around 8am - 5pm Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays (unless I'm doing something obv!). I very rarely play in the evening or night, just the odd occassion when I'm home alone. I can't teach if I've been playing poker at night or don't go to bed fairly early, as poker and teaching both take alot of brain power so I don't like to play too late, plus I also teach 2 or 3 nights a week!
I finish early Thursday and Friday at the moment so get to play for a few hours from about 3pm those days...
It all depends on my work timetable.
Tighten up Pickle...we need you on that leaderboard!
Thankyou very much for your message! Loving #DuckMode haha!! I've been very fortunate these last two months
I play 50nl and yesterday it was a Mastercash table so I sat with £100. I'm more comfortable there than the lower levels I don't know why...it could just be a mental thing. When I did the Mastercash spin up challenge I kept failing the first two levels...I just couldn't crack it, but once I got to 50nl I was more comfortable and completed the challenge in one go
It's the same with tourneys, I can really struggle with £3.30 and £5.75 BHs but am very confident at £11 and £22. I'm most confident at £11 DYMs and find £22 ones a real challenge. I think it's all just what you're used to.
Thanks for stopping by
Back tomorrow
Have a great Saturday everyone!
May Profit + £684.14 1801PP
Total Profit + £1428.68
BR £1478.68