Hi there. Just had a read of your diary!!! Did u get too you current BR from £50. Wow! My BR is currently just under that amount and would love too reach a goal like that. Great achievment. What do play mainly? Do u mix it up and play all types cash mtt and dym.s or do stick mainly with the dym.s. Good luck on your challenge too 5k and hope you do it. Will be keeping up with your progress. Gl. Posted by Chris_Mc
Hi Chris,
Yep I started with £50 on 1st April I mainly play MTTs. At the beginning I played more DYMs because they are safer and when my BR dips down a bit I play a few DYMs to try and get it back up. Bounty hunter MTTs are my usual game though. I play some cash, but I'm not as confident on the cash tables yet. I really wanted to go from £50 to £250 in April but I got really lucky and got up to almost £800 and May has been amazing so far too
Becoming a bit dull this Monday Decent morning, won money Tuesday Decent afternoon, won money Wednesday Decent day, won money Etc Seriously, you're doing brilliantly. Keep it going. Btw think you need to up your target. 10k for Christmas sounds good Posted by Jac35
+1 there! It's seems it's an easy game, this poker lark
Becoming a bit dull this Monday Decent morning, won money Tuesday Decent afternoon, won money Wednesday Decent day, won money Etc Seriously, you're doing brilliantly. Keep it going. Btw think you need to up your target. 10k for Christmas sounds good Posted by Jac35
You jinxed me!! :P Today's going to be more exciting for you...!
In Response to Re: Ducky's 2nd Challenge ~ 5K for Christmas. Current BR £1648.20 : +1 there! It's seems it's an easy game, this poker lark Posted by shakinaces
Some days you're just printing money...and other days you're burning it..!
Cash has gone back to being scary...I need to calm down and take it slow! Down and up and down and up and down again... Thankfully the damage is minimal and lots of PPs!
Massive thanks to GREGSTER who came to punch me in the face today (although he was more chicken than me to actually do it...and I'm a duck)!! So a little bit down...
May Profit +£810.10 2670PP Total Profit + £1554.64 BR £1604.64
Greatest hand today...some say I'm a lucky d(*)uck!!
In Response to Re: Ducky's 2nd Challenge ~ 5K for Christmas. Current BR £1604.64 : Double dissapointment as I javent done uour link yet either. Posted by Chris_Mc
DIFFERED GRATIFICATION!!! PS I was channeling Durrrr with the 62
Lost a complete BI today at Mastercash so ~ £100 (cripes!) getting it all in on the turn after me and another guy both flop a flush... I had 910 and him JQ. But it's not all bad as I won some odds and ends too
May Profit +£781.25 2871PP Total Profit + £1525.79 BR £1575.79
Currently in an £11 BH so we'll see how that goes
Bluffing like a trooper right now lol...playing 63d like it's 52d
**** **** duck, if I ever get in a hand vs you, I'm never gonna believe you have it! Posted by hhyftrftdr
YESSSS you've struck gold! I shouldn't have shown these examples of the Duck's prowess...because all the people on my cash tables the last few days have started calling my bluffs willy-Mcnilly!!
A four day hiatus from the blog can only mean one thing... A "Ducky Downswing"!!! ( and there was me thinking I was invincible...
I've been down, and I've been downer, and I've been quite a bit down, and I've been downerer still...but currently I'm just down. Played ALOTLOTLOT of cash...what a beast to try and tame! Things started unravelling slightly on thursday and I decided no Ducky cash this weekend. Then like a poisoned apple from Snow White up pops "50% extra PP happpppy weekend" and I just couldn't stop shoving that juicy apple into my mouth! So many $$$PPs...but a dented BR.
I've met some really lovely players the last few days. RyanC7 who is always cheery even though I seem to have the run-good switch on when I'm in a hand against him. CEGOW who always says NH Ducky...when I erm have a nice hand! SR23 who said he was really enjoying my diary and last but not least Bossman91 who also said he was enjoying my diary and remained a true gent even after I stacked him with a massively questionnable hand that lucked out on the river (2h4h).
Anyway gonna play a bit more cash today as it's still Happy Dayzzz
The damage (with quite a big recovery...)
May Profit +£590.87 4380PP!! Total Profit + £1335.41 BR £1385.41
A four day hiatus from the blog can only mean one thing... A "Ducky Downswing"!!! ( and there was me thinking I was invincible... I've been down, and I've been downer, and I've been quite a bit down, and I've been downerer still...but currently I'm just down. Played ALOTLOTLOT of cash...what a beast to try and tame! Things started unravelling slightly on thursday and I decided no Ducky cash this weekend. Then like a poisoned apple from Snow White up pops "50% extra PP happpppy weekend" and I just couldn't stop shoving that juicy apple into my mouth! So many $$$PPs...but a dented BR. I've met some really lovely players the last few days. RyanC7 who is always cheery even though I seem to have the run-good switch on when I'm in a hand against him. CEGOW who always says NH Ducky...when I erm have a nice hand! SR23 who said he was really enjoying my diary and last but not least Bossman91 who also said he was enjoying my diary and remained a true gent even after I stacked him with a massively questionnable hand that lucked out on the river (2h4h). Anyway gonna play a bit more cash today as it's still Happy Dayzzz The damage (with quite a big recovery...) May Profit + £590.87 4380 PP!! Total Profit + £1335.41 BR £1385.41 Posted by mrsduck
Wow, a Ducky downswing, didn't see that coming....
Loving the cheeriness despite the recent losses, a few people (me very much included) could do with facing the adversities of variance with the same sunny disposition you display. Don't go chasing those reward points toooo hard, I've been there myself and have ended up barely covering my losses with the extra £££ I 'd earned through grinding.
Quick Q:- How and when did you get into online poker and how would you say you have improved yourself as a player?? I'm guessing you've watched a lot of the televised Highstakes poker back in the good old days cos some of your moves are straight out of the Dwan, Elezra, Ivey handbooks. (That's a compliment btw ).
£100 Speed BH £5.75
Total Profit + £1511.90
BR £1561.90
Now time to go out and enjoy the day...have a good one everybody!
Won about £60 on cash and just over £15 on a couple of Speed BHs
Feeling very lucky!
May Profit + £853.66 1961PP
Total Profit + £1598.20
BR £1648.20
Today's going to be more exciting for you...!
Down and up and down and up and down again...
Thankfully the damage is minimal and lots of PPs!
Massive thanks to GREGSTER who came to punch me in the face today (although he was more chicken than me to actually do it...and I'm a duck)!!
So a little bit down...
May Profit + £810.10 2670PP
Total Profit + £1554.64
BR £1604.64
Greatest hand today...some say I'm a lucky d(*)uck!!
May Profit + £857.46 2722PP
Total Profit + £1602.02
BR £1652.02
But it's not all bad as I won some odds and ends too
May Profit + £781.25 2871PP
Total Profit + £1525.79
BR £1575.79
Currently in an £11 BH so we'll see how that goes
Bluffing like a trooper right now lol...playing 63d like it's 52d
Self sabotage...FML!
A "Ducky Downswing"!!!
I've been down, and I've been downer, and I've been quite a bit down, and I've been downerer still...but currently I'm just down.
Played ALOTLOTLOT of cash...what a beast to try and tame! Things started unravelling slightly on thursday and I decided no Ducky cash this weekend. Then like a poisoned apple from Snow White up pops "50% extra PP happpppy weekend" and I just couldn't stop shoving that juicy apple into my mouth! So many $$$PPs...but a dented BR.
I've met some really lovely players the last few days. RyanC7 who is always cheery even though I seem to have the run-good switch on when I'm in a hand against him. CEGOW who always says NH Ducky...when I erm have a nice hand! SR23 who said he was really enjoying my diary and last but not least Bossman91 who also said he was enjoying my diary and remained a true gent even after I stacked him with a massively questionnable hand that lucked out on the river (2h4h).
Anyway gonna play a bit more cash today as it's still Happy Dayzzz
The damage (with quite a big recovery...)
May Profit + £590.87 4380PP!!
Total Profit + £1335.41
BR £1385.41
Wow, a Ducky downswing, didn't see that coming....
Loving the cheeriness despite the recent losses, a few people (me very much included) could do with facing the adversities of variance with the same sunny disposition you display. Don't go chasing those reward points toooo hard, I've been there myself and have ended up barely covering my losses with the extra £££ I 'd earned through grinding.
Quick Q:- How and when did you get into online poker and how would you say you have improved yourself as a player?? I'm guessing you've watched a lot of the televised Highstakes poker back in the good old days cos some of your moves are straight out of the Dwan, Elezra, Ivey handbooks. (That's a compliment btw