We've all seen the kerfuffle around the skill an go competition. There are certainly one or two things I would like to see clarified:
1. In future, any such promotion should be investigated prior to winners or qualifiers being announced.
2. Sky Poker's policy towards collusion and any allegations of cheating should be given a prominent position on the website. It's only right that people know the procedures and what they need to do to report their suspicions, as well as the sanctions they may face if they are tempted.
3. Those sanctions, particularly where it involves promotions including large prize pools, should include the likelihood of evidence being handed to the police. There's no question that collusion is a crime and, while a £1 DYM may not be worth police time, a £5k competition prize would certainly merit it.
I have to admit to being disappointed that it required a particularly vigilant forum member to reveal his suspicions before the skill and go finalists were investigated. That can't be allowed to happen again. There are certainly other issues, though, and I think Sky need to either a) have a think about making their policies more robust or b) be absolutely clear and up-front about existing policies so that people like me may be reassured.
With that said, I'd like to reiterate that the Skill and Go promotion is an excellent idea and should be repeated. Preferably it would be made a constant presence, resetting fortnightly or so... but that's for another thread.
Any additional thoughts?
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1) Anyone with a bit of common sense could see there would be collusion to boost roi
2) Winners don't need further reward, they have had their reward by winning. The people in poker who need extra reward are people who spend money on poker.
SnG promo is one of skys best yet.
I'm assuming you have a gripe as you are not a winning player.
Anyway. That is clearly not the point of the thread. Start another one if you want to start the debate on the pro's and con's of this promo. I guarentee you'l be outnumbered though.
I'm confused.
DTM reported his suspicions correctly to CC?
Nothing was done.
He then did it on the forum?
Something was done.
Doesn't inspire confidence in the system.
I've stopped reporting suspicious behaviour, even self confessed multi accounters (cheats) because nothing appears to get done.
If I then post these suspicions on the forum (without naming names) my posts are deleted and I'm sent a PM warning me not to do it again.
Yet DTM is applauded (rightly so imo)
Inconsistencies? Double standards?
Explanation plz?
That's why I'm confused about the rules and looking for some clarification. Hopefully will get some.
Poker is in decline because rewards are designed for winning players not losing ones. This is the biggest flaw in online poker.
As for me being a winning player. If you don't think I am lets play HU, send me a pm and we will arrange a game.
Every tournament I have ever played turns into an all in pre shove fest. You might as well play roulette.
Again its a poor promotion as it rewards winning players. A business is based on people spending money. We need to see promotions that benefit players who spend money on poker.
The Skill and Go promo was over a 30 game min sample. Over this sample size there is not much of an edge between a long term winner at the game to those with large loses over a much larger sample. It's a sprint. As a result long term winners, pros, recreational players and long term depositing players had only a negligible difference in chances of profiting from it. That is why it attracted so many players to it. So it had pretty much as much of a benefit to long term depositors as anyone else. A similar regular promo on the Big Site has been running for years as it has blocks over an even short sample size.
While the promo is skill based and rewards those who win, the course is a leveller to all. And the fact the course is there encourages people to play, many many people had a run at it, the SnG player pool gets a boost and a lot of people got poker-tainment.
As far as your comments on collusion, you have a good point this promo, as with all SnG based promos these days, are always at risk of collusion, so I can't disagree with you too much there.
so with evidence of collusion during the recent skill and go comp almost completely removed from the forum, I presume that players who were unfortunate to be a victim will not be refunded. Sky Vs Stars?
i'd bet sky doesn't have the sophistication to find the AI hands vs those 2 players and refund the directly affected players as apposed to the whole table.
I recall when I started playing cash, sky would 'hold' my winning for a while so someone could check for patterns of who I played with and that the hands in question made sense.
I'm sure this will have some knock on effects/ramifications etc, but I think the easyest way would be to check your game history and if you have played any of the players involved, then put a complaint in to customer services with the details of your complaint and let them look into it & make a decision based on its individual merit.
Best of luck
just gives the impression if your a priority member its ok