Well for better or worse I pulled the lot out last night. Had a really heavy week work wise so haven't played at all since the weekend. Overall just shy of £700 came out with a peak BR of just over £850. Interestingly I noticed the start of a downswing last Friday, clawed a bit back and then dropped over £100 in one day. When you start on one it hard to get out of it as you seem to get a one all the beats happening one after the other which can sometimes (or used to always) tilt me. Got in the wrong frame of mind and think that if I'd have carried on I'd have just dumped more and more:( Not sure what to do now as I still want to play but needed that money for home improvements so it's not like I can deposit a couple of hundred quid and go again. However, depositing £50 and playing NL4 doesn't really do it as I get bored playing that low and has a blatant disregard for £4 at a time! It's not really big enough for any MTTs unless I get lucky and bink one early or SNG's for that matter. 30/60DYM's aren't an option as I think I'd rather watch paint dry! Anyone got any ideas as I don't really want to put more than £50 back to start over and Mrs FF knows how much is in the bank LOL!:) Posted by freshfish1
I meant withdraw 10% not leave 10%!! Ohwell! You can def comeback from £50 Goodluck!
Ohwell! You can def comeback from £50