i have a style that works for me and is profitable in mtts, i use pokertracker 4 when im playing on other sites though and my stats on there concern me, i think im playing way to tight. my pre flop raise % is around the 15% mark and my 3bet % is only around the 8% mark, am i playing way to tight? you can get away with it and still make good profit but when you see some of the good regs on there with sick profit there pre flop raise % is around the 25% to 30% mark and they are 3 betting around 15% aswell. also anyone who plays me often on here regularly do i come across to tight to you?
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8% 3-Bet is pretty balanced.
15% PFR is pretty tight (For 6-max).
Seems fine then. Standard TAG stats overall.
Wouldn't worry about stats too much tbh. Who cares if your winning £££.
Pre flop 15.2%
66+, A7s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QJo
3bet 8.1%
88+, ATs+, KTs+, QJs, AJo+
I would say it really does come down to what style suits you. If you're comfortable to be opening much wider then go for it. I think somewhere around 20-24% pfr for 6max is fine with a 3bet % of around 12%.
Other things to take a closer look at would be your cbet % and your fold to cbet %, 3bet %
Your cbet % is fine although check cbet success %. Another thing to look for in correlation is your turn cbet%. Example let's say your flop cbet % is 76% but your turn cbet% is ~25% this would make you a floaters dream as they'll call off your cbets and look to take the pot away from you on the turn 75% of the time.
C-bet stats seem fine given your PFR %
I wouldn't recommend 3-betting 12% however unless your comfortable having a 5-bet bluff range.
Example, villain cbets 70% (50% hit, 50% bluff) and we fold 58%. This means we're folding too often and villain can exploit us by cbetting far more often.