Based on your stats this is what you're playing: Pre flop 15.2% 66+, A7s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QJo 3bet 8.1% 88+, ATs+, KTs+, QJs, AJo+ I would say it really does come down to what style suits you. If you're comfortable to be opening much wider then go for it. I think somewhere around 20-24% pfr for 6max is fine with a 3bet % of around 12%. Other things to take a closer look at would be your cbet % and your fold to cbet %, 3bet % Posted by DoubleAAA
My display shows only 3 very basic stats which allow me to multi table micro stakes tournaments more easily, so I'm a noob with stats n stuff, but this looks like a very wide range of hands to be 3betting? Not tight.....
It also assumes 100% of our 3bets are for value? I'd imagine a fair few will be bluffs v late pos openers etc?
Would it be more useful if you could get "stats by chipstack". In level 1/2/3/4 I doubt many winning players will be 3betting this wide.... ?
But with 10-30xbb ish a lot of these are legit re-shoving hands?
Stats appear misleading to me. Prob why I turn them off!
In Response to Re: aggression stats : Cheers DoubleAAA. If we assume 1 in 16 of the hands is a pocket pair so 6% of his hands don't in theory need to hit the flop. So 50% hits flop + 6% pocket pairs that don't need to hit = 56%. Or is that just mathematical bs? lol Posted by jdsallstar
This is getting complicated now lol. Let's say villain plays 25% of hands (25 in 100)so this will mean that 24% (1 in 4 of his played hands) of the time he will have a pocket pair with the remaining 76% being 2 unpaired cards. His unpaired cards will connect with the flop 32.3% (rounded up to 35%).
So in short, 3/4 of his hands will be unpaired and will only connect 1 in 3 times whilst the other 1/4 it will be a pocket pair.
I'm not really sure what you're question is and my brain is fried with all of these percentages
In Response to Re: aggression stats : My display shows only 3 very basic stats which allow me to multi table micro stakes tournaments more easily, so I'm a noob with stats n stuff, but this looks like a very wide range of hands to be 3betting? Not tight..... It also assumes 100% of our 3bets are for value? I'd imagine a fair few will be bluffs v late pos openers etc? Would it be more useful if you could get "stats by chipstack". In level 1/2/3/4 I doubt many winning players will be 3betting this wide.... ? But with 10-30xbb ish a lot of these are legit re-shoving hands? Stats appear misleading to me. Prob why I turn them off! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I guess I play a very LAG style as mine is almost 10% (probably a leak) and was trying to get the rock to loosen up!
I suppose looking at it again the 8% is fine for 6max (could even go lower to ~6%) and would be somewhat high for full ring.
In Response to Re: aggression stats : With villain hitting the flop 35% your fold flop cbet% is a bit too high. I'd look to not fold too easily on the flop, floating or raising slightly more. Your cbet % is fine although check cbet success %. Another thing to look for in correlation is your turn cbet%. Example let's say your flop cbet % is 76% but your turn cbet% is ~25% this would make you a floaters dream as they'll call off your cbets and look to take the pot away from you on the turn 75% of the time. Posted by DoubleAAA
In Response to Re: aggression stats : This is getting complicated now lol. Let's say villain plays 25% of hands (25 in 100)so this will mean that 24% (1 in 4 of his played hands) of the time he will have a pocket pair with the remaining 76% being 2 unpaired cards. His unpaired cards will connect with the flop 32.3% (rounded up to 35%). So in short, 3/4 of his hands will be unpaired and will only connect 1 in 3 times whilst the other 1/4 it will be a pocket pair. I'm not really sure what you're question is and my brain is fried with all of these percentages Posted by DoubleAAA
lol I have a habit of doing that!
I was just trying to think through what percentage of the time we should continue vs a cbet.
In Response to Re: aggression stats : This is getting complicated now lol. Let's say villain plays 25% of hands (25 in 100)so this will mean that 24% (1 in 4 of his played hands) of the time he will have a pocket pair with the remaining 76% being 2 unpaired cards. His unpaired cards will connect with the flop 32.3% (rounded up to 35%). So in short, 3/4 of his hands will be unpaired and will only connect 1 in 3 times whilst the other 1/4 it will be a pocket pair. I'm not really sure what you're question is and my brain is fried with all of these percentages Posted by DoubleAAA
How is 'connecting' with the flop defined - is this specific to hitting a made hand or does this also include flopped flush/straight draws which still have huge equity and are legitimately c-betting?
If it only counts made hands (pair or better) then would the 'ideal' fold to c-bet percentage need to be a bit higher, given we are often going to behind to strong draws.
Are the 3-bet ranges discussed in here specific to tournaments, or is 8-12% 3-bet consiered to be a good range to be within at cash also?
This is invariably way too advanced for someone at my level to really utilise, but the stat side of poker has always been oddly interesting.
The less we open, the more we should c-bet in general. (Also the less we defend to an open, the more we should be willing to continue vs a c-bet, depending on the opener ofc)
I open a lot of BTN's and quite a few CO's in tournaments but if a tight player calls me and I have opened with garbage I will c-bet very infrequently. This is an aspect of my tournament strategy I've changed from what I used to do - in the past I would open very wide but also c-bet wide which meant I either had to give up OTT a lot or I would get into situations where I fire too many barrels as a bluff or stack off lighter post-flop because I assumed people were playing back at me because of how wide I was.
Suppose we min-open BTN 100% of the time and we get folds 65% of the time. We automatically show a profit from this even if we just always give up post flop when called. Playing a small ball approach and just exploiting people folding too much is just a great way to steadily accumulate chips in a tournament!
It also assumes 100% of our 3bets are for value? I'd imagine a fair few will be bluffs v late pos openers etc?
Would it be more useful if you could get "stats by chipstack". In level 1/2/3/4 I doubt many winning players will be 3betting this wide.... ?
But with 10-30xbb ish a lot of these are legit re-shoving hands?
Stats appear misleading to me. Prob why I turn them off!
So in short, 3/4 of his hands will be unpaired and will only connect 1 in 3 times whilst the other 1/4 it will be a pocket pair.
I'm not really sure what you're question is and my brain is fried with all of these percentages
I suppose looking at it again the 8% is fine for 6max (could even go lower to ~6%) and would be somewhat high for full ring.
If it only counts made hands (pair or better) then would the 'ideal' fold to c-bet percentage need to be a bit higher, given we are often going to behind to strong draws.
Are the 3-bet ranges discussed in here specific to tournaments, or is 8-12% 3-bet consiered to be a good range to be within at cash also?
This is invariably way too advanced for someone at my level to really utilise, but the stat side of poker has always been oddly interesting.