When multi tabling I have to completely close sky & reboot it around 10 times a night as the lag gets so bad I can't play my hands and every hand is gettin folded.
Anyone else getting the same? And is there anything that can be done to fix it. I am losing seats at tables because of this and its very frustrating. Has been happening around 3 weeks now.
I fired it up at 07:00 this morning as an experiment, and launched 7 active tables and left them running minimized (I didn't join the tables).
At that point skypoker.exe was using about 430,000K of memory.
At 08:00 the memory usage by skypoker.exe was at 820,000K, still with those same 7 tables running minimized.
I will keep them running to see how the memory usage goes and report back.
What I have been experiencing is 'game freeze' so for instance I can have one table that will freeze up whilst the other table I am playing on is perfectly fine, and then the frozen table will suddenly come to life again on my action but with the timer almost running out (sometimes it does run out).
There is nothing wrong with my internet connection, adobe air has been updated to the latest, along with flash etc.
There is obviously something that sky have changed to the software that is causing this to happen. It cannot be anything at my end that is causing this as that simply would not make any sense for 1 table to freeze whilst another plays fine. I wonder if it has something to do with the ports that Sky Client uses and they have recently changed this, perhaps there could be some kind of blockage with the data being sent from Sky?
From what you guys have said above, there is clearly a memory leak with the software, which sky should look to fix asap. They should also be able to replicate this in house just by simply doing what Noseybonk has done.
Update: Thought I would add my comp specs: Dual Core 3Ghz, 8Gb Ram, 1TB Hard Drive.
Clearly my system is perfectly fine for running 1 or 2 tables on sky poker (infact should run 10 tables easy) Also memory leak will not be the cause of my problem as I get this issue as soon as I open the Sky client and open 1 table and start playing. It also happens if I am just watching 1 table and not playing.
After about 5 minutes playing my 3G Watchdog App told me I was up to 75% usage of my monthly allowance, didn't think much of it, but then about 15 minutes later it told me I had used 100%!! I have 500MB allowance a month, so in the space of 20 minutes just one table had used about 150MB.
I last used 3G a couple of years ago and it used next to no data through the whole night. Definately seems to be an issue with the download client as shouldn't use that much data for just a single table.
I didn't have anything else running on the laptop, but I am no PC expert so could of been something else going on in the background although seems unlikely.
Silver lining is, it will be a much better experience for 1 tabling recreational players if people cant mass multitable. Must be an annoying experience watching people taking 20 seconds every hand to do basic pre flop decisions.
You won't have much hope of doing anything once you're in that 84-100% zone! Could be hardware limitation.. but could equally be something in the setup. Windows is good like that....
Is this something we can fix ourselves or is it a problem that SKY should be able to do something about?
*edit DoubleAAA beat me to it!
Hi chaps,
I suffer from memory leak even without turning my computer on, I thought it was part of the ageing process.
Clearly, I understand none of the thread, I'm not techie-minded, though I think I readily grasped Nosey Bonk's helpful stuff.
Anyway, as per usual-schmusual in these matters, I'll send the thread upstairs, tout de suite.