Hi chaps, I suffer from memory leak even without turning my computer on, I thought it was part of the ageing process. Clearly, I understand none of the thread, I'm not techie-minded, though I think I readily grasped Nosey Bonk's helpful stuff. Anyway, as per usual-schmusual in these matters, I'll send the thread upstairs, tout de suite . Posted by Tikay10
Thank you Tikay. If you could also highlight my problem which I have given in detail within this thread it would be much appreciated as because of this problem it has limited my playing this past month as it's no fun constantly having your table freeze-up on you, sending me on tilt!
No prob AAA, & I'm genuinely sorry you & others seem to have a problem at the mo.
I'll not "highlight" your problem as such, the most effective way I can deal with these threads is to send them upstairs, to the right people, & when I do that, I can 100% guarantee they'll read them properly. I know a man who knows a man & all that. It's remarkably effective.
No prob AAA, & I'm genuinely sorry you & others seem to have a problem at the mo. I'll not "highlight" your problem as such, the most effective way I can deal with these threads is to send them upstairs, to the right people, & when I do that, I can 100% guarantee they'll read them properly. I know a man who knows a man & all that. It's remarkably effective. Posted by Tikay10
Am at my wits end, i got 1 table open and my CPU usage is between 85, 100% fans working like mad etc, table lagging. PLEASE PLEASE SKY tell us what the problem is .
Am at my wits end, i got 1 table open and my CPU usage is between 85, 100% fans working like mad etc, table lagging. PLEASE PLEASE SKY tell us what the problem is . Posted by REDARROW61
(Please see my reply to DTWBANDIT earlier) Is it skypoker.exe causing that much CPU usage?
Am at my wits end, i got 1 table open and my CPU usage is between 85, 100% fans working like mad etc, table lagging. PLEASE PLEASE SKY tell us what the problem is . Posted by REDARROW61
Just to add my input: Open Sky poker through Firefox (nothing else running). Click on "Community" to view forum - CPU @ approx 5% Click on a lobby Tournaments or Sit n Go - CPU @ approx 30% Open 1 table to observe - CPU approx 50% Open 2 tables to observe - CPU approx 75% So does that mean i could save some CPU by closing lobby when playing? Posted by VespaPX
Hi Vespa, that's an odd one. I struggle to get my CPU util anywhere near that high with the browser version (via Firefox which is my preferred choice). I'm not sure how many tables I'd need to open to obtain such a high stat as 30% util (I'm running an Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4Mhz). I'll experiment......
I don't play cash, but I do have a problem when playing MTT's in that if I check the lobby and then close it down during play, any tables active just reboot. Takes maybe half a minute to get them back up and running properly, no biggie but means I have to check the lobby at strategic times.
Seems if i play just 1 table at a time not as much lagging tried it tonight CPU Usage was between 30% & 40%, also tried another site just in case it was me lappy but managed to open 3 tables with no problems so i'm at a loss as to why i can't run 3 tables on here.Which means i won't be able to play my beloved Forum DTD as you need to be able to run 3 tables at same time which unfortunately is impossible for me at this time as the CPU Usage shoots upto 84% - 100%.
Was experiencing the same problems and started a thread a few weeks back. Was told its still possible to revert back to the old tables. Its not ideal but better than the software completly crashing 2 or 3 times a session.
In Response to Re: Serious Lag when multi tabling : Hi Vespa, that's an odd one. I struggle to get my CPU util anywhere near that high with the browser version (via Firefox which is my preferred choice). I'm not sure how many tables I'd need to open to obtain such a high stat as 30% util (I'm running an Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4Mhz). I'll experiment...... Posted by NoseyBonk
That cpu still benchmarks in the top 100 even being a few years old.
Most will be playing with drastically inferior cpu's & probably less ram to boot.
Considering this new software has been developed with people playing on phones & tablets just about any laptop/desktop should not struggle if done properly.
I have recorded a 00:20sec video which shows the problem I am having. I have zipped the file but its ~110mb so just wondering how I can get it to your tech guys?
I also closed the client and tried to play in teh browser but it was constantly freezing there.
This thread has been noted and passed on to our technical team for them to have a look at.
DTM- Screenshots will be very welcome
DoubleAAA - I will get in touch with you, the video will be very useful
Whilst we are looking into this please remember that if you do find you have less issues with the old tables you can still use them. This is done through Help & Support (above the chat box) then scrolling down to Problems With The New Tables.
I will continue to monitor this thread whilst working with the tech guys so any more screenshots or information that you have will be very useful.
No prob AAA, & I'm genuinely sorry you & others seem to have a problem at the mo.
I'll not "highlight" your problem as such, the most effective way I can deal with these threads is to send them upstairs, to the right people, & when I do that, I can 100% guarantee they'll read them properly. I know a man who knows a man & all that. It's remarkably effective.
Open Sky poker through Firefox (nothing else running).
Click on "Community" to view forum - CPU @ approx 5%
Click on a lobby Tournaments or Sit n Go - CPU @ approx 30%
Open 1 table to observe - CPU approx 50%
Open 2 tables to observe - CPU approx 75%
So does that mean i could save some CPU by closing lobby when playing?
Could be my laptop of course!
I have recorded a 00:20sec video which shows the problem I am having. I have zipped the file but its ~110mb so just wondering how I can get it to your tech guys?
I also closed the client and tried to play in teh browser but it was constantly freezing there.
Also the SnG's aren't loading in time so I'm sat out for the first 4 or 5 hands before the window pops up. In hypers this is obviously a big deal.