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Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Stuart Rutter *****show thread*****



  • ctbnctbn Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Stuart Rutter *****show thread*****:

    Posted by Tikay10
    i did post a reply to this teacake but sky must have removed.
  • ctbnctbn Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited May 2014
    Good evening Mrs champion and Mr Tikay.
    Sent a post in earlier when Mr Rutter was due on show, as earlier post said the great man himself Mr Thew has agreed to play the £2.20 @2.20 DEEPSTACK on the 4th June , would be excellent if you could also find the time to participate as you were the person to first get the ball rolling, and are considered by many to be the ENGLISH  Doyle Brunson.
    All the best
  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Stuart Rutter *****show thread*****:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Stuart Rutter *****show thread***** : Yup, 'tis true, I shall be joining Miss Champion on tonight's Show, as Stu is unwell. Into each life, & all that.....  
    Posted by Tikay10

    How many are logged into Sky???lol

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited May 2014
    Allo Sarah. Allo Tikay.

    If I was a poker hand I'd be Pocket Aces. For obvious reasons - I'm the best... and... everyone's always happy to see me at the tables. lol

    That works well with you being pocket Jacks too, Sarah, because of course I beat you four times out of five. :D

    Poker is a game, not a sport. On any given day, without outside interference or officiating errors, the best competitors will always win in a sport. Sometimes injury or force majeure affect the outcome but otherwise the team that plays the best will win; The fastest runner wins the race.

    In poker, the element of chance means that the player that plays the best may lose. That makes Poker a game of chance and not a sport.

    Horse racing is not a sport, either. Not for the jockey anyway. He's just clinging on and pointing the horse in the right direction. The horse does all the work.

    Have a great show.
  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2014

    Found a photo of Tikay just after make-up prior to the start of the show lol :)

  • ctbnctbn Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Stuart Rutter *****show thread*****:
    Found a photo of Tikay just after make-up prior to the start of the show lol :) Chris POKEY2011
    Posted by POKEY2011
    chris they never approved mine,,,,of the old guy
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,645
    edited May 2014
    THe Mrs. (who is a BIG Stu Rutter fan) wants to know why Stu's grandad is doing the show!!  OK I fibbed a bit.. 
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    Evening all, going too play some mastercash then back at ten for some more, moving out so busy packing in between, no time for the main and mini. :(

    id say its a game,     we do say  "im playing a game of poker tonight"

    if I was a hand id probally be 72off, mainly im not very good, I have too flop the world too win so I need luck rather than skill, or would have too try and bluff it through and get called and look silly anyway.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,705
    edited May 2014
    Sarah - I'm going to see The Eagles next weekend in Glasgow. I saw them in 2001 as well. Fantastic band - note perfect!
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    can we get a pic of tikay doing his   joe   "paul" walsh  impression for a caption competition
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    heres tikay in the bedroom
  • MikeycbMikeycb Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2014
    Hi Guys,

    Good show so far hope Stuart gets well soon! 

    Just managed to sat into the main event for 3.30! im a ME virgin so guys please be gentle.

    Also are we doing last longer tonight even though i wont get that far :-) but please count me in



  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited May 2014

    Is Poker a sport or a game?

    For many years people have been lobbying to make bridge an Olympic event, so why not poker? People would have to play exactly the same hands from the same position to eliminate the luck factor, but why not?

    And you don't need to sweat to make it a sport - dressage is an olympic event and the only thing that sweats is the horse!

  • alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited May 2014
    Sarah - Having conducted thorough research, i discovered Coconut Milk actually improves poker profitability

    Ask richard orford, he has seen the magic of coconut milk first hand many a time, i ask you to join me in this challenge and see if it can up your game?
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    Ive played at work on my phone, on my lunchbreak, nothing up with a bit of 8nl for an hour before having too go back. or if im in early in the morning I can load it up, actually finding im having too take my charger too work now :)
  • Ice_TigerIce_Tiger Member Posts: 1,533
    edited May 2014
    Great show so far guys.

    Great analysis Tikay. You actually said exactly what I was thinking, particularly the bit about "Got to call because hit the hand I played for." I actually said that out loud at the time.

    * Flush on river hand*
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited May 2014
    It's most certainly a game. A very beautiful game. One that brings all ages and backgrounds together. Sport doesn't quite do that.

    Also thanks for TK for his post on my thread.
  • KaraWS104KaraWS104 Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2014

    Evening all, if I was a poker hand:


    Never would I be seen as anything but A,K unsuited. It is

    gonna dominate most other hands & played in the right way

    give hours of pleasure. Of course, played badly it can send

    you to the rails or worse still leave you beat

    up badly.

    Never 100% reliable it’ll be adequate for most situations you

    gonna encounter down the streets but don’t overestimate it or

    let it mislead else one day it could well turn around and bite

    you. All-in, pre-flop, it could be a flip but it could take

    down a big pot though be careful of a slow roll or worse being rick rolled!

  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited May 2014
    Tikay says that you should never limp. But is it OK to call a limp or should you always raise it up? How about a series of limpers? Is it always right to squeeze?

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