In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £521.29).... profit from £5 games...+£62.00 : When Dev fancies a game of poker he rolls a dice to make sure his luck is ok today. If it comes higher than a 2, he's good to go. If he rolls a 2 or lower, it's not his day, so he gives it a miss. Today must've been a 1 or a 2. It's always best to book the break even result. Theres no rush, tomorrow is a new day ! Dev Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Now that's not a bad idea....Wonder if it works?
Not sure if I have any dice...wonder if I could use a pack of playing cards instead? hummmmmm.
hi buddy your gonna have to pick dym's im not sat in to keep up the nice to put a face to a regular take it easy now... your pretty old lol
hi buddy your gonna have to pick dym's im not sat in to keep up the nice to put a face to a regular take it easy now... your pretty old lol Posted by 62crew62
Ha Ha
cheers 62
yes as I'm only playing the 1 table atm, I am being quite selective & keeping away from as many good reg's as possible...
day 174 saturday 6/12/14 2x£5 LOST £1.00 B/R £548.64 PTS 57 £5 GAMES W 1 L 1 TOTAL W 193 L 146 PROFIT +£65.50 game 1 bubble aipf with AK called by QQ lost game 2 ran rubbish lost biggie with 888 to fl on river, aipf v next shortie AJ V 55 hit J shortie's out next hand, so no complaints as 'booking the £1 loss' is a fair result. Posted by devonfish5
I wish that when I run rubbish I won flips and cashed
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £549.64).... profit from £5 games...+£66.50 : ? I wish that when I run rubbish I won flips and cashed Posted by Jac35
Ha Ha jac,
I meant over the 2 games but I see your point, I didn't put it across so well.
nice to put a face to a regular
take it easy now... your pretty old lol