I didn't think I should use it but my brother thought it was ok to do so.
totally agree Stuart about volume but as I am still in the early stages of trying to beat the £5's this time around, playing with caution has been my priority up until now anyway.
cheers hhy, you are right of course.
ha ha gran.
I am going to try playing more games from now on as my confidence is pretty good right now & with my b/r slowly getting bigger too, each loss is becoming less important.
I'll try & play 3x£5 & 3x£3 as I did last session for the next few days & see how that goes.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £618.84).... profit from £5 games...+£76.00 : At last Devon )) GL Posted by gran23
ha ha,
you knew it was coming gran... it was only a matter of time lol
Get on those tables Devon lol Todays xmas promo is the same as the other days, top 100 get £20 and prio excluded You came 100th with 278 points the other day so you now know what is needed 350-400 to be safe ? GL if you go for it Posted by gran23
Cheers gran,
todays includes cash players too, so might make a diference I think.
deffo going to need more than last time & think 350-400 as you say would be the minimum.
see how I feel, but got lucky last time, so maybe give today a miss as it is hard work & ok last time i finished level from playing, i might not be so lucky today.
never say never though, see how i feel tonight lol
edit[ just been chatting with bro & he thinks it could be 500 points needed, so deffo not going to bother, not for 20 squid, if it was £100 yeah, then i'd go for it, even £50...maybe
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £632.64).... profit from £5 games...+£75.00 : Todays is exactly the same as the one you came 100th in mate That one also included cash players GLGL Posted by gran23
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £632.64).... profit from £5 games...+£75.00 : No mate i am certain it was all players Also the last one was on a friday when people finish work earlier etc etc and i dont think todays will have as much traffic. GL whatever you decide to do Posted by gran23
question, regarding points /bonus won from playing £5 games.... played 385 games = 1925 points = £19.25 won in bonus... can I/should I include that in my profit column for the £5 games? or is it seperate & goes down as 'simply bonus money' at the end of each month? just thought I'd put it out there to see peeps opinions, cheers, dev Posted by devonfish5
hi dev, congrats on the steady progress. as to your question i'm a big believer in accurate attribution when analysing performance. so if by playing the 5.50s you have earned rakeback then include it. and for monthly analysis include it in the month it was earned, not when received. one way to think about it is that you overpaid the rake when you entered the dym. so your win/lose was a little worse than it should have been, and adding in the rakeback just adjusts for the lower actual rake you have effectively paid.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £613.49).... profit from £5 games...+£82.00 : hi dev, congrats on the steady progress. as to your question i'm a big believer in accurate attribution when analysing performance. so if by playing the 5.50s you have earned rakeback then include it. and for monthly analysis include it in the month it was earned, not when received. one way to think about it is that you overpaid the rake when you entered the dym. so your win/lose was a little worse than it should have been, and adding in the rakeback just adjusts for the lower actual rake you have effectively paid. Posted by GELDY
Thanks Geldy,
I did think that by playing the higher £5 games where imo the edge of winning is arguably reduced than the £3 level,
that if you added on your rakeback to your overall profits of playing, then this would help balance that out a little.
I can see why some are saying not to include it, but I guess it's a personal thing & maybe there is no right or wrong here.
I never though about the 'rake' as such as it's always been 10%, but you make a good case for adding rakeback on.
I'm still unsure as to what to do, so for now I'll leave things as they are I think.
but i do think that the more you play & the more rakeback received should be looked upon as a reward & should be included somewhere along with your profits, even though as hhy made the point that you get them regardless of winning or losing, but as long as you are a winning player per say, then I can't see any problem adding rakeback on to that.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £620.14).... profit from £5 games...+£74.00 : Wow 7/8 BI's on 1 bet. Dev are you one of those people who drive 20mph on on the motorway but do 60mph in a 30 zone? gl though. Posted by splashies
Ha Ha,
i drive at 28mph & 60-65 mph respectively lol
I only have the occasional bet & I guess betting on the 16 times world champion is about as safe as you can get, lol
I nearly had £90 on Peter Wright @ 2/9 to win £20 (wish I had, he won 3-0) lol but thought better of it.
anyway, back to today, toothache has eased off so feeling better, not sure why it came & went, saw the dentist & she couldn't see any problem, hope that's it but I've got my doubts.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £580.14).... profit from £5 games...+£73.00 : Well Done on giving it a shot Devon, 153 games today so thats 153 days work packed into 1 lol, you deserve the day off today my friend. Im sure you should have enough for a top 50 spot so if your gonna have a bad day at the tables it might aswell be one like today when sky are kind enough to refund your losses. Im thinking maybe 1 game per day from now on is the way forward and book the win or loss to limit any damage On a more serious note though i think 4-6 tables is prob a more optimum amount for you to play at any one time cos although 12 tables etc are ok for rake races it must reduce your win rate playing so many at once and that said i dont think today is a true reflection on your £5 dym game. GLGL Posted by gran23
Thanks my friend, what a lovely post & a lovely way to start off my Sunday. ty
the 1st session where all the damage was done I was playing 12 tables, obviously for the maximum points.
after that in session 2 It dropped to 10 then eventually 8 for the rest of the day & that felt fine tbh.
If I could turn the clock back then I would have played the 8 all day long & I think would have broken even.
anyway, another lesson learnt, & so it goes on lol
as you say 4-6 is my way forward from now on maybe trying 8 again sometime for a session or two, & see if this is +ev or not.
no regrets though & IF I make the bonus with the £8 poker points added on it still equates to around £47 profit -:)
back in May/June I think it was it took me a whole month to make £45 playing the £1 games.. lol
so I'll take that for a few hours grinding lol
as to the £5 profit. obviously I'm gutted it's dropped from £73 to £11 in 1 session, but I'll hopefully rebuild it up again.
I'll still go ahead & play 3x£5 & 3x£3 sessions as originally planned, even if it means I go in the red for a while, as I'm sure you are all right in saying I should up my volume... well a bit anyway. lol
day off today, going out for Christmas lunch with the family, so that's always good fun -:)
anyway gran, have a nice Sunday yourself & best wishes as always mate.
Congrats dev well done on the 100quid makes up for yesterday. 300 odd got into the top 50 if i knew it was going to be that low i may have tried lol Plus you will get a nice bonus at the end of the month now propbably over the 3000 points so you could be close to £700 by new year. Posted by stuarty117
Thanks Stuart,
yeah, you just never know how many points you need on these things do you.
still you'll remember for next time
I could have had the whole evening off & watched the darts lol