Dear Joe, If I am offered this opportunity as your sidekick I will adopt a 3 Joe beers to my 1 policy at all social events and outings to deter all felons who wish to attack you. for nights in the bars I will throw all our pool games, the strategy is to keep all the girls present to impress them with your cue ball control ( amongst others) and hopefully poker of a different variety can be arranged if they would like to come back to the pad! I do not ask for any annual leave and would be willing to work a week for trial purposes. sincerely yours,
Ross Jarvis has been specifically mentioned in the WSOP live reporting, apparently the first level has gone "terrible" but he is still enjoying himself. He is down to 2,000 from his 3,000 starting stack.
Stapes, there is few reasons why I would be your perfect PA but the main, and most important reason is I the tune and every single word of the Chop Pot song. I know that is impressive, and I may be over-quallified, but can help if you ever forget them.
If you didn't like the nickname, the last thing you should have done is say so. Now I'm never going to stop using it. "Bowser" is much better than "Jeff", I think.
Secondly, why does Joe get to be on your friends list and I don't? Is it because I call you fat and refer to you as a man or a videogame monster? Those aren't very good reasons. Prrrfffttt!! Picky Anna Fowler, eh?
Off to watch your favourites, Argentina, win now. Enjoy/endure the last hour of the show.
Yeah, Facebook friends... Decline my request, will ya?! Sarah's my friend, though, so I got the better one.
Good to hear I'm equally as charming as Stapes. Friend zoning is fine with me, Anna. I've got standards, after all. You never had a chance with me, lass.
Also, if Joe just needs someone to go to the shops for him, I can do that. I'm big enough to carry him home at night, too. I'm not married and am quite pretty, though, so all the ladies in the clubs might gravitate to me. That's what usually happens. *cough*
I know some strippers and a few sleezy bars!
Can work on my own initiave and or part of a team!!
Let the C see the V.....