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2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.:
    Yesterday railed whitebeast in the roller early stages and then followed some really good sky regs in the middle stages to make notes and learn. Biggest job yesterday was finishing the garden project. Needed to move our 8ft shed (shed was being selfish and getting all the sun) and this meant taking it all apart. This was when you realise what great friends and work colleagues are all about. Had mentioned before my holiday to the cleaning team about my plans for my hol. Low and behold I get a call asking if I needed a hand. They came over, with much better tools than I, and made an all day job into a 3 hour one.  Would they accept anything as a thanks? Nope, not a bean!  Which made me think about how many times I have been given, or seen others getting given great advise on the community for no personal gain from the players.  A lot has been said of the community side dropping.... Yeah sure lost a few regulars but gained a lot of nice new people of late too. On the poker front, just stuck to the few HU I can squeeze in, is all about the main and mini tomorrow :) Got to dash, the blind people are on there way over to measure up :)  Have a great day all
    Posted by Nuggy962
    You sure about that? :-)
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    Cheeky deep run in half 9 last night. Really enjoying the game at present.

    Made a bad call in main as I let the table dynamics dictate my game. Was playing fast and furious, great fun to watch, not so to be involved. Took two heads and was out all with in the first hour (two heads were for 1k, both short) then reraised KQ and got it all in vs a check shove on k,J,8 rainbow, new should of folded, crazily put him on a draw or rubbish k (seen all in call with k 2 from same guy) always a fold so deep though, no need to call 60bigs early doors. Showed me J8 for gg.

    Mini took two heads, bluffed wrong time and left me short for a flip later and gg

    HU - well that was not a good day - variance and some poor bet sizing to let them get there cost me. Had fun though in the main, got a question on trolling on the forum, happened to me and a reg guy I talk to about poker on and off the tables.

    Today the good lady is getting her hair cut - is in Weston, half hour drive and will take 4 hours!! This means the mrs will leave me home alone for this time so the dreaded bottle feed HAS to happen today! Ahhhh feel under prepped, no bottle no food for Casey, which means crying baby for last hour haha.

    Have a great day all - I may be a tad stressed by the end of mine haha
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    Last game of the week for me today as got Dad staying over Thursday night, Mum Friday and a 1 year old party on the Saturday (joys of parent hood, get invited to all the heavy nights)

    Today I went mad on the garden, got my rattan furniture ordered and being delivered Friday, built the outside heater (basically a huge fire but controlled in a very big tin lol), put a 3ft security pin in and chained it up! To say the customer service at B&Q was poor is an understatement. Kids huh! 

    Got my lady her surprise present today :) can't wait to get the phone call when at work Tuesday when it is delivered :) all thanks to poker too :) a good April / May led to a double BR to £1k. As I am not trying to build the roll, just play for fun thought better of taking out and half for my daughter bank and half for a surprise for my lady :) 

    So tonight's poker, mini was fun but short, shorty shoves for 1k, I reshove my QQ thinking happy days, lamboi calls me..... Oops lol, AA vs AK vs QQ for gg

    Main, got up to 9k early and lving life, had another mtt up £500 guaranteed, took eye of main and blinds caught up, shoved QJ (13bb) on button and snapped by Darts K6 for gg

    £500 mtt was FT bubble boy :) so close for another Ft but no complaints :) 

    Have a great week all, I will no doubt rail the amazing weekend for Vegas!!! Come around so quick 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,188
    edited May 2015


    Did you catch the recent series on BBC, "Secret Life of the Motorway"?

    If not, you ought to try & catch it in the BBC I-Player. Really excellent.

    It's the history of British Motorways, & Episode 2 (of 3) in particular, majored on Motorway Service Stations, from when they first opened, at least half of the Show was about them.

    It was utterly fascinating, an opinion you would share, though not many others, I suspect.
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.:
    Nuggy, Did you catch the recent series on BBC, "Secret Life of the Motorway"? If not, you ought to try & catch it in the BBC I-Player. Really excellent. It's the history of British Motorways, & Episode 2 (of 3) in particular, majored on Motorway Service Stations, from when they first opened, at least half of the Show was about them. It was utterly fascinating, an opinion you would share, though not many others, I suspect.
    Posted by Tikay10
    That should get the baby to sleep no problem, good call Tikay.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,188
    edited May 2015


  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.:
    Nuggy, Did you catch the recent series on BBC, "Secret Life of the Motorway"? If not, you ought to try & catch it in the BBC I-Player. Really excellent. It's the history of British Motorways, & Episode 2 (of 3) in particular, majored on Motorway Service Stations, from when they first opened, at least half of the Show was about them. It was utterly fascinating, an opinion you would share, though not many others, I suspect.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi TK, thank you for the recommendation, was a bit slow at times but I am fascinated with how far the uk has come in such a short time. Bring back those days where the services were full but roads are empty! Oh and the whole no speed limit bit :)

    My dad is 82, I never knew motorways did not excisit when he first passed his test. This ended up in a fair few hours conversation this eve as I invited him over to watch and stay over. Sleep over with dad, daughter asleep and wifey out with friends. Perfect eve........

    But I topped it, dad went to bed at 9 so loaded up mini, half 9 and £22 £1.5k BH.  Another small cash but again super happy with that. Ul to go out 25bb effective with my kk vs AK all in pre for gg.

    Great evening of good TV, great company and a few hours entertainment waiting for good lady to come home :)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,188
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.:
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work. : Hi TK, thank you for the recommendation, was a bit slow at times but I am fascinated with how far the uk has come in such a short time. Bring back those days where the services were full but roads are empty! Oh and the whole no speed limit bit :) My dad is 82, I never knew motorways did not excisit when he first passed his test. This ended up in a fair few hours conversation this eve as I invited him over to watch and stay over. Sleep over with dad, daughter asleep and wifey out with friends. Perfect eve........ But I topped it, dad went to bed at 9 so loaded up mini, half 9 and £22 £1.5k BH.  Another small cash but again super happy with that. Ul to go out 25bb effective with my kk vs AK all in pre for gg. Great evening of good TV, great company and a few hours entertainment waiting for good lady to come home :)
    Posted by Nuggy962
    I thought the Shows were, in effect, a social history of England over the last 50 years, & utterly fascinating to see how times & habits have changed. In those days, the Motorway itself, & Service Stations, were destinations in themselves.

    What shall we do at the weekend, Dear?

    We could go for a ride up the Motorway if you like

    Ooh yes, wonderful.

    And another thing, we could spend the afternoon at a Motorway Service Station.

    Really? Oh my, that would be fantastic, a real treat.
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work.:
    In Response to Re: 2015 diary - Goal - profitable in life, sensible in poker, crazy in love, and lucky in work. : I thought the Shows were, in effect, a social history of England over the last 50 years, & utterly fascinating to see how times & habits have changed. In those days, the Motorway itself, & Service Stations, were destinations in themselves. What shall we do at the weekend, Dear? We could go for a ride up the Motorway if you like Ooh yes, wonderful. And another thing, we could spend the afternoon at a Motorway Service Station . Really? Oh my, that would be fantastic, a real treat.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    How things do change...... Certainly not those vibes now a days 
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    First day back at work today, very busy as the lovely weather weekend brought everyone out thus a busy day on the roads this afternoon.

    Poker wise, played a lot yesterday to tune of about £50 down, good fun though, few close runs in super roller sat but no real charge in an mtt.

    Loved railing the main event and VLV final. Atmosphere was great and anyone who was anyone was there, even if bhoys and da.g was having some strange convo's haha.

    Main and mini today with a splash of 21:30 £11 on the menu today.

    Run well all
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited May 2015
    What a first week back at work. Busy busy busy! Few nasty accidents caused havoc on the roads and people came in there 1000's for a quick loo break and a coffee before tackling the mighty British motorway network. 
    Still managed some volume of poker, picked up on the HU this week and ended slightly ahead so happy enough.
    Mtt's were great fun, limped into main event cash finally getting busted when I had no option but to shove suited connectors on the button for 12bb and was looked up by solacks k5, which held for gg.
    Goals for June:

    Earn 100 points a week
    Finish top 20 in a £1k freerole
    Cash in 15% of mtt's entered
    1 x mtt final table!
    Play 100 HU
    Smash profit target
    Initiate 2 x managers hired
    Get ready for family holiday to Greece 
    Get Casey on the bottle (rolled over from last set of goals)
    Reduce impulse spending ( my garden is not big enough for anything else and attic is full )

  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    So today I had my toughest crowd when doing a presentation....... A primary school assembly! 

    Today I had the pleasure of presenting one of our adopted schools £1k in free books for them. I was going expecting a 5 minute slot to present the books, shake the heads hand and pose for a picture for records. Turned out it was an assembly just for us to fill the time and give a talk to all 100 kids. Presenting to an audience of 5-10 year olds is not my normal area and felt massively under prepared. To make pressures bubble up a bit more, local press was there too. Is nerve racking watching them scribble notes, hoping I do not make a boo boo and end up front page news :)
    Luckily, just thought on my feet and tried to talk like I would to the nephew with few facts to keep the ex navey head master and teachers awake.

    Seemed to go well, had some amazingly cute questions from the perfectly behaved children, best ones being, "if I stop somewhere on way to holiday will I see you?" And my top one, "do you get a break" thinking of taking that child with me to remind me to have one once in a while :) all for a good cause and a real perk of the job. Got to play some "around the world" table tennis vs the year 6 council members - needless to say I was pictured loosing this terribly!
    Very fun day today.... SHame got a days office work to catch up on tomorrow :)

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2015
    did better than cameron and abbott then

  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015
    Good luck for June Nuggy.
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    Hahaha love that geldy ! Had a few of those moments when briefing a team before now. They keep head up but can see in their eyes they want to but crack the desk.

    Thank Time, 10 HU in and 30 points to the good, oh and a 9w 1l record #thinBrag haha
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    Mtt played 5 cashed one main = 20%
    HU P21 w13
    103 points for week so can slow down. 
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    13th June poker update 

    HU played 40, won 24

    Mtt = played 20, cashed in 6 = 30%

    2 x final tables in month too :) 

    Free roles, out of 3, cashed one for 250th out of 1200
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    So as you can see, poker going ok, actually slightly down over all despite some good numbers for me just being a rec. main reason being not cashed or run deep in any of the £55 or £33 but hitting the £11 and mini's £5.50 pretty well

    Work has been, as expected before a holiday , very hectic due to getting everything ready for a glorious 17 days off with the family. Had a new McDonald's open up near one of the sites, but the profit vs target still well ahead. Had an amazing May and great start to June. Even with the new competition opening up, we are confident this will only have a minor impact and not one that will change the affected sites run rate too much :)

    On way home yesterday managed to "clip" the kerb in the jag resulting in a nice £100 tracking bill. Booked in for a service at same time, this will keep my warranty guys happy in a def +ev move ;)

    Just about all set for the holiday.  It is now at the point  where the weight limits are being tested. I packed clever, but still manage to be having to give up my essentials so the wife can pack one more pair of "what if" shoes. Not really fair huh,?  My mother calls me every day telling me what I should and should not pack / book etc. last time I checked last family hol was 15 years ago, surely as I am taking her with us it is I whom makes the rules? No? That's mothers for you, love them to bits :). All very excited to be off as a family, glad in a posistion to make it happen, family holidays are by far the best 

    Casey has not taken hold of the bottle yet, can't say I blame her, I know what I would prefer ;)
    Will float around tables but made my points total all ready at 160 and no chance getting to 500 so will just play, as per, for fun and a time passer
    Run well all, and if I don't see you for a week I will see you through a window ;) 

  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    That's me done..........

    Played 7 HU and won 3. 

    Last mtt of the week and a nice deep run in the main :) well, I did say I hadn't cashed :)

    No FT but an enjoyable 28th for about £80 gross. Takes my mtt stats up to 21 and 7 cashes and 33% 

    Have a great week all 
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited June 2015
    Welcome back all.

    I am back and more tanned than ever. Most splendid time away in Greece with the family. My little angel was poorly but coped with flying for the first time at just 5 months like a real star :)

    Took her on a mini cruise too around the island and the sights were Truely outstanding! Swam in crystal blue waters in a secluded bay where there was a real life smugglers shipwreck. 
    Our hotel turned out to be one of those that actually looked like the pictures online. Right next to the beach meant a lovely breeze to soften the dizzy heights of 34C

    Both mothers worked the baby sitting well, we all ate too much, sun screened too little And drank till we could not stop laughing (except the wife who has to still feed :(

    Played a bit of poker this eve too, cashed in the £1k £22 BH, out early in the £2.5k £11 BH and one HU win out of one

    Nuggy96208£29.25 + £28.13 Head Prizes3 
    23 mtt cashed 8 for 34.7%
    HU now 25/41

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