Whoa, hold up, hold up.
Situations vacant, yes.
Wages, no.
Poker players, especially here on Sky Poker, LOVE to help each other. The whole Community is evidence of that.
So I thought it might be an idea if we got a few of you to help out in a more structured way.
What am I waffling on about?
More follows. Waffle, that is.
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About a week or so ago, I started a "PLO8 DYM Help, Advice, & Questions" thread, HERE
We have barely scratched the surface yet, but loads of folks have chipped in already.
In time, once we have built on that good start, that thread will be a goldmine of useful info.
So now we need to do it in other formats, but I just don't have the game or ability to speak with any authority these days except, & arguably, in 4 some of the 4 card games.
You could argue of course, & I know a few will, "why should we tap the fish tank" (yikes, what a cliche'd expression that is), "we are only helping others to beat us". Thats OK, if you feel that way, no need to get involved.
I'm pretty sure that many would like to help though.
So we need.......
.....those of you who have reasonable ability to PLAY, or EXPLAIN, how best we can improve our games in the following formats.
MTT's. (Standard NLH)
MTT's (Bounty Hunters)
NLH Cash Games
PLO Cash Games
PLO8 Cash Games
NLH DYM's (Though John Connor has covered much of this, & quite splendidly).
The wages? Zilch, nada, zero.
The satisfaction of helping each other? Priceless.
No need to apply.
All you need to do is start the thread. Do that well, & the rest will take care of itself.
It's human nature. The vast majority of people love to help others along the way.
I don't intend to say "I feel it is right that micro-stakes rakes have a higher%", I simply want to explain a few reasons that I imagine are behind it. Not even devils advocate, really, just try & improve two-way understanding between players, & how the poker economy works.
I generally end up getting a black eye when I try to demonstrate these unpopular things, so I hope people read it with some care.
Understanding the what & why really helps, imo. Some really astounding misconceptions arise on this Community about this Business, & I'm just trying, one by one, to explain stuff.
Even if you're not happy about something (why would we, everyone would prefer to pay less rake), having a well-rounded view of the issue always helps with the understaning...
Although I appreciate that with this many poker players in the same place, there's guaranteed to still be chuntering!!
Not wrong.
It'll be like pouring petrol on a bonfire, but I promised I'd do it, & I will.
Am just drafting it now, actually. Talk about walking on eggshells.
I just happen to believe that knowing is understanding.
I don't expect a solitary soul to agree with the policy though why would they? We all want better cheaper faster, & most of us agitate & chunter when we don't get it. Luckily, we don't live in North Korea, so we all have a choice.
Anyway, back on topic.
Using the example I linked to, yes, it needs someone with good foundations in that format to get it going, & put up stuff regularly. But really, nobody OWNS the thread, lots of people should & will contribute. It just needs one, with a decent CV in that format, to get the ball rolling, & prime the pumps every few days.
Big task? Well maybe 20 minutes to set up it, & 10 minutes a day, on average, for a few weeks. If at least one winning player in each format can't spare that, then its rather sad.
Do you think they should be paid to do it then? (assume smiley follows...).
Anyway, if they don't, I'll start each thread, & invite help, as I dont have the skillsets to articulate it except at the ABC Beginners Level.
It was just an idea I had, to help promote self-help. No big deal really.
I'm starting one here:
I'll add some general strategy immediately.
That's all it needs.
It should grow from there, & I'll try & do some puff elsewhere - on 861, Twitter, etc, to bang the drum a bit.
I just have this vision that we could all help each other get a bit better.
And there are TONS of relatively inexperienced players here, who are shy to ask advice about basics in case they look silly, or some smart-alec wants to mock them. Never underestimate human psychology.
Thanks mate.
ask and ye shall recieve, mr teacakes.
The community will love it and prosper from it!
I know I will!