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Statue Quest



  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : To be honest, tsarina, it is not up to you to decide what is and is not a good cause. I don't agree with donations being made by members of the forum either, but I ain't about to tell them how to spend their money. We don't need to be told cancer research is a worthy cause.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Hi Slipwater, I think that is exactly the point I am making.  They can spend their money on whatever they choose.  I dont care what they do with their money.  However, as you have correctly identified, they are not spending their money -au contraire they are asking for money from players to spend on what they think to be a good cause.  It is simply not appropriate for a poker forum.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,702
    edited September 2014
    Well you've mentioned Cancer Research in two posts in this thread, so we're kind of splitting hairs here...

    Like I indicated, I don't agree with footsie's suggestions, but you banging the cancer drum borders on an unjustified guilt trip.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    I got an email from a very polite Nigerian prince the other day.  His bank is messing him around so I'm going to help him out short-term.

    Anyway, back on topic, this is a spin-up challenge right?  Opening balance £5, day 1 closing balance £1.16?

    Think it's wp thread gg, whatever happens.
  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    Well you've mentioned Cancer Research in two posts in this thread, so we're kind of splitting hairs here... Like I indicated, I don't agree with footsie's suggestions, but you banging the cancer drum borders on an unjustified guilt trip.
    Posted by Slipwater

    Hi Slipwater,  I think we are pretty much in total agreement about this whole thing.  In fairness, I mentioned several charities in my earlier post.  

    However, I am glad we agree that begging or asking for donations on a poker forum is entirely inappropriate..  Hope you are well and good luck on the tables
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited September 2014
    I have several issues with Tsarina's inital reply on Mog's thread. It is offensive on more levels than the post to which it is referring. 

    'Personally, I think Skypoker should delete the thread.' This is your opinion it counts for, you and you alone. 

    'She has merely proved to be a better neighbour for Mogweedy by behaving normally ie not screaming, shouting and playing loud music at all times ' - Have you Tsarina ever been depressed, have you ever had awful neighbours? If the answer is no to either you are totally unqualified to share an opinion on the matter. Further more, it shows your ignorance toward mental illness and those who ail from the various afflictions that the mind can suffer. Treating the affect she has had with such dismissiveness, shame on you!

    'Has now decided that it would be better for her to give up a main job to claim jobseekers allowance to help looking after her daughter s family' At no point do you ask the question why our new neighbour has moved away from her home of 30 years in order to start a whole new life, away from her life long friends, Mother and Grandmother in order to help her own daughter. I will take a wild guess and say you would think it irrelevant. Well, it is very relevant. As for claiming JSA - how dare you make this assumption. Our neighbour moved in 4 weeks ago and has already found employment. To her credit she has worked all her adult life, paid her taxes and she is to be judged, by you, for asking for a little assistance whilst she adjusts. Goodness me what a mighty high pedestal you must stand on in order to look down on others and spit out your judgements.

    'If Mogweedy who can apparently barely string one pound seventeen pence together' HOW DARE YOU!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
    Mog never claimed to be a pro, he is an amateur and a new player at that. Did you know this? No, why not, because you are commenting on a thread which you haven't even read properly but simply spouting your self righteous claptrap. As you say 'it would have nothing to do with me' You have said it yourself, it has nothing to do with you. Nothing, nada, zip. Please remind yourself of this fact when you are posting a reply on a thread that you disagree with. Do not flatter yourself with self-importance you are nobody just like the rest of us within this annonymous community.

    'Meanwhile ordinary families up and down the country are having to rely upon foodbanks to survive' Before using the less fortunate as a whipping post be sure to know what you are talking about first. Do you ever donate food? Do you even know the families to which you are referring?

    'Statue glorifying smoking' - Seriously! Glorifying Smoking? Are we not all over 18, do we not all have the freedom of will and mind? Assuming that the Community is over 18 and within their right mind, how can a resin figure glorify smoking? It makes no sense, we are not children and we sure as **** do not need to be babysat. Jesus Christ woman get a grip!

    You may have found the thread offensive; I find your attitude, general posting disposition (and I have looked at what you have posted on other threads also), lack of manners and churlish behaviour offensive. 

    In true playground style I expect you to tell SKY that the big bad Pudding has retorted and perhaps ruffled the feathers that are so neatly preened upon afore mentioned pedestal. 

    Do you find any happiness in anything? 

    Mog is trying to repay a kindness to our neighbour for being, as you say, normal. It is a kindness that 99% of people could have given, but Julie is special. And her presence has in-fact improved the quality of life for just more than Mog. There are a number of neighbours who have endured the relentless anti-social behaviour that came from the previous tenant, it is Mog who wishes to give Julie a present that represents his gratitude. 

    I will however concur that suggesting a chip dump would raise an eyebrow, and I will further concur that asking for donations toward the gift, despite being suggested in good and kind faith, may have come across as a potential Scam. I have had some lovely interactions with Footsie, she is a kind and lovely being and would not wish to offend or beg. I dare say it seemed like a good idea at the time. 

    In the event this thread is removed and you have not had a chance to acknowledge, I will ensure you get this message personally in your message box. 

    Tsarina, in future before running off your opinions on a public thread, perhaps send the postee a message and make a case. The postee can then take action themselves in order to ensure no further offense is caused. 

    By posting your thoughts you have shown your colours and they are not pretty. I pity you but bear you no ill will. Run well and have fun. But think before you type, and for goodness sake show some decorum and respect for the community. We are not morons. 

    I am sure you have other posts to complain about, or perhaps a neighbour to berate for having grass a mm too long - and honestly this is how petty you come across. 

    I'll leave it there - if you have anything further to say I would strongly suggest you contact me personally. Any post you put on here will be deleted and ignored, it would do nothing to improve this thread.

    I look forward to hearing from you, as I am sure you will have lots to say to me. 

    Pudd x 

  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited September 2014
    In response to Pudding who is the partner of Mogweedy,-

    I stand by all my earlier posts in relation to this.  If a player wants to set a personal challenge to increase their bankroll, there is no objection to their posting up the challenge.  Any player is entitled to do what they wish with their winnings.

    However, the poker forum should not be used to ask for donations, and nor should it be used to encourage other players to be complicit in a flagrant violation of sky poker rules.

    None of the other comments by Pudding have any relevance to these issues.

    I have no intention of contacting you personally as you suggest.  I have said all that needs to be said about this matter, and nor do I wish you to bombard my inbox with further communications.

  • LancyAALancyAA Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014
    Woaaaaah why so serious folks!!!

    i think we should all pass round whatever the alien is smoking (im only glorifying off world smoking in a vacuum here)

    I have a 15 year background in working in charity and been everything from a ground floor volunteer to eventually a CEO and sometimes i just wake up and fancy making someone smile for very little reason however i would be careful when beginning to asume that national charities with slick marketing campaigns are somehow 'better' than any kind of grass roots fundraising.

    Many of these charities have expensive offices, well paid staff with expenses and others do research into products on behalf of pharmacutical firms.

    Whilst i really have no right to tell you if these types of cause are any more or less important than the guy on the corner who lives in a box, or the old lady who needs a friendly hello or someone whos life would be improved by a daft smoking alien at least i know 100% of my money is going to brighten up someones day.

    Keep supporting all your causes folks but please try not to belittle others for their views on what they consider helping. 

    Have a lovely day all. Ste

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited September 2014
    A yawnsome post from tsarina, I dare say she will be ignored. I have made my own complaint to SKY regarding this particular community member.  Poison posters do well to stay schtum. 

    I am amused mostly by footsie, who has come out like a Mexican  from the alamo all guns blazing. I love tenacity in a woman so very endearing don't you think. 

    Thank you footsie for your support as always. You really are the nuts!!!!

    Pudd ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    Woaaaaah why so serious folks!!! i think we should all pass round whatever the alien is smoking (im only glorifying off world smoking in a vacuum here) I have a 15 year background in working in charity and been everything from a ground floor volunteer to eventually a CEO and sometimes i just wake up and fancy making someone smile for very little reason however i would be careful when beginning to asume that national charities with slick marketing campaigns are somehow 'better' than any kind of grass roots fundraising. Many of these charities have expensive offices, well paid staff with expenses and others do research into products on behalf of pharmacutical firms. Whilst i really have no right to tell you if these types of cause are any more or less important than the guy on the corner who lives in a box, or the old lady who needs a friendly hello or someone whos life would be improved by a daft smoking alien at least i know 100% of my money is going to brighten up someones day. Keep supporting all your causes folks but please try not to belittle others for their views on what they consider helping.  Have a lovely day all. Ste
    Posted by LancyAA
    That, Mr Lancy, is a tremendously well balanced Post.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    I am struggling to find anything redeeming about this thread, and it is wrong on a number of levels.  Personally, I think Skypoker should delete the thread. It is one thing for a player to set a challenge to increase their bankroll by whatever multiple.  However this is not the case. Players are now being asked to donate ten pounds so that Mogweedy can give a neighbour a present of a statue apparently of an alien smoking a cigarette.   What then, I ask, has this neighbour done to deserve such generosity of spirit from skypoker players?  Has she worked tirelessy for charity or a good cause?  Actually no, she has merely proved to be a better neighbour for Mogweedy by behaving normally ie not screaming, shouting and playing loud music at all times and has now decided that it would be better for her to give up a main job to claim jobseekers allowance to help looking after her daughter s family. If Mogweedy who can apparently barely string one pound seventeen pence together wants to try and win two hundred pounds to give to her new neighbour it would have nothing to do with me. However, this is not the case.  Thirty per cent of us will die of some form of cancer, and twenty five per cent of us will die of some form of heart disease.  Meanwhile ordinary families up and down the country are having to rely upon foodbanks to survive. If any player wants to contribute ten pounds to allow Mogweedy to buy a statue glorifiying smoking which is undoubtedly a habit which kills many. then fair enough. However, if any player has ten pounds to spare, then I would urge those players to donate to a worthwile charity of which there are many.  Cancer Research Fund, British Heart Foundation, Macmillan Care, NSPCC to name but a few.
    Posted by tsarina
    Morning tsarina.

    It's clear you feel passionate about, which is a good thing, but I hope Sky Poker do not feel the need to close the thread.

    The OP did not at any stage ask or seek donations, there was no "begging", someone - with good intent - just suggested it, & others decided, of their own volition, to support it.

    It just seems like people being decent, to me. I totally get your point, but grown ups have the right to spend their money as they see fit, surely? 

    It's just people being - a word that is so out of fashion these days - nice.

    The suggestion to "dump" the donation via a HU Table was improper, but that has been accepted, & the method changed now.
    Every single contributor to this thread is a decent person, they just see things a little differently to you, but I don't think we ought to be falling out because people want to help, or be kind.
    Personally, in my list of priorities, I won't be donating, but I see nothing wrong with others doing so if they see fit. Equally, anyone who donates to Cancer Research should not be criticised. 

    Can't be a bad thing, I suppose, to have so many kind & well-intentioned folks (you included),  its quite unusual to see on a poker forum.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2014

    Incidentally, every time I see the Thread Title, I sort of wish it was slightly different, as I love wordplay.

    Statuesque would be sooooo good. ;)
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : snip snip snip ... Can't be a bad thing, I suppose, to have so many kind & well-intentioned folks (you included),  its quite unusual to see on a poker forum.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Bit of a history of it on this particular site isn't there? Whether it's sending someone to their favourite motorsport event or helping a little girl (I'm sure the old timers remember Lauren's story). It's all good stuff.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Bit of a history of it on this particular site isn't there? Whether it's sending someone to their favourite motorsport event or helping a little girl (I'm sure the old timers remember Lauren's story). It's all good stuff.
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Yup, its something the Sky Poker regulars like to do, make nice gestures, help others. There are worse sins.
    I can think of any number of these things the regulars here have done, including those 2 you mention.
  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Have you read the sky poker rules on this forum? You have broken quite a few. I did amend the post I originally posted concerning the Sit n go HU away part    PRIOR to your comments.. after feedback from members stating it would break the rules. So in essence not 1 rule I have broken ..... You on the other hand have Broken numerous . I will bold them for you ...shall I. To ensure that the Sky Poker Community remains as open and welcoming as possible, we have drafted an informal set of guidelines to hopefully explain our decision making a little better. A result of that should hopefully be fewer posts for our Moderators to deal with and the Community becomes a fun place to post, etc. The Obvious Stuff The following are examples of posts that would undoubtedly be subject to some form of moderation: * Pornographic, vulgar or obviously offensive material, this includes swear words or inserts that attempt to get round the forum filter. * Defamatory, hateful, potentially libellous posts or those that seek to promote illegal activity. * Posts which seek to discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, ethnicity or religion.  * Unsolicited spam, including using the Sky Poker PM service for commercial spamming purposes. * Comments that can be construed to question Sky Poker's integrity, game fairness, security or random number generation. * Discussion of freeroll passwords and promotion codes that are not available to all players. * Offers and conversations – including PMs and chat transcripts – between Sky staff and customers should not be posted on the boards. * Communication passed on from any player who has lost their forum or chat privileges. Players may not post on behalf of account-banned users, forum- or chat-banned users. Depending on the severity of the offence, posters committing any of the above are subject to a ban from posting on the forum, either on a fixed-term or permanent, as well as possible banning from Sky Poker’s other services. Another point which we cannot stress enough, even with bold underlining and central font alignment… The Sky Poker Community is not a replacement for Customer Care. Nor is it a place to air specific grievances with the service or product. If you have any issues regarding your account, (i.e., Cash for Points, bonus offer or tournament token queries) direct these to Customer Care, not on the forum or PMs to Moderators. Details for Customer Care can be found at the bottom of the page. We don’t like the idea of customer’s thinking they’re getting terrible service from the Community when the truth is Customer Care are the people they should be speaking to in the first place. Subjective Areas Flaming Put simply, ‘flaming’ is hostile and insulting interaction between users . We’ve got Wiki to thank for that explanation. Our policy at Sky Poker is simple: do not personally abuse or insult other members in your posts. Debate and disagreement is fine, insulting is not. It’s really that simple. Flaming is subjective in that some posts are meant to be good-natured but have a sarcastic, competitive or even mildly insulting angle to them. Look at how we treat Richard Orford, for example. However, these posts are clearly intended to be humorous and non-confrontational. We acknowledge that views differ on this, and if a post does offend please do raise it.  However, as a guideline, our Moderators will make judgement calls on what is ‘over the mark’. On a similar note, if you want to post hand histories and leave the players’ names in, please do. However, please don’t call them idiots, donkeys, morons, etc. It’s just plain rude. 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I know, it’s really that simple. If something is general chat but with no poker, it will find itself moved to another, more relevant part of the Community. That’s not to say it is ‘relegated’, it’s just moved to a section where e you’ll probably get more engagement anyway. If you’re unsure of what lives where, take a look at the forum overview page which you can find here: Each sub-board has a little preview of what you’d expect to find there. Please try and keep to those guidelines and everyone is a winner! Duplicate Accounts Duplicate accounts are serious offences which go against Sky Poker’s terms and conditions. Any posts which are suspected to come from a duplicate account will be dealt with by the Moderators, with steps to close down any accounts concerned more than likely. Thread Deletion / Editing Generally we try to avoid deleting or editing posts unless considered absolutely necessary. The method of moderation used in any particular circumstance can vary according to a number of issues, the most obvious being the time taken to spot the offending post and the subsequent reaction to it. The trickiest circumstances occur where an offending post occurs on a 'hot topic' and is quoted and/or responded to at length prior to action being taken. This is part of the reason why Moderator decisions may appear to be inconsistent. Simply put, no two circumstances are quite the same. Private Messages PMs should not be posted on the public boards and if they are will be deleted by moderators. Text of private correspondence (including emails or chats) between you and Sky Poker's Customer Support staff or any other Sky Poker staff member should not be posted on the forum. Moderators do not intend to be involved in PM disputes unless in exceptional circumstances such as severe flaming. If such PMs are reported to moderators they will use their discretion how to handle them and action may be taken as if it was a public post. The Moderators And Their Decisions The Moderators are here to do the same thing you ought to be – to cultivate a friendly, constructive Community. That’s why you came here in the first place, right? The most obvious rule we try to apply to our decisions is 'common sense' and the simplest request we can make to our members when posting is to use the same. The options available to us to deal with issues of moderation range from a simple PM request, to temporary suspensions to permanent bans. We don't make any decision lightly and we would ask that our decisions are respected and not endlessly debated. Ultimately, we make decisions which we believe are in the best interests of the forum and its members. In many cases decisions are made with information that might not be evident to the Community. No one decision is made lightly and we ask you to respect our final decision on Moderation issues. Moderators treat all complaints seriously and we seek to respond to them as quickly as possible. Many of them are volunteers who do it out of sheer love for Sky Poker. Those of us who are paid try our very best to be on site and casting eyes over the Community as often as we can, but it is tiny fraction of our overall workload. Ultimately, all Moderators have the same aim as you - to make the Sky Poker Community a place members old and new choose to be a part of.  Please be respectful of other users and the service which is paid for by Sky – it is a great addition to the poker site in my opinion and something we as poker players would hate to lose due to issues such as those above. Good luck at the tables. I did actually post asking nicely to stay on topic .But you have persisted in trolling this thread. You have broken more rules than you could even imagine with your posts... Shame on you . There is no room in this thread for Hierarchy with callous , vindictive and spiteful vengeance.  Only support and rallying allowed please. You called the flop, river & turn ........Now I'm ALL-IN  :=) Great idea! Thank you :=) Footsie66   PayPal  donation  doubled to  £20 The Truth is out there We just got to give this a little help. footsie66   £20 PayPal Gift LancyAA    £10 PayPal Gift £170 needed On a side note I will post this. Supporting Problem Gambling As a responsible operator Sky Betting and Gaming is committed to understanding the impacts of gambling on individuals and on society. Each year we make a voluntary donation to the charitable organisation, the Responsible Gambling Trust The Responsible Gambling Trust fundraises across the betting and gaming sector to raise money for gambling research, education and treatment of problem gambling. Since April 2009 the organisation has invested over £25 million in these 3 areas. Feedback We are always looking for ways to develop and improve our self help tools so that customers can manage their betting in their own way. Please send any comments or questions through the Contact Us tab above A very worthy cause indeed also...Who am I to say otherwise.
    Posted by footsie66
    WOW Footsie !

    You really went for it there !

    Thanks so much for your continued support and indeed backing me up with an M16.
    Your are most generous. You really don't need to give £20. I feel guilty taking yours and LancyAA's money.

    BUt thank you most sincerely,

    Your indebted Mog xxx
  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Morning tsarina. It's clear you feel passionate about, which is a good thing, but I hope Sky Poker do not feel the need to close the thread. The OP did not at any stage ask or seek donations, there was no "begging", someone - with good intent - just suggested it, & others decided, of their own volition, to support it. It just seems like people being decent, to me. I totally get your point, but grown ups have the right to spend their money as they see fit, surely?  It's just people being - a word that is so out of fashion these days - nice. The suggestion to "dump" the donation via a HU Table was improper, but that has been accepted, & the method changed now.   Every single contributor to this thread is a decent person, they just see things a little differently to you, but I don't think we ought to be falling out because people want to help, or be kind.   Personally, in my list of priorities, I won't be donating, but I see nothing wrong with others doing so if they see fit. Equally, anyone who donates to Cancer Research should not be criticised.  Can't be a bad thing, I suppose, to have so many kind & well-intentioned folks (you included),  its quite unusual to see on a poker forum.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tikay,

    Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent post and it was so nice to read.

    It really is lovely just how nice and kind this community is.

  • LancyAALancyAA Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    I feel guilty taking yours and LancyAA's money. BUt thank you most sincerely, Your indebted Mog xxx
    Posted by Mogweedy

    Please never ever feel like that. Sometimes people take it for granted that they have money available to be frivilous with whether that be splashing it about on card tables or purchasing a left leg of an alien neither of which are life neccesities. I wouldnt have offered if i wasnt happy with the outcome it wasnt offered thorugh guilt or any type of obligation to do so, sometimes your neighbours arent always just the people who live nearby.

  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    Greetings !

    Well after all the excitement of last nights posts I never got a chance to let you lovely guys and gals know how I got on last night.

    Can you guess ?

    I bet if you try really hard you can.

    BUSTED !!!

    Was furious with myself playing the £3.30 DYM. I personally knocked out two people and had nearly 5000 chips compared to the other three guys average of 2000 and I flaming well blew it !!!!!!
    I should have just been sitting back but being me I was still playing away and got in a big hand, huge pot, ended up with an all in by one fella, two 6's on the board, I figured he had a third but had invested so much in the hand I just couldn't let myself fold and BOOM - goodbye ton of chips. I hung around for a while but still came bleeding 4th !!!

    I really am lousy at this game.

    So that left me with £1 something which I took to a cash game and boosted it up to a whopping £2.25.
    Which as you delightful people will know is the buy in for a DYM game.

    So far my quest is a disaster. If it were not for the fabulous Footsie and the awesome LancyAA I'd have squat.

    So here's the plan - drink the now luke warm coffee sitting next to me while I have a cheeky ciggy and then go for that massive prize !

    I'll post again when I've crashed,

    May the river be with you,

    Mog xxx
  • LancyAALancyAA Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    perhaps now is a good time to start selling lemonade on the corner. Although im pretty sure that only works in America and tv ads.
  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    Why hello there !

    B U S T E D !!!

    After perhaps the most soul destroying game of my life where every single time one of the other three remaining players would have been knocked out on all in calls only to catch that must have card on the river and double up I got sick of it. The darn game lasted forever and sooooo many times one of them would be down to like 500 chips and then rocket back up to 3000.
    It sucked the life out of me. 
    In the end I had a good hand - pocket K's with A's on the felt and got raised 2200. I knew the blighter had a third Ace, just knew it but called all the same....................................... hello 4th place AGAIN !

    My fault though and I know it. I was just sick of sitting at this unfriendly table with these seemingly indestructable players.

    I'll simply consign myself to saying "Oh dash it all" for now and cram another fiver on from my feeble little account which by the way if anyone is interested contains about £30 which I was hoping to save. But this is for Julie and I get very little money on a monthly basis and figure this is my best shot at raising some up. Although if your following this thread then your probably thinking - "Guy, you suck - give up !"

    And if you are then your quite right too.

    I think I'm playing especially badly because I'm in such a bad place right now. For weeks I've been really struggling severely. I won't go into it all. You guys don't want to read about my depression for goodness sake do you ?
    But it is affecting my poker. 

    It doesn't help that as of Saturday I'm on my own for a week house sitting for my Mum and Dad. So me and Pud and Man cub will be apart for a whole week and I'll be stuck alone going crazy.

    Watch how bad my poker gets then guys. 

    Mind you................can it get worse ?

    I'm yet to win a penny. Well apart from a couple of quid in cash games.

    Anyhow I'll probably check in later with you lovely people,

    Once again, thanks for all the support and lovely posts - you guys are great,

    Moggy xxx
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : That, Mr Lancy, is a tremendously well balanced Post.
    Posted by Tikay10


    gl in the £2.25 game, if you get to 5,000 again with 4 left try not to play another hand!!! 
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