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Statue Quest



  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    haha perhaps now is a good time to start selling lemonade on the corner. Although im pretty sure that only works in America and tv ads.
    Posted by LancyAA
    LOL !

    Got a good recipe for Lemonade ?

    I may well need it.

  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    Why hello there ! B U S T E D !!! After perhaps the most soul destroying game of my life where every single time one of the other three remaining players would have been knocked out on all in calls only to catch that must have card on the river and double up I got sick of it. The darn game lasted forever and sooooo many times one of them would be down to like 500 chips and then rocket back up to 3000. It sucked the life out of me.  In the end I had a good hand - pocket K's with A's on the felt and got raised 2200. I knew the blighter had a third Ace, just knew it but called all the same....................................... hello 4th place AGAIN ! My fault though and I know it. I was just sick of sitting at this unfriendly table with these seemingly indestructable players. I'll simply consign myself to saying "Oh dash it all" for now and cram another fiver on from my feeble little account which by the way if anyone is interested contains about £30 which I was hoping to save. But this is for Julie and I get very little money on a monthly basis and figure this is my best shot at raising some up. Although if your following this thread then your probably thinking - "Guy, you suck - give up !" And if you are then your quite right too. I think I'm playing especially badly because I'm in such a bad place right now. For weeks I've been really struggling severely. I won't go into it all. You guys don't want to read about my depression for goodness sake do you ? But it is affecting my poker.  It doesn't help that as of Saturday I'm on my own for a week house sitting for my Mum and Dad. So me and Pud and Man cub will be apart for a whole week and I'll be stuck alone going crazy. Watch how bad my poker gets then guys.  Mind you................can it get worse ? I'm yet to win a penny. Well apart from a couple of quid in cash games. Anyhow I'll probably check in later with you lovely people, Once again, thanks for all the support and lovely posts - you guys are great, Moggy xxx
    Posted by Mogweedy


    Contrary to what you may think, I bear you no ill will. I still stand by what I have said in the earlier posts.  My first post on this thread was a direct response to footsie's suggestion that someone should throw a dym which as agreed by all is against sky poker rules.

    As it happens, I was waiting for tables to fill up and happened to observe the last table you played at. It seemed to follow the same pattern that you described on this thread in your previous game.  

    If you are determined to follow this path of playing dyms, I think you need to give yourself the best possible shot. Dyms on this and any other site are no longer easy games, and even exceptional players are hard pushed to maintain an edge.  

    I think you may find it helpful to take a little time out before investing any more money, and read the first sticky post in the sit and go strategy section of this forum.  You will find there a post by John Connor, which sets out a very useful blueprint for optimum dym strategy.  It is very comprehensive, and you shouldn't try and read it all in one hit.  You may find it helpful to read a section, and then take a break with a cup of tea, and then go back and read the section again until you are confident that you have taken it all on board.  Once you have taken it all on board, you may find it helpful to re read it every time you start playing dyms and very soon you will have taken all the points on board.

    Another point I would make is that you describe the table as being unfriendly.  I think one thing letting you down is being over sensitive to other players.  In reality, no one said anything, which is not being unfriendly but you must remember that many daytime players are extremely good and are usually multi tabling.  It is therefore quite normal for many players not to be having a chat and are concentrating on their game.

    Also, you should pay particular attention to John Connor;s observations on bank roll management.  If you have zero pounds in your poker account or immediate access to only thirty pounds (as you mentioned in your post) you are to coin a phrase punching above your weight.  You will never feel comfortable playing each game because at the moment, you would need to win every game to avoid crashing.  You dont have any comfort zone to cope with even the relatively smaller variance in dyms.

    You should therefore, I believe, be playing at the lower microstake levels, although ironically you then come up against the higher rake percentage on the lower stake tables.  This means you have to win an even higher percentage of games to break even.  

    You should have cashed in that last game.  I think you in reality know that.   A key factor to remember in dyms is that you dont get any extra for coming first as opposed to third.  You were chip leader for a large part of that last game, and then with your kk you chose to play against the one person who had a bigger stack, when there was already an Ace on the table with the flop.  I know it is difficult, but oftentimes on a dym bubble it is better to fold even with AA KK etc when competing against the only player who can bust you.

    I hope this helps, and I wish you well

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited September 2014

    Great comeback by tsarina, top work.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    I did suggest you play cash rather than DYMs :p

    You seem to be winning at cash and not DYMs (albiet from a tiny sample), but 4NL imo will be SO much easier to 1) win and 2) win a lot more than low stakes DYMs.
  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Hi,  Contrary to what you may think, I bear you no ill will. I still stand by what I have said in the earlier posts.  My first post on this thread was a direct response to footsie's suggestion that someone should throw a dym which as agreed by all is against sky poker rules. As it happens, I was waiting for tables to fill up and happened to observe the last table you played at. It seemed to follow the same pattern that you described on this thread in your previous game.   If you are determined to follow this path of playing dyms, I think you need to give yourself the best possible shot. Dyms on this and any other site are no longer easy games, and even exceptional players are hard pushed to maintain an edge.   I think you may find it helpful to take a little time out before investing any more money, and read the first sticky post in the sit and go strategy section of this forum.  You will find there a post by John Connor, which sets out a very useful blueprint for optimum dym strategy.  It is very comprehensive, and you shouldn't try and read it all in one hit.  You may find it helpful to read a section, and then take a break with a cup of tea, and then go back and read the section again until you are confident that you have taken it all on board.  Once you have taken it all on board, you may find it helpful to re read it every time you start playing dyms and very soon you will have taken all the points on board. Another point I would make is that you describe the table as being unfriendly.  I think one thing letting you down is being over sensitive to other players.  In reality, no one said anything, which is not being unfriendly but you must remember that many daytime players are extremely good and are usually multi tabling.  It is therefore quite normal for many players not to be having a chat and are concentrating on their game. Also, you should pay particular attention to John Connor;s observations on bank roll management.  If you have zero pounds in your poker account or immediate access to only thirty pounds (as you mentioned in your post) you are to coin a phrase punching above your weight.  You will never feel comfortable playing each game because at the moment, you would need to win every game to avoid crashing.  You dont have any comfort zone to cope with even the relatively smaller variance in dyms. You should therefore, I believe, be playing at the lower microstake levels, although ironically you then come up against the higher rake percentage on the lower stake tables.  This means you have to win an even higher percentage of games to break even.   You should have cashed in that last game.  I think you in reality know that.   A key factor to remember in dyms is that you dont get any extra for coming first as opposed to third.  You were chip leader for a large part of that last game, and then with your kk you chose to play against the one person who had a bigger stack, when there was already an Ace on the table with the flop.  I know it is difficult, but oftentimes on a dym bubble it is better to fold even with AA KK etc when competing against the only player who can bust you. I hope this helps, and I wish you well
    Posted by tsarina
    Hi there,

    Thank you so much for your lovely post.

    I will bear in mind all that you have said and you gave some good tips and advice there - greatly appreciated !!!

    Funny how you saw my last game. I really blew it. But I was frustrated. So many times players came back from the grave. I knew that guy had a third ace and I still called. Emotion got the better of me. I suffer from something (Among other things) called Borderline Personality Disorder which makes you very emotional and hence what you said about being over sensitive all too true. I am dreadfully sensitive but just can't help it. It's agony. If you ever look up BPD as it's called for short then you'll see it really makes life ****. (Please note I'm not trying to garner sympathy here)

    I am ever so grateful to you for your post and you made such good points.
    Another person has suggested I stick to the cash games so perhaps I will. I tend to do okay on those.
    Still think it's funny you saw me play. Shame you didn't rail me on - I would have liked some advice/support from someone who clearly knows what they are talking about.

    Anyhow I'll let you go. I hope you read this.

    Best wishes,

    The Mog xxx
  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    Is this the little fella ? I have also contacted my good friend  Gillian Anderson  aka  Dana Scully  to support this cause .. If I can get her support! ........... then I'm sure anything is possible. The Truth is out there
    Posted by footsie66
    Hey there !!!

    YEP !!!

    That's our guy !!!!

    Big hugs Footsie,

    Moggy xxx
  • dangerdaidangerdai Member Posts: 362
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    I did suggest you play cash rather than DYMs :p You seem to be winning at cash and not DYMs (albiet from a tiny sample), but 4NL imo will be SO much easier to 1) win and 2) win a lot more than low stakes DYMs.
    Posted by Lambert180
    +1 exactly what I was thinking you seem to do ok on cash table so why not stick to that for a while until you've built a bit of a br to be able to afford to lose 1 or 2 dyms without you going bust if you do lose

    But best of luck whatever you decide to play and I hope you reach your goals...

  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : +1 exactly what I was thinking you seem to do ok on cash table so why not stick to that for a while until you've built a bit of a br to be able to afford to lose 1 or 2 dyms without you going bust if you do lose But best of luck whatever you decide to play and I hope you reach your goals...
    Posted by dangerdai
    Ah thanks mate,

    That's lovely of you.
    Appreciate it, really do.

  • IkellyIkelly Member Posts: 1,374
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    I have contacted today the seller of the little fella on EBay and hope for a positive response on any discounts available. Fingers crossed Aliens in all. Price of him atm  now is £165 + delivery so hopefully he can hold on to one for us  as there are 5 available . Hopefully we fill the quota  needed sooner rather than later. The Truth is out there Read more on Mog`s Quest   HERE just got to give this a little help. footsie66   £20 PayPal Gift LancyAA    £10 PayPal Gift £170 needed
    Posted by footsie66
    Hi footsie, put me in for £10 via PayPal, but will have to be end of month if that's okay. Gl in your quest moggie :)
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    Do the donations go into topping up the bankroll for the spin-up or are they separate?

    If separate is the spin-up still going ahead? 
  • IkellyIkelly Member Posts: 1,374
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    Do the donations go into topping up the bankroll for the spin-up or are they separate? If separate is the spin-up still going ahead? 
    Posted by bbMike
    I'm not sure mike, it's probably best the donations go towards topping up the spin up, no disrespect moggy :) otherwise it may just trickle back into the site which would be a shame. 
  • IkellyIkelly Member Posts: 1,374
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Thank you so much for your generosity you are a star. We only pay the funds  when the goal is reached and hopefully the seller may provide a discount Aliens long fingers crossed so that`s a good sign! Would this be ok with you? No I would say we only pay once quota is reached if Mog spins up anything in the meantime then that I feel should be applied also ..I hope once we near the Goal , then final arrangements will be confirmed by all and if acceptable , then We   finally  can get the little fella.
    Posted by footsie66

    Sorry missed this post answering mike, yep sounds good.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2014
    I'm not sure why you're putting so much effort into this, footsie...
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2014
    It was never a cause, footsie, until you made it one.

    It was a diary.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2014
    You wouldn't know it by the texture of the posts.
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    It was never a cause , footsie, until you made it one. It was a diary.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Actually, it was a diary with a cause.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest : Actually, it was a diary with a cause.
    Posted by JingleMa
    + 1

    It was simply started as a diary with an aim spin up a bankroll big enough to purchase a gift to show someone their appreciation. (No More - No less)

    In the meantime footsie (another great forum member) has accelerated this cause to the possibility of donations which will improve the chances of it ever happening.

    YES - There are many other good causes in the world & I myself and many others have donated to one or more of them on occasion, but no-one is asking or forcing anyone to donate to them or this one for that matter. It was simply a suggestion by footsie and you are either happy to do so or not - which ever you may choose, it's entirely up to you.

    If you don't agree with it then thats fine too - just do NOTHING.

    Iv'e seen so many over the years........
    Save a Donkey = £3.00/Month
    Save the Children = £3.00/Month
    Safe Water = £3.00/Month
    RSPCA = £3.00/Month
    Some of which are even asking for £4.00/Month - Thats £48.00/Year

    Dogs Trust...Animal rescue...RSPCA...Severn Hospice...Cancer research....Heart foundation......should I go on? I can't afford to donate to all of them and I probably won't donate to most of them because most of the above are very large organisations and only a small proportion of your donation actually reaches it's cause.

    On the other hand............If I donate a small sum towards making just one person in this world happy, whether that be to buy them an ornament, a statue, part of a buy in towards a live SPT (Which has been done by forum members in the past) or send them on a trip or whatever, then thats up to me or each individual as they see fit.

    We have had many many individual causes on Sky Poker Forum - some of them very worthy, some of them not so, but like ALL other charities/donations or just a simple financial gesture which could make one person happy in this life, it's up to each and every one of us to decide who or what is our preferred cause.

    I will decide if I donate or not - I do not need someone telling me there are better causes out there - If I decide to donate to one or ALL of them, then thats for me to decide. 

    tbh - I think if an Alian came to this planet smoking a woodbine (other ciigys are available) then that would be the least of our worries :)
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    I prefer the one of the alien sitting down, are we sure we've got the right one?

    Rather than get a maquette, what about this 4-foot version?  Sure Julie will love it!  What's more it is far less likely to get broken by a cat.

    It's in the sale too!  Was $449 now only $199, value!
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited September 2014
    Perhaps Julie would prefer one of these? ;-)

  • MogweedyMogweedy Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Statue Quest:
    I have contacted today the seller of the little fella on EBay and hope for a positive response on any discounts available. Fingers crossed Aliens in all. Price of him atm  now is £165 + delivery so hopefully he can hold on to one for us  as there are 5 available . Hopefully we fill the quota  needed sooner rather than later. The Truth is out there Read more on Mog`s Quest   HERE just got to give this a little help. footsie66   £20 PayPal  Statuesque Gift LancyAA    £10 PayPal   Statuesque Gift £170 needed
    Posted by footsie66
    You continue to astound me Footsie,

    And thank you seems like such a small word for all you are doing, but, thank you, with all my heart.

    Mog xxx
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