1) I just had the worst bad beat ever - I lost a hand of poker
2) I played this hand expertly - I won a hand of poker
3) I'm leaving for good - I will be back shortly
4) This site is defo rigged - I lost lots of hands of poker
5) This isn't a forum diary of such - This is a forum diary
6) This is an absolute joke - This isn't funny at all
7) Did I play this hand correctly? - Please look at this hand I got unlucky in
8) Why did the villain play like this in this hand? - Please look at this hand I got unlucky in
9) Please can Sky take a look at this for me? - Sort it out Sky!!!!
10) I am going to crush the poker tables tonight - I will hopefully min cash/break even
I have won millions on another site but keep losing here - the switch from play chips to real money hasn't gone as well as I hoped
Top work Maxy, thank you.
THAT is whst makes Forums work, folks making an effort. Top man.
Love those examples, too.
Way too good Mr Phantom.
Good afternoon poker peeps = I can't wait to scam the pants off you all
Stacked off in a dubious spot = I thought I had the best hand. I didn't
What was my opponent thinking? = I wanna wrap a crowbar round their head
I had a tough starting table = I don't even recognise any of them alias'
HU lasted 35 minutes = He crushed me within 3 hands for the tournament
I put in some good volume today = I sat on my ar$$e watching Jeremy Kyle and occasionally glanced at the laptop
Sort it out Sky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = There is actually nothing really wrong, I'm just being a Tw@t for no reason
On the line of table chat...
NH - Apologise now you pr4tt that was a terrible play and you got lucky!
(Only kidding guys , dont hit my doom button)