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Ivey in Court



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
    poker players / communities tend to be very laisse faire with regards to integrity. rheems of stories of established names ripping each other and the community off with little consequence or payback. casinos offer games and their edge is the 'fee' you pay to play them. if you dont like the edge then dont play. what you cant do is cheat your way out of paying that fee.
    Posted by TeddyBloat

    Is that like a blonde dog?
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,638
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court : Is that like a blonde dog?
    Posted by VespaPX
    NO! I'm guessing  that would be a Fair Lassie? 
    I knew a fair lassie once....or was it twice...
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited October 2014
    yeah yeah it's blatant that which ever way you look at it - Ivey cheated -

    the instresting thing is - will all the casinos in the world ban him cause he cheated

    I would say no, I bet the casino he got caught at wouldn't even ban him

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court : +1 what gets me in so many of these comments is the concept that it is the player vs the casino.  NO IT ISN´T!!!!!!  it´s the player vs madame luck. stating the casino is playing is like claiming Sky´s RNG is looking for river cards. the casino isn´t playing the game - the punter is, and it´s his skill vs madame luck in a game of cards. the casino is just facilitating the game, and paying out when the player is on the right side of variance. and making a return to pay for the business in the long term (otherwise, surprise, surprise, no casinos will exist). when i play a poker mtt i know my reg fee is going to the casino for facilitating the game, but i´m not expecting them to pop up at the tables to make their money against us poker players. the casino only starts to be involved when someone starts to cheat, because you cannot defraud a pack of cards, but you can steal from a business, and that is what has happened here. i guess it wouldn´t be good business for a casino to sue a high-roller, but that is exactly what should have happened to Ivey. under cover of playing a game of cards, he did his best to steal money from the casino. disgusting. and if this was allowed to occur then higher rake is exactly what it would mean. the business will only exist if it can make it´s return on capital targets. the more it has to pay out on fraud, the more it will have to charge others. and if it can´t then it goes out of business.
    Posted by GELDY
    cmon Casinos run on the whole negative expectation games, yes not cheating but same same :)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court : cmon Casinos run on the whole negative expectation games, yes not cheating but same same :)
    Posted by rancid
    it'd be a stupid business model to offer +ev games
    and not same same
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court : Are you sure? Ivey is well known to be a compulsive craps gambler, some of his losses with the dice are phenomenal
    Posted by FCHD
    I had heard of insane prop bets with his own circle - not running up big losses on house edge casino games.

    Assuming you are right it doesn't change the fact that the floor manager is lucky that the lawyers and the judge saved the casino the money that it should have been their job to protect.

    Maybe hindsight is a wonderful thing here - but too many issues were not spotted
  • Clyde420Clyde420 Member Posts: 82
    edited October 2014
     Fair enough that they get their money back, he cheated.
     I see it as a bigger problem that the defected cards are getting used in a casino at all. 
     Just makes me think "Have these cards used in games I've played? Are there other defected cards used in casinos?"
     I think they need better checks for defected cards, and this should not be acceptable in a casino.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Ivey in Court:
     Fair enough that they get their money back, he cheated.  I see it as a bigger problem that the defected cards are getting used in a casino at all.   Just makes me think "Have these cards used in games I've played? Are there other defected cards used in casinos?"  I think they need better checks for defected cards, and this should not be acceptable in a casino.
    Posted by Clyde420
    Hi Clyde,

    The cards were not, per se, "defective", they were asymmetrical.

    So, turned one way, some of them are slightly different in appearance.
    Mr Ivey's accomplice specifically requested that the cards be presented a certain way round, rather than "random", so that they could spot the difference & wager accordingly.
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