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freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
edited January 2010 in Poker Chat
right i no nothing about this subject so tell me all you can.  do you get staked? do you stake another player? what percentage would each the staking and staked player get?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2010

    If you are playng on Sky Poker, I strongly urge you to keep away from being staked, or staking anyone.

    It's effectively borrowing or lending money to play poker.

    Good players don't need it, bad players end up playing above their means.

    I have seen so much grief, pain, & money lost because of staking. I strongly advise againat ANYONE becoming involved in it.
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited January 2010
    don't worry tikay im not thinking of doing it or staking anyone, its just a subject i don't no anything about and im very interested to hear story's and opinions
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    don't worry tikay im not thinking of doing it or staking anyone, its just a subject i don't no anything about and im very interested to hear story's and opinions
    Posted by freechips1

    I'll fill you in with the full details tomorrow, I'm as little too tired to do it justice tonight.

    Tomorrow, ok?
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited January 2010
    ty sir
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    ty sir
    Posted by freechips1
    You are welcome.

    Whatever you do, don't touch Staking with a bargepole! It's an evil trap.
  • chelschels Member Posts: 149
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    In Response to Re: staking : You are welcome. Whatever you do,don't touch Staking with a bargepole! It's an evil trap.
    Posted by Tikay10
    this is tikay's opinion,not saying its right or wrong but its only an opinion, a lot of people have plenty of success being staked, it gives them a freedom to play and takes some of the pressure away from them, i have being staked before in a totally different situation and was very successful, dont let tikay's post put you off please
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2010

    Yes, it's just my opinion, but not one given lightly. When you see kids up to their neck in debt due to poker staking, it's a pretty sad thing.

    I have always advised against borrrowing money to play poker, & I always will. 
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2010
    people who accept staking=cowards, taking the easy way out.

    people who stake people(who clearly cannot build their own banks)=why stake them?

    end result..people who are staked have the "luxury" of playing looser/gambling more because they are sponging of someone else but dont have the b.lls to do it with their own money=losers.

    anyone with any pride would refuse to be staked.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited January 2010
    Dont listen to Tikay--lots of thickies do it, and they all say it's great
  • chelschels Member Posts: 149
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    people who accept staking=cowards, taking the easy way out. people who stake people(who clearly cannot build their own banks)=why stake them? end result..people who are staked have the "luxury" of playing looser/gambling more because they are sponging of someone else but dont have the b.lls to do it with their own money=losers. anyone with any pride would refuse to be staked.
    Posted by LONGPLAY
    ignore this post its full of rubbish, if a rich bloke comes across the next gus hansen and wants to help the kid and pay his entrys into all the big events, does this make him a loser? think before you make such idiotic statements
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2010

    Lend us a tenner ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    In Response to Re: staking : ignore this post its full of rubbish, if a rich bloke comes across the next gus hansen and wants to help the kid and pay his entrys into all the big events, does this make him a loser? think before you make such idiotic statements
    Posted by chels
    Why on earth would the next Gus Hansen want to give away half his winnings? If he's any good, he soon earns enough to stake himself, & gets to keep the lot.

    And if he's not good enough, he finds a staker & he ends up in a mountain of M-U.

    The current fashion for staking is going to end in tears for so many, stakers & horses alike. IMO, that is.
  • LONGPLAYLONGPLAY Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    In Response to Re: staking : Why on earth would the next Gus Hansen want to give away half his winnings? If he's any good, he soon earns enough to stake himself, & gets to keep the lot. And if he's not good enough, he finds a staker & he ends up in a mountain of M-U. The current fashion for staking is going to end in tears for so many, stakers & horses alike. IMO, that is.
    Posted by Tikay10
    ^^ read this post sure you'll grasp it then.
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited January 2010
    Noticing alot of different opinions on this topic. As Tikay and I will tell you, I would never lend someone money for gambling and I have my reasons.

    Nowadays a select group of people which we will call 'Grimmers' borrow money off players when knowing full well they are in debt and have no intention of paying back the lending person. So for example say a guy in debt said to Tikay "I've got no money at the moment can you buy me in to the DTD £330 monthly and I'll pay you back next week" and Tikay bought the guy in and saw the guy from time to time but thatperson never mentioned the money again and avoided Tikay at all costs, this person is called a 'Grimmer'. Some people sign up to forums on the sole basis of wanting to grim money from trusting winning players to feed their gambling habit, because lets face it anyone of this nature is not a winning player and doesn't have any respect for money or other peoples. I personally have fell out with a few people who I called friends back then but you soon realise who your real friends are.

    Personally though I have a very good friend who I do infact stake but I've known him for years since school and he is a trust worthy guy who I can rely on. He always pays his way. I do it more with him as a favour and I also believe in his ability as a player. So although its not for everyone and I definately don't ever advise lending money to people like Tikay says for gambling. Staking can work out differently if you know the person well enough and have a good agreement.

  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    Noticing alot of different opinions on this topic. As Tikay and I will tell you, I would never lend someone money for gambling and I have my reasons. Nowadays a select group of people which we will call 'Grimmers' borrow money off players when knowing full well they are in debt and have no intention of paying back the lending person. So for example say a guy in debt said to Tikay "I've got no money at the moment can you buy me in to the DTD £330 monthly and I'll pay you back next week" and Tikay bought the guy in and saw the guy from time to time but thatperson never mentioned the money again and avoided Tikay at all costs, this person is called a 'Grimmer'. Some people sign up to forums on the sole basis of wanting to grim money from trusting winning players to feed their gambling habit, because lets face it anyone of this nature is not a winning player and doesn't have any respect for money or other peoples. I personally have fell out with a few people who I called friends back then but you soon realise who your real friends are. Personally though I have a very good friend who I do infact stake but I've known him for years since school and he is a trust worthy guy who I can rely on. He always pays his way. I do it more with him as a favour and I also believe in his ability as a player. So although its not for everyone and I definately don't ever advise lending money to people like Tikay says for gambling. Staking can work out differently if you know the person well enough and have a good agreement.
    Posted by lJAMESl

    " So although its not for everyone and I definately don't ever advise lending money to people like Tikay says for gambling."

    just lol,  loving the use of no commas James !!
  • major1962major1962 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    In Response to Re: staking : " So although its not for everyone and I definately don't ever advise lending money to people like Tikay says for gambling." just lol,  loving the use of no commas James !!
    Posted by EdGiddins
    Yes had to read it twice,, thought he was "having a go" for a second. lol
    Tikay, how do you keep your cool so well? There is a post from someone on here that LOVES being controversial.
    You answer as gracefully as you would to a friend. Keep it up mate, the best sense and advice comes from from your posts and love reading them.
    P.S. theres a comp on sunday, any chance......? lol
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    In Response to Re: staking : this is tikay's opinion, not saying its right or wrong but its only an opinion, a lot of people have plenty of success being staked, it gives them a freedom to play and takes some of the pressure away from them, i have being staked before in a totally different situation and was very successful, dont let tikay's post put you off please
    Posted by chels
    Why do some very good, winning poker players need to be staked? Because the money they win is spent on other things. Read the Stu Ungar story. Arguably the best poker player ever but he had to be staked in most of the big tournaments because his winnings went on horse racing and coc***e. He ended up dead in a hotel room from heart probems brought on by coke use. Staking gave him the freedom to play but it also gave him the freedom to waste his money on other things, for which he ultimately paid with his life.How good would he have been if he had the discipline to build his own bankroll and use it?
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited January 2010
    Like Freechips 1 this Is a subject I have often wondered as to how this works - purely from an Interest In all aspects of the poker world. I would Imagine In most cases It would be 'there's no such thing as a free lunch' but maybe there  are some success stories and not all end up having to pay the piper. Good thread , I look forward to reading replies.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: staking:
    people who accept staking=cowards, taking the easy way out. people who stake people(who clearly cannot build their own banks)=why stake them? end result..people who are staked have the "luxury" of playing looser/gambling more because they are sponging of someone else but dont have the b.lls to do it with their own money=losers. anyone with any pride would refuse to be staked.
    Posted by LONGPLAY
    James Akenhead had  25% of himself owned by Channing (who prior to setting up his site had a full stable of people he staked), i think we can all agree that he's not a coward at the table.

    Personally i'm not a fan of general staking but Neil Channing knew how to pick em
  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2010
    i regualrly stake a good friend who is a sick degen gambler....

    however believe it or not he is a top quality mtt player on stars and always pays back (when he can)

    when i stake him i no i might not see the money for a few weeks/months but I WILL see it.

    Have made a nice few in % i wouldnt stake somebody i didnt no well having said all that
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