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The road to a Main Event score! Starting BR £252. Now £984 (£1.36k banked)



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Im finding the transition back to MTTs a tough one at the moment. The nuances of this and the structure and time invested are a lot different to cash. Ive been used to being able to play until I felt I was dipping in concentration and then be able to take breaks but you cant in MTTs. My mindset is a little out at the moment.

    Played OK and Ive added a little more aggression to my play. I think I was a little unlucky in my BH exit when I made a very creditable bluff on the river as I read my opponent with a vulnerable hand and he very nearly folded but he had made a set on the river as I repped the rivered flush. Nearly got to the last four in the HU BH but lost that allin to a rivered straight.

    Seat bubbled the ME sat but got the extra money. I was definatley unlucky there as I was OK right at the end but a run of 12 hands no higher than a 7 and with action in front left with me little room to move.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 6 (best 44/266)
    ME's: 1 (best 150odd/500+)
    BH's: 3 (best 22/305)
    Sats: 1 (22 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH  1 (7/22)

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    My BR seems to have taken a bump only because I thought I had correctly added the £100 I got back from my PPs on Friday but I have rectified that now.

    Still suffering from not being able to properly swap mentality from cash to MTT's. Played a couple of Sats but no luck, lost a big pot in the 6pm Sat when my AKs lost to AA against an active player. Always the way. Couldnt get going in the others. Have an aim of as close to 100 MTTs as possible this month so theres time yet to get that MTT mind going again.

    Played some cash for a small £7 profit as well. Probably not helping the mind but needed something to do when down to one MTT!

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 8 (best 44/266 + £2 cash in Vegas Sat FR)
    ME's: 1 (best 150odd/500+)
    BH's: 5 (best 22/305)
    Sats: 3 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH  1 (7/22)

    Pokerstars:  3 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 21

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    No good today MTT wise, got off to good starts in both FR's but got coolered in both. Lowlight being in the £10k FR I had AKs allin on turn with two overs, a straight draw and nut flush draw but bricked river for a huge pot. Another massive chip leader pot went against me in the £5BH when my AK v AJ v 99 lost. Took a gamble with what could have been best hand just because it was for the chip lead. Go for the win and all that.

    A few small cash sessions totalling less than half hour made me almost 3 BIs.

    I'm aproaching a nice milestone, the £2k mark. Once I get beyond this pyscological barrier I hope to open up my MTT BIs. But what I mainly need to do is find some form first! Thats obviously more important.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 10 (best 44/266 + £2 cash in Vegas Sat FR)
    ME's: 1 (best 150odd/500+)
    BH's: 6 (best 22/305)
    Sats: 3 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH  1 (7/22)

    Pokerstars:  4 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 25
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Ive been mentioning that I have not quite got back into MTTs yet but I can say tonight wasnt anything to do with me, in fact I think I was playing well but everything conspired to go against me. The two FR's; first hand of first one had JJ v 55 v 1010 and lost to set of fives. Second one had 77 v 54s aipf and lost to flopped trips. £5BH; Numerous outdraws in small to mid pots with PP's losing or dominating hands losing and then final hand had AA with Ac and with two callers hit a nice Qc8c2c board but got c/r allin and called but guy had flopped flush and no redraw came. Played £2rebuy; was chipping up nicely and then had AK 3 times in a few hands that missed flop and had to give up and then finally top two lost to a rivered better 2pr. Played a £3 timed; that was going ok then lost JJ v AK to rivered A. 

    Im dissapointed obviously but I know that this happens, and it will happen a lot. I just want to get going, a few deep runs and final tables. At least I played better and my thinking was better also.

    A bit of cash now to fill the rest of the evening. Update this bit later.

    **EDIT** Played about half hour or so and made a nice £15 to more than cover my BI's for tonight. Without trying to call on the wrath of the poker gods I feel like i'm playing a decent cash game when switched on and I feel thats a lot to do with last month. Its nice to improve and I felt I have learnt a lot from that experiance. Now, MTT's...

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 12 (best 44/266 + £2 cash in Vegas Sat FR)
    ME's: 1 (best 150odd/500+)
    BH's: 7 (best 22/305)
    Sats: 3 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  1 (7/22)
    £2 Rebuy:   1 (-)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  4 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 30
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Played four MTTs today and again I felt I played very well. Went deep in the 2nd (and best) FR, finishing 40th when my PP lost to a set aipf. Went OK in the £2 rebuy but not much went my way, cant remember exactly what happened but I eventually busted when ahead I know that.

    £5BH went well also, not much early but hung in and then got a couple of heads and a very good stack. Played well but got unlucky in a couple of good pots before working up thanks to this bizare fold! Folded for 384 chips in a 14k pot!
    CraigSG1 Small blind   300.00 300.00 7283.74
    Thorhannam Big blind   600.00 900.00 18195.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • 7
    spinky6108 Fold        
    thetram Fold        
    Fredin Fold        
    GSmith13 Fold        
    CraigSG1 Raise   900.00 1800.00 6383.74
    Thorhannam Call   600.00 2400.00 17595.00
    • 2
    • K
    • 6
    CraigSG1 Bet   1200.00 3600.00 5183.74
    Thorhannam Raise   6000.00 9600.00 11595.00
    CraigSG1 All-in   5183.74 14783.74 0.00
    Thorhannam Fold        
    CraigSG1 Muck        
    CraigSG1 Win   14400.00   14400.00
    CraigSG1 Return   383.74 0.00 14783.74
    But then this hand happened when down to last three tables:
    RossMc Small blind   600.00 600.00 41640.00
    KopKing74 Big blind   1200.00 1800.00 29827.37
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Fredin Call   1200.00 3000.00 17552.50
    GSmith13 Fold        
    CraigSG1 Raise   3600.00 6600.00 13833.74
    Thorhannam Fold        
    RossMc All-in   41640.00 48240.00 0.00
    KopKing74 All-in   29827.37 78067.37 0.00
    Fredin All-in   17552.50 95619.87 0.00
    CraigSG1 All-in   13833.74 109453.61 0.00
    RossMc Unmatched bet   11212.63 98240.98 11212.63
    RossMc Show
    • 9
    • 9
    KopKing74 Show
    • K
    • J
    Fredin Show
    • A
    • A
    CraigSG1 Show
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • 2
    • 4
    • 2
    • 2
    Fredin Win Full House, 2s and Aces 73691.24   73691.24
    RossMc Win Full House, 2s and 9s 24549.74   35762.37
    Pretty brutal cooler in a four way allin against two of the three loose agg players too!

    Made my first ever ME cash tonight! Its a step in the right direction. Pretty cruel table to start the ME on, had Andrew1947 on my left and Chickenmelt on my right. Played with them for over an hour and more than held my own. Got very deep before a cruel beat with 88 v 66 to a flopped 10106 to leave me short but I grinded and nicked blinds to be back up before a few extremely tricky spots left me just under average then I ran AQ v KK and was left with half a BB 18 away from the money. Doubled up with A2 v KQ and decided to just try and fold my way to the money with 4 BB's mainly because I wanted my first cash and secondly felt it was odds against making a comeback.

    Ive done well in this MTT and know that I can definatley take this down one day. Feeling i'm also getting back into the MTT grove, just need to hold when ahead more!

    My ME challenge is on.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 14 (best 40/266 + £2 cash in Vegas Sat FR)
    ME's: 2 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 8 (best 17/297)
    Sats: 3 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  1 (7/22)
    £2 Rebuy:   2 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  4 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 35
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited March 2015
    Congrats on the ME cash... I think I have to go back over 5 years to remember what that feels like!

    Are you going to add all of the ME games into your schedule now or will it just be the £11 TT? 

    Am sure you'll get big results at some point, but the higher short-term variance of MTT games must be tough for a fellow bankroll nit to cope with?
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Hi Shakin,

    Thanks. No, I intend to play as many as I can but entry mainly through sats for the time being with maybe the odd direct BI.

    The winning of an MTT is like no other, so obviously the downside is the variance which I am having a lot of. Some real big pots have gone against me dispite being ahead and mostly ahead by a lot (see below for an example) so it has to come soon surely? ;)

    Tonight has been a godd night dispite one horendous important beat. Started off with a ME sat that went bad when I got it in KQ v QJ on a Qxx dry board against a loose guy. Sadly the J came straight away on the turn and was left with fumes so no joy there.

    Played about 20-30 mins of cash to gain some points for the FR's and did really well, making +£35 thanks to one big hand against two loose players AK v KQ v 89 all in on a K910 board and dispite a very scary turn 7 a nice A river gave me a great pot. Result!

    Went well in one FR, played very aggressive in places and then got a little luck right at the end when putting pressure on with 10 left and 6 paid. Rivered trips when I was about to go out so some return good fortune I have to admit too. Ended up finishing fourth and taking the £17 as this was my last MTT running and want an early night.

    The bad news was I was doing great in the £5 BH, top 8 stack with two heads when this hand happened. Was for the chip lead with over an hour gone and would have set me up for a great run. One day these will go my way!

    JETA Small blind   75.00 75.00 8955.00
    CEJ Big blind   150.00 225.00 1680.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    shirley02 Fold        
    CraigSG1 Raise   300.00 525.00 8445.01
    tinytellah Call   300.00 825.00 7265.00
    TheBench1 Fold        
    JETA Call   225.00 1050.00 8730.00
    CEJ Fold        
    • 10
    • A
    • A
    JETA Check        
    CraigSG1 Bet   300.00 1350.00 8145.01
    tinytellah Call   300.00 1650.00 6965.00
    JETA Call   300.00 1950.00 8430.00
    • Q
    JETA Check        
    CraigSG1 Bet   1050.00 3000.00 7095.01
    tinytellah Call   1050.00 4050.00 5915.00
    JETA All-in   8430.00 12480.00 0.00
    CraigSG1 All-in   7095.01 19575.01 0.00
    tinytellah Fold        
    JETA Unmatched bet   284.99 19290.02 284.99
    JETA Show
    • A
    • J
    CraigSG1 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • J
    JETA Win Full House, Aces and Jacks 19290.02   19575.01

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 16 (best 4/297 £17)
    ME's: 2 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 9 (best 17/297)
    Sats: 4 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  1 (7/22)
    £2 Rebuy:   2 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  4 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 39
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Very pleasing to smash past the £2k mark! My BR's never looked so good.

    I do promise to include a few big BI's soon as I feel I have got my MTT game going again, just need the run to rub my way.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited March 2015
    Well done 2K wootwoot!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Mrs Duck!!

    Was hoping to play longer tonight but was a bit tired early doors and my play suffered for it. Didnt play that well and made a few mistakes dispite getting coolered a couple of times. I feel I could have lost less playing better. Ran deep in the 2nd FR but busted out around 30th.

    But I did manage to save my night and gain a nice little MTT victory in the £5 HU/BH. I have said before I have a good record in this and need to play it more and I added to that success tonight by taking it down for almost £55. Played well throughout and won 5 HU matches to take it down. I had one suckout with A9 v A10 and ran well when my most of my hands that went in ahead stayed that way. A nice confidence boost and hopefully can add to that in my March MTT challenge!

    CraigSG1650001£32.50 + £22.39 Head Prizes5£7.45

    Was intending to play the two £10 MTTs tonight but as I said im tired and not feeling it so will retire with a good memory! Try the grind tomorrow night!

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 18 (best 4/297 £17)
    ME's: 2 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 10 (best 17/297)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  2 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   3 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  6 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 47
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    WHAT A DAY!!!!!

    Been such a brilliant day today, one of my best in a long while. Made over £200 and played and ran really well. Very pleasing.

    To start off I played a £3BH; Have to say I played really well. Quiet to start and picked my spots early, didnt get disheartened when after doubling up I lost half my stack to 63s after making top 2 pr and guy calling down for running flush. Was very low at one point but was patient, got a trebble up and two heads with KK and went from there. Played a great TAG style and quietly made my way through the bubble (where I picked up a few chips by stealing and with controlled aggression - a big leap in my game recently) and then when on to the final table and I was again patient. Got lucky to take a head and go 5 handed with JJ v QQ. 5 handed lasted a while but when that went I ran over the table from there, especially three handed where I just pummelled the 2nd in chips stack and then took them both out to finish!

    I must say I am indebted to playing cash and reading a few books as I read hands/situations and controlled my bets and aggression to coast to victory!! Picking on the mid stack and not the small was key as I built up a huge advantage and was never in trouble.


    CraigSG12260001£47.38 + £36.91 Head Prizes12£10.34
    In the early stages I played a little cash for 20/30 mins and managed to add another £35+ profit so a great morning.

    Came back this evening and first tourny was the £5 BH which was yet another success of the day. Almost made it three wins from three but (rather apt) I finished 3rd out of 320 for a +£100 score. Really dissapointing exit hand. Three handed villian had beat my KK with 54o after calling flop with a gutshot and hitting turn 5 and river 4. Ten mins later again 3 handed I had KK and we get it all in pre and after flopping a Q he turns one too so gg me. That was for chip lead and a real crack at winning it after coming into the final table 5/6 after going card/situation dead. 

    Ran well to start and coasted again and nothing was going wrong, it went dead at 12 and I did very well to get to third so I have to be happy with that. 

    CraigSG103£72.80 + £36.53 Head Prizes12 
    Tried a few allin sats but to no avail. Never do well in these, best was tonight when I got a 2nd but that paid nothing! Other games where the two Vegas FR's. No good in one and an almost in the Vegas sat, finishing 13/367 when 4 paid. KK no good again in the rebuy when went out to A6o. The other saide of vairence. Played a £5 HU/BH but went out first round when against a very aggressive opponent my AK lost to QJ.

    I'm back in the MTT groove and it feels great to have had that MTT winning feeling again today, nearly twice! I'm going to treat myself to a couple of direct ME buyins as soon as I can. Feeling it now!!

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 20 (best 4/297 £17 + 13/367)
    ME's: 2 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 12 (best 1/113 + 3/320)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  3 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   4 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  6 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 53  (3 wins from 4 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Small night tonight mainly to play the Up Your Game FR. Did pretty well, was a top 50 stack for most of the way then lost a few close spots and eventually bust 271/1883 for £20. All good for nothing, hope my main cash is the last one next weekend!

    No good in a £5 BH, couldnt get anything going on a very, very loose fishy table.

    Still, had a great weekend and a nice little end to it tonight.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 22 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20)
    ME's: 2 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 13 (best 1/113 + 3/320)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  3 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   4 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  6 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 56  (3 wins from 4 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    After a break yesterday I returned to play the ME and three other MTT's. Played 2 £5BH's but couldnt get anything going at all, busted both when flopping top pair allin pre against pairs but both times they hit sets on the flop too. FR went out first hand I late reg with a PP in a 4 way allin after I had 3 bet jammed.

    ME started great, doubled early with AA when someone c/r allin on turn with a bluff. Won a few others and was comfortable. 2nd hour not so great, blinded down to average stack through no spots then managed to get above with a nice pot against a loose guy then next hand this happens;

    Joey898 Small blind   150.00 150.00 6735.00
    adamu13 Big blind   300.00 450.00 9930.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    jdsallstar Fold        
    ranger04 Fold        
    CraigSG1 Raise   600.00 1050.00 7250.00
    WIG23 Call   600.00 1650.00 12482.50
    Joey898 Fold        
    adamu13 Fold        
    • 9
    • 10
    • 4
    CraigSG1 Bet   1237.50 2887.50 6012.50
    WIG23 All-in   12482.50 15370.00 0.00
    CraigSG1 All-in   6012.50 21382.50 0.00
    WIG23 Unmatched bet   5232.50 16150.00 5232.50
    CraigSG1 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    WIG23 Show
    • K
    • Q
    • 2
    • J
    WIG23 Win Straight to the King 16150.00   21382.50

    I have had this so many times and I just can never dodge it, and 3 times in this MTT it has happened. Was for a top 10 stack easily and a good springboard.

    Played some cash also, played OK but ran into a few coolers and strange slow plays that worked out for them even though I had tons of equity. Didnt get paid on many hands either but all in all finished -£5 down which is a result considering!

    Yet again no luck in three all in sats. Must be 0-20 or something like.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 23 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20)
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 15 (best 1/113 + 3/320)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  3 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   4 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  6 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 60  (3 wins from 4 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Very gutted at the moment to have gone out in the main £5 BH, went out to quads would you believe when I made a call on a KKK99 board but should have folded as was 2nd but just quickly called with no thought!

    Still, have to be happy to finish 3/333. Especially as I’ve won 2/4 final tables in the past week! I wanted that first place buzz though! Won an MTT on Sat for £80 and felt ace, won £130 and feel not as good! 

    Played decent if not great, just patient and won some important hands. Four handed was strange and we all fluctuated stacks but need to do better when faced with constant aggression from a player.

    Played the two FR's, nothing in those. Also tried a £5BH/HU but again lost quickly first round with AK v A7 on a A87 flop. What can you do HU? Also played a £2 HU SnG for fun and won that.

    Played some cash early doors, first hand on a NL20 table get AA allin v 55 on a 234r flop after 4 betting pre. 6 river. Managed a £15 profit on other tables so only £5 down in the end.

    Still, a great night and hopefully still more to come this month.

    MTT tally;

    FR's: 25 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20)
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 16 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  4 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   4 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)
    Pokerstars:  7 (best - ? Cant include anything yet as pretty bad so far!)

    MTT total: 65  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    One of those nights that just dont pan out. No joy in 3 (2 FR's and rebuy) MTTs.

    The main £5 BH started well, took two heads and was nicely chipped then lost a couple of pots to knock me below average then got it allin on a A high board with top pair against a player who I know was light as he was very active. He had KJo for K high no draw but hit J then K to knock me out. 

    Played the £11BH for the first time, started well again by reading a bluff allin and held on the river, took a bounty late on but lost with AK when had to give up and on button with 55 I get three bet by active player reraising most hands so shove. He lets bar go down to near the end to make me think I'm ahead or he may fold but he then calls and shows AA! Disapointing. On a side note the level of play is very poor, i've seen a lot better at the £2 level.
    Ah, well. Theres always tomorrow.

    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 27 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20)
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 18 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  4 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   5 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 63  (3 wins from 5 FT's)

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    Had a deep run in a mornign £3BH but only had one head to show for it, pretty unlucky bust out hand. Had a little cash too, finished £10 up dispite losing with AA twice to gutshot straights.

    The evening saw a very, very deep run in the Vegas FR. Finished 30/660 for £20, again pretty unlucky to go out. Very shallow stacks, got no action with back to back KKs then had a utg limper and I saw flop with 86s and with a 6h 2 flushing board I jammed but get snapped by 33 who had bottom set and no redraw. 

    Also ran deep again in the main £5BH, took four heads and finsihed 20/290 but again another unlucky bustout. 

    Tried the £11BH again, had a harder table with three very knowable and decent players but again very silly/gambly play ensued with the others. Only managed one head (a very small pot) and was card dead after. Busting when losing a race, dead on the flop to a set. Also had a £5 HU/BH. Went passed first stage but lost 2nd to Ax v QJ to running straight.

    Strange night, ran deep in a few dispite not having much luck but made a profit so it shows i'm doing better with less. All good.

    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 29 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20)
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 21 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  5 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   5 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 69  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 31 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20) - FR cash total £74
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 22 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  5 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   5 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 72  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    No update for a while for numerous reasons. One is ive had a very quiet wek on the MTT front, a few deep runs but mainly suffering from a lot of negatives. A combination of a lot of suckouts, mostly with dominating hands against 3 outs, and not playing very well because of low confidence and tilt. Tilt. A word I have not used a lot lately as I have managed to negate it (obviously not 100% but very low levels).

    Played quite a few £11 BH's and I must say the standard is bad with a lot of gamblers. Only had one deep run and that ended with another of those 3 outers for a top 3 stack spot. A bit of normal run and I will definatley score in those so thats a MTT I will add. 

    Cash has gone OK, had a couple of losing sessions in a row but done well at 20/30/50nl. 50nl on a Saturday was eye opening. If I had a better head for the swings I would definatley make that a staple session. I'll probably stick to when confidence is up.

    Another reason for no updates is I feel that im only talking to myself. The forum has gone quieter and quieter over the last 12 months and with the recent Sky TV changes thats not going to improve. 

    Hopefully things can change again for the better on the poker front, especially during UKOPS whcih I am looking forward to. Aim to play as many as I can and have a proper go.

    Away from poker I have banked 1k of my winnings and had my first go at laying laminate flooring. Whole job cost under £100 and took a day. Must say it looks great and i'm pleased, only problem is with my bad back I now ache like a 90yo and can hardly walk! Hope it improves or I will have to take a day off unpaid.

    Bring on Easter!

    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 42 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20) - FR cash total £74
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 33 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  8 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   8 (39/83)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 102  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015
    No work today as I had to take a sick day (and again tomorrow) because I cant walk properly, still acting like a 90yo.

    I had a successful cash day, but a bad MTT day. Couldnt get anything going, only ran deep in 2 (a £11) and the rebuy, making it to 15th, a few off a cash. Probably spent about £45 and made about £7 back in head prizes so -£38 there. But cash wise had numerous winning sessions through the day and made almost £70. Ran decent and played well too, making informed decisions. Strange as I was making decent cash decisions but bad MTT ones. Too passive which is annoying as I mean to improve on that and my successes two weeks ago was when I was being controlled aggressive.

    Still no luck at all in allin sats. I will be buyin in direct to ME's as soon as get some MTT confidece.

    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 44 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20) - FR cash total £74
    ME's: 3 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 38 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  9 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   9 (15/88)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 109  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2015

    Gutted, wrote a decent post and then lost it just as I was about to hit post. Arghh!!!

    Breif summary, didnt play great today in MTTs. Two deep runs, one in ME but two suck outs in a row put paid to that. Four heads in a £11 BH was scant consolation for a deep run that ended in a cooler. Cash was OK dispite losing £40 in two MC pots in coolers. One set over set.

    Been a great +£418 month. Not sure what I will do next month for goals, we will see what, if any, promotions Sky run.

    Not even sure if I'll carry this on, undecided.


    Just withdrew some money to round off my BR to £1k.

    SKY MTT tally;

    FR's: 46 (best 4/297 £17 + 271/1883 £20) - FR cash total £74
    ME's: 4 (best 65/597 £22.93)
    BH's: 43 (best 1/113 + 3/333)
    Sats: 5 (best 22/110 (seat bubble/£19.40))

    £5 HU/BH:  9 (1/26)
    £2 Rebuy:   9 (15/88)
    £3 timed:    1 (-)

    MTT total: 117  (3 wins from 5 FT's)
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