Good morning all.
Unusually, we have a Saturday Show to celebrate UKOPS XI, & Boycey will be in the chair.
Tonight's schedule will be something like this......
7pm - 8pm - Friday's UKOPS Main Event Final Table, & a name check of ALL the Friday UKOPS Final Tablists.
8pm - Midnight - we'll follow tonight's Main Event, which is a £15k Bounty Hunter jobbie.
Both Laura & Karl will be playing from home, & Skyping (is that a word?) into the Show a few times. Will Karl be brave enough to follow my lead & wear a hoodie? Think he's too old to carry that one off.
All tonight's UKOPS Events carry the "TV Flag", so if you have an interesting hand from any of them, send it in & we'll try & show it if time permits.
Competitions & spot prizes? Oh yes, details follow......
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There will be the usual "Linger Longer" Comp, tonight it will be between Laura & Karl, who will both play the Main & the Mini.
Simply guess who lasts longer, & by how many places, e.g., "Laura by 300 places".
Winner gets Free Entry into Sunday's UKOPS Challenger.
There will also be SPOT PRIZES for the best or most interesting Thread Posts, or hands sent in. So, Post some interesting stuff & you might win a...
ps. Interesting fact for you, there are more calories in two Cadburys Roses chocolate sweets, than in an entire bag of Twiglets. OK, I know it's not interesting but you'll never forget it!
pps. I haven't made this up at all. Honest. Russell Crowe in the movie Gladiator, had a dog who fought alongside him in the opening scenes. That very same dog, also featured in the TV soap opera Eastenders, with the canine character name of Well'ard.
Have a good show
Macac's Post currently sits in 935,763rd place.
Have a great show.