The raisin does that because the bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass attach to the raisin. Once it hits the surface , the bubbles burst and the raisin sinks. The process then repeats. I'm sure this works with peanuts too.
I agree with Tikay. I've juat retired after spending the last 12 years hammering a keyboard for a living. I never used more than two fingers and the finger on the right hand covered 75% of the keyboard.
all polar bears are left handed, but right footed Posted by Macacgirl1
A polar bear walks into a bar and says to the barman " I'd like a gin and.......(after 2 mins) tonic please. The barman asks "why the big pause (paws)?"
What's the over/under on which/who is older?
sorry TK, it must be the 'beard' (and my red wine!)
Ozzy Osbourne,s Father used to have his milk delivered by Noddy Holder.
All the best
Ha! Ha! Nice one!
Noseprints are the most reliable way to identify dogs.
A urologist in NYC owns Napoleans pe nis.
ps. just had to google it, it's New Jersey, not NYC.
Great show as usual
Because I'm a polar bear!
The first draft of John Steinbeck,s of mice and men was eaten by the dog.
All the best
they say you should always go into a poker game nice and relaxed.
as sugar will usually make you less relaxed i'm thinking although a great taste it could make mistakes more common
The average adult, with an average sized mouth can put a lightbulb in their mouth (bulbous end first obviously) but then won't be able to take it out.