In Response to Re: Sky Poker UKPC 2015 : Vous êtes les bienvenus. Je te aime . Posted by Tikay10
Unfortunatley monsieur tikay that is a more literal translation of you are welcome.
It is ok in the context of welcoming someone to your home but not as a response to someone thanking you.
avec plaisir OR je vous en prie
There is also the more familiar de rien - oh its nothing.
Also it's not usual to switch between the formal form of address vous and the familiar tu to the same person - unless you just fall in love that quickly.
So maybe Je t'en prie. Je t'aime. would be better.
In Response to Re: Sky Poker UKPC 2015 : Unfortunatley monsieur tikay that is a more literal translation of you are welcome. It is ok in the context of welcoming someone to your home but not as a response to someone thanking you. try avec plaisir OR je vous en prie There is also the more familiar de rien - oh its nothing. Also it's not usual to switch between the formal form of address vous and the familiar tu to the same person - unless you just fall in love that quickly. So maybe Je t'en prie. Je t'aime. would be better. Salut! Posted by Phantom66
Over the moon to win the Team Sky Poker promotion for UKPC last week (Tournaments Section). Another great promo Sky!
I haven't heard anything regarding the details as yet. Do I need to contact anybody, or will I be contacted by Sky re hotel details, where/when we need to meet, clothing etc?
Hi guys, can someone quickly clear this up for me please? If i win an online satellite into the main event, which day 1 would I be entered into? This is of course so i can factor in travel times and hotel room costs etc.. Thank you. Posted by TheUKSpoon
Hi Mr Spoon.
The default entry date for those who qualify via is Day 1D, which is Friday 27th February.
In Response to Re: Sky Poker UKPC 2015 : Hi Mr Spoon. The default entry date for those who qualify via is Day 1D, which is Friday 27th February. Posted by Tikay10
Oh thats great (the day that would be most suitable)
Just wondering if you get through day 1 online of the mini and for what ever reason you get through with a small stack do you have the option to surrender your stack and re-enter again into another day1 or are you stuck with that stack for day2?
Just wondering if you get through day 1 online of the mini and for what ever reason you get through with a small stack do you have the option to surrender your stack and re-enter again into another day1 or are you stuck with that stack for day2? Posted by FlashFlush
Well that was very quick and easy speaking to DTD. Just so everyone else knows who might of been asking the same thing. You can enter as many Day1's as you like and if you make day 2 on more than 1 occasion they will give you the bigger stack you went through with.
Well that was very quick and easy speaking to DTD. Just so everyone else knows who might of been asking the same thing. You can enter as many Day1's as you like and if you make day 2 on more than 1 occasion they will give you the bigger stack you went through with. Posted by FlashFlush
Detective Charles 'Multi Bullet' Overton clears another case up
Hi guys. Over the moon to win the Team Sky Poker promotion for UKPC last week (Tournaments Section). Another great promo Sky! I haven't heard anything regarding the details as yet. Do I need to contact anybody, or will I be contacted by Sky re hotel details, where/when we need to meet, clothing etc? Cheers Graham (StayOrGo) Posted by StayOrGo
I won a package too so I'll see you there! I'm assuming we'll hear from Sky fairly soon. Likely to be the hotel castle marina. But I could be wrong.
Apologies if this has been answered previously, what days are the online day 1's for the mini? I have tried ( and failed ) to understand dtd website which prob, gives the answer. Thanks in advance
In Response to Re: Sky Poker UKPC 2015 : Hi Mr Spoon. The default entry date for those who qualify via is Day 1D, which is Friday 27th February. Posted by Tikay10
Thinking about trying to qualify this week but can only play at the weekend due to work. Will DTD/Sky allow a swap to day 1A if I manage to luckbox a seat?
Apologies if this has been answered previously, what days are the online day 1's for the mini? I have tried ( and failed ) to understand dtd website which prob, gives the answer. Thanks in advance Posted by tomgoodun
Vous êtes les bienvenus. Je te aime .
And kissing.
And kissing Kylie Mino... Didn't do that. My bad.
Finals every Sunday on Sky as below, including tonight
Over the moon to win the Team Sky Poker promotion for UKPC last week (Tournaments Section). Another great promo Sky!
I haven't heard anything regarding the details as yet. Do I need to contact anybody, or will I be contacted by Sky re hotel details, where/when we need to meet, clothing etc?
Cheers Graham (StayOrGo)
The default entry date for those who qualify via is Day 1D, which is Friday 27th February.
there are live day ones on Friday (7pm), Saturday (5pm) and Sunday (5pm)
the full schedule of the whole week of online and live day ones and all the information is on
on the schedule tab of
DTD are doing nightly satellites into the UKPC Mini
$15 rebuy, 9pm, 5 seats GTD.