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FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up



  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited March 2015
    Fantastic weekend - well done on both the organisation of the event and the good spirit in which the tournament was played. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one...

    ...because you know this can't be a one-off, right?
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up:
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up : how good do I run Sam Fri night tourney table 1 seat 6 you seat 7 then sat tourney table one seat 6 ...... I think we cn work out the rest lol......... you know I'm only joking tho ;) by the way how's the duck?
    Posted by scouse_red

    LOL @ duckgate! 

    And you did run bad getting lumped with me both nites ;)

  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up:
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up : LOL @ duckgate!  And you did run bad getting lumped with me both nites ;)
    Posted by samantha25
    it was a classic, the best one was while i was at the desk reging for the Sat night tourney, and one of the staff asked John if he wanted to do anything about this duck ....... his reply "Nah it's only Sam" ....... classic
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited March 2015
    Belated thank you to all those involved with organising the weekend and +1 (or more) to all the above posts around how well it went - a really enjoyable game of poker for live newbie to dip toes in to... would be great if these become a semi-regular occurance in the seeming absence of official SPT games.
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up:
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up : it was a classic, the best one was while i was at the desk reging for the Sat night tourney, and one of the staff asked John if he wanted to do anything about this duck ....... his reply "Nah it's only Sam" ....... classic
    Posted by scouse_red
    Can't believe I called floor for my missing duck :)

    It did swap around 10 diff folk I hear during the day, and I hate you all ;) 

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up:
    In Response to Re: FORUM DTD live weekend....... some loose ends tied up : Can't believe I called floor for my missing duck :) It did swap around 10 diff folk I hear during the day, and I hate you all ;) 
    Posted by samantha25
    No idea what you're on about, Sam ;)
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited March 2015
    the following has been copied with the kind permission of Neil aka Joesman1 from his outstanding thread which can be found HERE

    So to the said shenanigans of the w/e of 20/21st of March, and the much anticipated unofficial Sky Poker Tour event @ Aspers in Toon Land. I had delayed my departure to Malta to the Sunday morning, as I didn't want to miss out on the fun and frolics. After all, it was because of these fun weekends that I was now enjoying live poker. 

    A group of us met @ Aspers for a Chinese on the Friday night before we played a self dealt side event. Some went for a buffet style Chinese, whilst the rest of us made our way to my favourite sit down restaurant in China Town, The King Neptune. A round of drinks was ordered, "Peroni's all round" was the shout. "Not here sir, we are Chinese Resaurant". - Chuckle chuckle -. "What do u have?" "Chinese lager and Budweiser sir". Errrrr ok, Budweiser it was then. The food it was agreed was great, and the bill came to £128, and £150 was handed over. So ensuring a nice reception the next time I go. 

    On arriving back @ Aspers, Chinese Budweiser was ordered, much to our amusement, and the bar tenders bemusement. I don't know much of what happened the rest of the night, as I was under the weather, and fighting off 'man flu', and as soon as I'd dunked off my chips, I left to go home. I had a lodger for the weekend in 'Eyeman', aka Graham Phipps, and true to form, he was already out.  

    I woke up feeling better the next day, and we waited for Rosjim, aka James Marriott to arrive at mine. The 3 of us then got The Metro into Gateshead for breakfast, before continuing our journey back to Aspers. On arrival I heard Sky stalwarts Gordon 'Dollie' Parton and Jamie-Lou Barrett were amongst a group that chopped up the previous nights event. I was especially pleased for Gordon, as this would allow him to go buy himself a new suit (smiley face). 

    The main event of the w/e, a £50 freezeout, was attended by 80 odd people, not bad, but not the 100 I'd anticipated. A special thanks must go to Duncan Howarth, Chris England, Michael Daly, John Cormack -  The Card Room Manager, and all the dealers for their efforts in organising/running the event. It ran so well, that plans for the next event @ Aspers in Milton Keynes are well under way. The event itself was won by no other than James 'Rosjim' Marriott, defeating Alistair 'Longman' Long heads up. Well done lads.

    Now I'd have rather have finished this part of the blog here and now, and move on to Malta, but alas I can't..... So here goes.... Sigh......

    There was a small side event that started at 7pm on the Sat night for all 'us failures' in the main event. I watched England in glorious defeat in their attempts to beat the French by 27 points to win the six-nations before entering it. Within a couple of hours through reckless/loose play that had been rewarded, I'd built up a decent sized stack, and eventually we were down to the final 2 tables. There was a seat next to me, to my right, and here came my Sky Poker nemesis, Mr Colin 'CTBN' Napier to sit in it. He had a bigger stack than me, and between us, we probably had 1/3 of the chips in play. The usual banter followed, about who was taking who out etc, much to the amusement of the rest of the table. Within FIVE minutes, I woke up with KJ sp. Colin as always bet out, I called, everyone else folded. The flop came QXX (2*sp). Right I thought, I'm gonna get u once and for all. He bet, I obv' called. The turn was the Q sp, u beauty I thought to myself. Colin bet out, now some reason I suddenly took pity on him, I didn't want to destroy his stack in one go, so I said "Colin mate, I'm gonna do u a favour, I'm going all in to save u some chips, I want it to be slow death, like a Cobra suffocating its kill'. Colin looked at the cards on the table, looked at me, looked back at the table, and muttered "Neil, I'm not good enough to fold this hand". Delayed a bit longer and called. I rolled my eyes and flicked over my 2nd nut flush, he flicked over one card, a queen, then stopped. No never, I thought, please God, not a 'house'. A few seconds passed by then he flicked over his 2nd card, nope, no house, another f@king queen. I actually gave out a proper scream, stood up, turned to the wall, started banging it, "anyone but u, anyone", was all I could say. I turned back to see a table full of people and onlookers howling, and Colin gathering my chips in. Completely 'owned' and 'played like a fiddle' #2. Colin went on to win the event, - gritted teeth - well done!!

    By the time James had won the main, and we'd had a drink it was midnight ish. I'd arranged with James that we would leave my flat at 3am and he would drop me off at Leeds/Bradford Airport 5ish for my 6.45am flight. We had 3 hours to kill, so we joined a few others went for an Indian. Then went back to mine where I packed, took a shower, fed James with enough caffeine to keep him awake, and set off for the airport. 
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