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FAO Sky - Satellite Breaks



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: FAO Sky - Satellite Breaks:
    In Response to Re: FAO Sky - Satellite Breaks : Was thinking about this and am really surprised by this statement. Obviously you guys have the raw data to back this up so it must be right but I thought more of the players in sats would multi table, even if it was just 2 or 3 tabling. I guess one could argue that having breaks in sats would get them used to the format of the target tournament which will have the 5 minute break. As a kind of semi related point has any thought been made to having SnG sats as these could be set up with no breaks, would not have overlay and could be starting on a regular basis and be in the SnG lobby then the MTT lobby could include MTT style sats which would have a format similar to all the rest of the MTT schedule and have the 5minute break.  
    Posted by MattBates
    Morning Matthew Bates.

    Many people are surprised by that point (that the majority one-table), but it's a fact. The elite poker players such as you & Bearly have my full respect, & I wish you all well, but the vast majority of players live in a different world completely, & it behoves us to remember that. They are, for the most part, of course, your bread & butter, too.  A very significant part of Sky Poker traffic these days is via the Mobile App, & even you must surely realise that they are all one-tabling?

    As to the SNG idea, certainly worth looking at, or I would have thought so, anyway. But then you'll NOT have sync breaks anyway (SNG players don't get breaks), which, unless I am misunderstanding it, sort of defeats the idea of the thread?  
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited December 2014
    Most players 1 table 

    This doesn't suprise me as such but I want to develop on this. 

    Are for sats the study scewed - i multi table (im also far from guys like Matt and Bearly) and I don;t play sats PURELY becasue theres no breaks - are these statistics included in your study - im sure theres a few guys in a similar boat. 

    Secondly - with so many competeing sites - how can we be sure these people are one tabling? (other sites also have mobile apps so multitabling is possible on these devices - i know of one major brand app that you can mutli-table on alone)
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2014
    Flip it - if you include breaks then maybe you will attract more customers instead of thinking it will for some reason upset the current one tablers

    surely from a money point of view you would prefer someoen to be playing 20 sats at a time rarther than one sat

    for me it's a no brainer, you could even sync sats every 2 hours for sats at 55min cause eevry hour would be too much interuption as sats don't run that long

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: FAO Sky - Satellite Breaks:
    In Response to Re: FAO Sky - Satellite Breaks : Morning Matthew Bates. Many people are surprised by that point (that the majority one-table), but it's a fact. The elite poker players such as you & Bearly have my full respect, & I wish you all well, but the vast majority of players live in a different world completely, & it behoves us to remember that. They are, for the most part, of course, your bread & butter, too.  A very significant part of Sky Poker traffic these days is via the Mobile App, & even you must surely realise that they are all one-tabling? As to the SNG idea, certainly worth looking at, or I would have thought so, anyway. But then you'll NOT have sync breaks anyway (SNG players don't get breaks), which, unless I am misunderstanding it, sort of defeats the idea of the thread?  
    Posted by Tikay10
    The complete lack of consistency is my problem so under my system you would have SnG sats which the 1 tablers would play and they would know that there wouldn't be breaks. In the MTT lobby all sats would have breaks, this solves the consistency issue which we currently have. 

    Regarding the 1 tabling players would it not be good to get them used to the format of the target tournament and them have a 5minute break in sats?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2014
    Bumpy wumpies
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