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One man and his gadgets on tour 2015



  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited February 2015
    ..... Meanwhile in breaking news..... Reports coming through of a captured flag...... Details to follow......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2015

    This will be a great read, thanks Neil.
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited February 2015
    Chapter 1 - A review of last year

    After playing the WPT festival last November at DTD in Nottingham, I decided it was time to take a break 'til the new year and just reflect on the previous 12 months.

    Here is a brief run down of how last year panned out:-

    It all started with a Gentings event at DTD in January. And I was involved in an amazing hand on the bubble (it's on you tube for anyone who has 7 minutes to waste in their life, - just google me or Tim Slater and Gentings Nottingham). Basically we got it all in pre, me with KK and Tim with AA and I (just) had Tim covered. The flop came down KQJ to give me top set, the turn was a 10, to give Tim the straight, the river an A to also give me the straight, DTD erupted in laughter, 'as you were' so they say, the bubble continued....

    Eventually down to two tables I ran into Tim (again), him limping with AK in 1st position when I had AQ on the button, all in pre for an 800k pot. I went away frustrated, ok I finished 17th out of plenty for £2,800, but yet again I got it all in behind, and not the sort of 'behind' that's pleasurable!!! This had to stop!!! This was my annoying habit the previous six months, getting to the cash, then shoving into a bigger hand. The bad news from that day hadn't ended yet, but it was a couple of weeks before it dawned on me. On my way home I sped through the ave speed trap on the M1 a bit too speedily. My profit from that weekend took a £60 hit and my freshly clean licence is no longer clean again. 

    Nothing much happened until the summer when I helped organise a TKP trip to Marbella. Taking in sun, sea, alcohol, (a tad too much for a few) and poker.  

    There's a separate blog from that trip and I'll dig up and post on here after the 3 entries from St Kitts. 

    Suffice to say Marbella went well, and I sneaked my 1st ever live MTT win. From there I went to Nottingham for the UKPC Sky 6-Max, again that went well, finishing 5th to a well deserved winner in Leigh Wiltshire, not forgetting Paul Haycock who came 6th. I was about to leave for the long 'slow' drive home when I got talked into playing a UKPC side event. It made sense as the winner of the UKPC festival won a 15k package. Basically 15k worth of free entries to use over the next 12 months at DTD. Having made the final 10, it came down to either myself or Stu Rutter winning it. But I had to beat him by at least 4 spots. It made for a strange dynamic, as winning the package was as lucrative as winning the event itself. I ended up getting rivered by the chap who went on to win it, finishing in 6th spot. Stu ended up the defeated heads up combatant. 

    In between Marbs' and Notts' I managed to bink an EPT Barcelona seat, knocking out EPC champ David Vamplew heads up, the heater had switched to online mode and showed no sign of switching itself off just yet. 

    After Notts, I squeezed 5 days of sun in Majorca before flying direct to Barcelona. I'd heard so much about the Barcelona EPT I couldn't wait to get there. It didn't disappoint!!! I spent quite a bit of time there drinking (too much) and eating with the likes of Mike 'Da Bookie' Hill, geordie boy Tommy Dunwoodie, and Willie Tan. Again things went ok, I min cashed for €8,500, and having got in for €220 I was more than happy. 

    September brought a small cash in a Gentings side event, before I headed to London for the UKIPT/EPT festival. 

    I arrived in London on the Fri night 9pm ish, and by 11pm I was in a pub drinking wine with my 'better half' and Mrs Brommers waiting for Mr Brommers to exit a side event he was playing. We then strolled to Leicester Square and had a lovely Chinese meal before jumping into the dodgiest taxi EVER!!! 

    Saturday brought the UKIPT High Roller. My thought process was if I cashed I'd stay and play the EPT, if not, I'd take the train home on the Sunday. By the end of the day, I'd made day 2, guaranteed a cash, and within 15 mins of each other taken out Dan Colman AND Chris Moorman!! To my left on the last table of the day I had Olivier Busquet, and to his left, soon to be WSOP 2014 champ Martin Jacobsen. There were some serious players in town!! I ended up finishing 16th, scooping more than enough for the EPT entry. In the EPT itself I'd doubled up within 15 mins with my QQ v AA on KQx board. I was up to 80k ish at one point, but disgracefully exited before the end of day 1. A serous word with oneself ensued on the train journey home the following day. 

    The bargaining tool for re-locating to Nottingham for two weeks of the WPT in November was a week beforehand in Tenerife, fair deal I'd say. The WPT itself brought two v small cashes, and 3 brutal bad beats in the main and side events. But I'd had more than my share of luck throughout the year, and it was obviously decided by the poker gods it was my turn to suffer. 

    Playing more live events last year 100% helped me improve my game. It also meant I've played a lot less on line, and low and behold, I had a winning year in that sphere too (courtesy of Rob/Aussie's stats). I wasn't treating the online game with any respect previously, just having a bit of fun whilst watching TV. 

    So in a nutshell that was my diary of 2014. I played at some great venues, and visited some lovely cities. And along the way banked a few bob. Same again this year please??

    I'm writing this up as I journey back from EPT Deauville, and I shall write about this journey over night and post it tomorrow. Suffice to say what looked like being a 'Les Miserables' trip, turned out to be ok in the end. Better late than never Rodney!! 

    See you anon

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    ..... Meanwhile in breaking news..... Reports coming through of a captured flag...... Details to follow......
    Posted by joesman1

    Pray Tell!!

    Neil, St Kitts was A Great Read!!

    JEEZ!! i cannot believe that was 2011, surley not!!

    looking forward to this, from a great Mate, & Fellow FOSP admin!!

  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited February 2015
    Just a footnote... In all probability future posts will have less poker about them, and more what's happening outside the auditorium. It was hard not to put all of last year in one blog and not be more poker orientated. 
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Just a footnote... In all probability future posts will have less poker about them, and more what's happening outside the auditorium. It was hard not to put all of last year in one blog and not be more power orientated. 
    Posted by joesman1
    Is that an Atheltes Footnote??
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2015
    Nice one Neil, I'm sure you've got loads of interesting stories from your travels.

    EvilPingu can't post cos he's banned but wanted me to say he's really looking forward to it too.

    Gl with 2015
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited February 2015
    FREE The EvilPingu!!!!

    Oooooppppss Sry Neil!!!
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited February 2015
    That's a great recap of 2014 Neil.

    Looking forward to following your adventures in 2015.
    I'm hoping you'll also be able to provide a bit of an insight into the world of live poker for those of us in the virtual world.

    Good Luck, Good Luck.
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Extemely excited about this diary. I am a complete Joesman Fangirl! *waves pom poms*
    Posted by Bromley023

    Can i get my pompoms back please.

    Geuninely looking forward to this diary Neil and i generally dont read most diary threads about.  See you at DTD and a huge glgl for 2015.
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Chapter 1 - A review of last year After playing the WPT festival last November at DTD in Nottingham, I decided it was time to take a break 'til the new year and just reflect on the previous 12 months. Here is a brief run down of how last year panned out:- It all started with a Gentings event at DTD in January. And I was involved in an amazing hand on the bubble (it's on you tube for anyone who has 7 minutes to waste in their life, - just google me or Tim Slater and Gentings Nottingham). Basically we got it all in pre, me with KK and Tim with AA and I (just) had Tim covered. The flop came down KQJ to give me top set, the turn was a 10, to give Tim the straight, the river an A to also give me the straight, DTD erupted in laughter, 'as you were' so they say, the bubble continued.... Eventually down to two tables I ran into Tim (again), him limping with AK in 1st position when I had AQ on the button, all in pre for an 800k pot. I went away frustrated, ok I finished 17th out of plenty for £2,800, but yet again I got it all in behind, and not the sort of 'behind' that's pleasurable!!! This had to stop!!! This was my annoying habit the previous six months, getting to the cash, then shoving into a bigger hand. The bad news from that day hadn't ended yet, but it was a couple of weeks before it dawned on me. On my way home I sped through the ave speed trap on the M1 a bit too speedily. My profit from that weekend took a £60 hit and my freshly clean licence is no longer clean again.  Nothing much happened until the summer when I helped organise a TKP trip to Marbella. Taking in sun, sea, alcohol, (a tad too much for a few) and poker.   There's a separate blog from that trip and I'll dig up and post on here after the 3 entries from St Kitts.  Suffice to say Marbella went well, and I sneaked my 1st ever live MTT win. From there I went to Nottingham for the UKPC Sky 6-Max, again that went well, finishing 5th to a well deserved winner in Leigh Wiltshire, not forgetting Paul Haycock who came 6th. I was about to leave for the long 'slow' drive home when I got talked into playing a UKPC side event. It made sense as the winner of the UKPC festival won a 15k package. Basically 15k worth of free entries to use over the next 12 months at DTD. Having made the final 10, it came down to either myself or Stu Rutter winning it. But I had to beat him by at least 4 spots. It made for a strange dynamic, as winning the package was as lucrative as winning the event itself. I ended up getting rivered by the chap who went on to win it, finishing in 6th spot. Stu ended up the defeated heads up combatant.  In between Marbs' and Notts' I managed to bink an EPT Barcelona seat, knocking out EPC champ David Vamplew heads up, the heater had switched to online mode and showed no sign of switching itself off just yet.  After Notts, I squeezed 5 days of sun in Majorca before flying direct to Barcelona. I'd heard so much about the Barcelona EPT I couldn't wait to get there. It didn't disappoint!!! I spent quite a bit of time there drinking (too much) and eating with the likes of Mike 'Da Bookie' Hill, geordie boy Tommy Dunwoodie, and Willie Tan. Again things went ok, I min cashed for €8,500, and having got in for €220 I was more than happy.  September brought a small cash in a Gentings side event, before I headed to London for the UKIPT/EPT festival.  I arrived in London on the Fri night 9pm ish, and by 11pm I was in a pub drinking wine with my 'better half' and Mrs Brommers waiting for Mr Brommers to exit a side event he was playing. We then strolled to Leicester Square and had a lovely Chinese meal before jumping into the dodgiest taxi EVER!!!  Saturday brought the UKIPT High Roller. My thought process was if I cashed I'd stay and play the EPT, if not, I'd take the train home on the Sunday. By the end of the day, I'd made day 2, guaranteed a cash, and within 15 mins of each other taken out Dan Colman AND Chris Moorman!! To my left on the last table of the day I had Olivier Busquet, and to his left, soon to be WSOP 2014 champ Martin Jacobsen. There were some serious players in town!! I ended up finishing 16th, scooping more than enough for the EPT entry. In the EPT itself I'd doubled up within 15 mins with my QQ v AA on KQx board. I was up to 80k ish at one point, but disgracefully exited before the end of day 1. A serous word with oneself ensued on the train journey home the following day.  The bargaining tool for re-locating to Nottingham for two weeks of the WPT in November was a week beforehand in Tenerife, fair deal I'd say. The WPT itself brought two v small cashes, and 3 brutal bad beats in the main and side events. But I'd had more than my share of luck throughout the year, and it was obviously decided by the poker gods it was my turn to suffer.  Playing more live events last year 100% helped me improve my game. It also meant I've played a lot less on line, and low and behold, I had a winning year in that sphere too (courtesy of Rob/Aussie's stats). I wasn't treating the online game with any respect previously, just having a bit of fun whilst watching TV.  So in a nutshell that was my diary of 2014. I played at some great venues, and visited some lovely cities. And along the way banked a few bob. Same again this year please?? I'm writing this up as I journey back from EPT Deauville, and I shall write about this journey over night and post it tomorrow. Suffice to say what looked like being a 'Les Miserables' trip, turned out to be ok in the end. Better late than never Rodney!!  See you anon
    Posted by joesman1

    Just an mtt win hmm? nothing else to add to that? IT WAS THE UKIPT HIGH ROLLER FFS, do yourself justice!!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited February 2015
    Hey Joe,

    Cracking blog, all the best for 2015
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015 : Just an mtt win hmm? nothing else to add to that? IT WAS THE UKIPT HIGH ROLLER FFS, do yourself justice!!
    Posted by mewillows
    Yes and he glossed over his online exploits, failing to mention he won the Primo, a UKOPS Main event, along with other main event FT's.

    I think he's trying to maintain the fish / luckbox image, he worked so hard to get ;)
  • Bromley023Bromley023 Member Posts: 274
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:

    I arrived in London on the Fri night 9pm ish, and by 11pm I was in a pub drinking wine with my 'better half' and Mrs Brommers waiting for Mr Brommers to exit a side event he was playing. We then strolled to Leicester Square and had a lovely Chinese meal before jumping into the dodgiest taxi EVER!!!

    By far THE scariest taxi ride I have ever had. I am still doubtful that said car was an official taxi of any sort.  That was such a fun night.  Good chinese! And accidentally got a bit drunker than we planned to I think!


  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited February 2015
    Firstly, many MANY thanks for the positive feedback guys. I deliberated long and hard about writing this diary. I really enjoyed writing the St Kitts and Marbella ones, but you can go to the well once too often. And a lot of people who will read this might know of me, but don't actually know me. Consequently I'm worried my acquired sense of humour may not come over that well, and what a 'c@ck' will be mutterd privately and publicly amongst some. Again those that know ME, know I'm a sensitive little soul, and I'd hate for the diary to be misunderstood to be anything else other than a bit of fun.

    Which brings me to playing down my achievements last year Jamie and Jerome (can you two sing??? If so, it's The J J's). NOBODY likes a big time charlie. So in an effort to give an accurate account of events, but not over state my achievements, I erred on the side of caution. I'm sure most people that read this know what it was I won, if not, and they were really bothered to know, they could look it up. 

    The Fish
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited February 2015
    Chapter 2:- Trains, trains and more trains.

    So having not played any live event since the WPT back in November I was really looking forward to EPT Deauville. I'd had a nice win and a runners spot amongst the few online tournaments I'd tried my hand at over Xmas, which more than paid for the festivities. 

    Arranging to get to Deauville was a mission in itself. There's no direct flights to the town, and I'd have had to fly into Paris CDG from Newcastle, then metro it into Paris Gare Du Nord, then metro it across Paris to Paris St Lazare, then train it to Trouville-Deauville. 

    In the end, I decided to train it all the way. So it became a 6.45am metro from Gateshead to Newcastle. 7.04am Flying Scotsman (direct with no stops) Newcastle to Kings Cross, arriving 9.40am. A short walk over the road to St Pancras Station. 11.10 to Paris Gare Du Nord, arriving 14.50. I then caught a bus to Paris St Lazare, and caught the 16.45 to Lisieux, before jumping on the 18.35 to Trouville-Deauville, FINALLY arriving at 18.57 - phew!! -  A journey that Michael Portillo could span 3 episodes covering. It all went relatively smooth, I had the usual intermittent Internet signal to London, then very little signal to the tunnel, then a 100% uninterrupted signal all the way through the tunnel, eh? Explain that one?? The one good thing to come from it was that I'd managed to get a return trip for only £150!!! Well, that's until I managed to turn a cheap trip into an expensive one (details to follow).

    One other funny episode of note was when I had a coffee in Starbucks in St Lazare station. As per in Starbucks, the server asked for my name and wrote it on the cup along with what I'd ordered. A few minutes later the lady who made the drinks bellowed 'Nemo' to the massed throng waiting. Nothing happened, no one came forth. 'NEMO' (even louder this time), I sort of wandered across and enquired, in a slow french accented English tongue, is it not Neil? Errrr Qui Monsieur, phew, they'd found 'Nemo', and I had my drink.

    Anyways, I jumped in a taxi outside the station, told the driver I was staying at Le Chantilly on Avenue De La Republique, '€10 sir' he said, 'no bother' I said. A quick drive over the roundabout and we were there, cheers pal. That was the 1st indication on how pricey this little town was to be. 

    I'd already contacted Ian Simpson of Irish Poker Open notoriety, and Mike 'Da Bookie' Hill, whom I'd made loose arrangements to meet up with that night, but both were worse for wear from their previous night's exploits. So I decided to take a quick shower, then go familiarise myself with the Casino, and register for the following days FPS High Roller. Again I taxied it, again I had my eyes taken out, this time for €12 for a trip round the corner. That was to be the last taxi of the trip. The queue was enormous, there was a flight of The Deauville Cup about to start, bad timing on my part, but I was there now, so spent the next 90 mins listening to an American who loved the sound of his own voice. By the time I'd registered I was shattered so had an early night, well that's what I had planned. Im not sure of the time, but I was awoken to the loudest sounding stilettos ever, walking back and forth in the corridor above my room, then bang bang bang on the door directly above me. No answer, bang bang bang again. Nothing. No lies, 1/2 an hour later, still bang bang bang, eventually an answer, yay!!! No, not yay, there then proceeded to be an hour of screaming, shouting, fighting and occasional crying. What made it worse was that it was all in french, so I didn't understand, and couldn't pick which side I was on. But what I feared next didn't happen though, no make up sex, small mercy. I never got to know what it was about, but both were thrown out in the morning, from there on my stay at the hotel was both peaceful and very comfortable. 

    I played and failed in the FPS High Roller. I made day 2 with average chips, but couldn't get going, eventually exiting 20 spots before the cash. Nick Hicks a regular at DTD who I got to spend quite a bit of time with, went pretty deep. By now reports were coming through that Sky regular and good lad James Rann was 'bossing' The Aussie Millions, and had made the f/t as chip leader. I got to know James in Barcelona last year, and knew how much he was looking forward to this event. He had to grind an absurd amount to qualify for it, so the rewards that were coming his way were well deserved. 

    That night I ate in a local french restaurant, and found myself eating next to a member of the present Sky Poker team, Stapes. And two old ones, James Hartigan, and Matt Broughton. Tbf to James he recognised me straight away and shook my hand, and I allowed them to have their pic taken with me before I left. 

    I decided to play Day 1b of the EPT. Although it was my 3rd such one, it was the 1st that I had bought in with my own hard earned (Barcelona I qualified on line, and London I used my UKIPT winnings), so became my biggest ever investment in a tournament. I did nothing wrong, just got my AA cracked by 44 on a 874 rainbow flop after it had been 4 bet to 1800 pre at 1/200. Given the action pre, I put the villain on an over pair to the board, or even AA too, NOT 44 - sigh!!! 

    The event went no better for either Ian or Mick, and we drowned our sorrows in the bar that night. 

    The following day there was another 2k side event, so I dug deep again. I was on or about an average stack throughout the 1st day, and came back for day 2 feeling I had a decent chance of cashing. I had Davidi Kitai to my left, (a top ten rated player in the world so I'm told), he was chipped up, so I was in a tricky spot. I kept my powder dry and stayed out of trouble, had AA and KK and didn't get paid on either. By the bubble I had 14 bigs, stole the odd blind, but never had anything decent to go to war with and try double up. That is until an hour into the bubble I woke up with AA in the SB, everyone folded to me, so I limped, I needed action, Kitai obliged, he put me all in. Great, I insta called, flicked over AA, Kitai rolled his eyes, laughed, and showed 8/2 off. By the river he'd hit a straight, thanks, gg, - sigh again. That left one Brit, Ludovic Jonsen, obv' a Scot, and he did very well to finish 2nd. 

    By now I was bemoaning my luck, aces cracked twice in two events, and on the back of the run bad I had back in November at the WPT. Keep the faith I said to myself, I had one last chance to save the week. By now I'd decided to bring my return trip forward from the Monday to the Friday.  I knew it wouldn't be cheap doing this, but I had decided enough was enough, I'd play the 1k 6-max on the Thurs night, before heading home. I went to the station Thurs morning, explained I wanted to bring my train forward, €215 euros later I'd booked a new ticket to London, nice!! It was a further £65 to get from London to Newcastle ( or so I thought). So my €150 return now stood at £400 ish. Some good news was to came my way next though. When I informed the hotel I was leaving early, they gave me a full refund on the unused nights, that more or less counter-balanced to Eurostar fee. 

    Before my last event I went for a spot of lunch in a quiet brasserie, ordered my meal, then in walked Victoria Coren and her husband David Mitchell. I'd spent part of the previous day on Victoria's table, so she recognised me, and we did that sort of uncomfortable nod to each other, and they sat on the next table to me. What I can tell you is that annoying voice Mitchell uses for TV, is his actual voice. I bumped into later that night during a break, so I enquired if he accompanied her often, 'yes he does' she said, he does a lot of his writing whilst she plays. 

    So to the event, the way I looked at it I used a golf scenario. I was on the 18th tee, a 625yd stroke index 1 par 5. A par was no good to me, (min cash or nothing), I was in for plenty on the week.  A birdie got me into a play-off (8th-4th, which was acceptable). An eagle won me the title (1st-3rd). I actually needed to come 4th to break even on the week. 140 entrants meant it was a tough ask, hence the stroke index 1. Well I put my drive into the deep rough as after 15 mins I'd lost 1/2 my stack. I needed help, I got it, I got a free drop due to line of sight to the green (I got a table move, and 1st hand I've 77 on a QQ7 board, and two opponents had a Q). So after my drop, the balls now sitting up like a coconut, I've the chance to hit the green in two (I'm back to my starting stack). 6 long hours later I've made the final table (yep I'm on in two, chance of an eagle for the win). Five handed I've J6 in the BB, by now I'm joint-ish chip leader with 1st to act man whose in every pot. He min raises it, everyone folds to me. I see a flop, J62 rainbow, happy days. I check call his inevitable continuation bet. Turn is a Q, please have the Q I say to myself, again I check, he now bets a chunky 60k and the pots now worth 160k when I flat him. Please be a blank I say, I know if I win this pot, I'm probably taking this boy down and bagging my 2nd Poker Stars trophy. It's a 2, sigh, paired board, I'm now counterfeited. He bets another 60k, I have to call, he tables Q3 off. In hindsight, I'd seen enough of him, if I'd shoved my remaining 150k I think I get him off. (So my eagle putt is tracking to the middle of the hole, and 1 yard out a **** french snail pops up and nods it off line and it lips out). I'm left with 10 bigs and get it in with A 10 with the same French fella. He shows 77, 7XX flop kills me, A on the river to rub it in. Having needed 4th to get level, 5th was a proper result tbh.

    So the following day I headed home, I'd more or less drawn level on the week, plus travelling costs, so not as bad as it could have been. As I was waiting to board the train, Victoria and David passed me again (on route to 1st class), errrr 'hello again', now becoming awkward, do I report them for stalking, before they do me?? Just MAKE sure u don't see them in London I said to myself. 

    Met up with Nick Hicks on the train, he'd tanked it the night before, and was looking bad for it. Smooth journey back to London, then I hit a snag. I picked up my tickets from the machine, hmmmm Newcastle to London, that doesn't look right I thought. I'd bought tickets for the correct time, just going in the wrong direction, durrrr!!!! The machine on the gate to the platform wasn't for letting me in. A young stewardess standing by asked to see my ticket, 'this is to travel to London from Newcastle' she said. 'How can it?' I enquired, 'I only bought it yesterday in France, I'm on my way home to Newcastle'. Not it seems on this train. I trundled to the ticket office. I thought my best form of defence is to be completely honest. So I had my TWO Deauville to London tickets, and my now TWO Newcastle/Kings Cross tickets in my hand as I explained that  I had brought my travel arrangements forward, paid the extra to get to London, but stupidly had booked the Kings Cross/Newcastle one the wrong way round. 'Oh dear', the clerk said, 'the best I can do is give u a form to fill in and send off, explain what u have done, and hopefully u will get some sort of refund, but right now, u have to buy another ticket to get home, at FULL price, £145', oh yeah baby!! So now my £150 return train journey stood at £550!! I had bought enough train tickets and reserved seats to carry a small army. 

    The bad news hadn't quite finished for the day. As I was approaching York, I received an email from the Casino in Deauville. They were sorry to inform me that they were unable to put the €9550 into my Pokerstars account, and could I pop into the Casino to pick it up in cash? So it's a Bank Transfer sometime next week, and that comes at a cost as the Bank charges a commission. 

    So that was it, my 1st venture of the year was over. Deauville itself is a lovely little quaint fishing village, and will be even more picturesque in the summer I guess, though very expensive. My daily omelette and coffee for breakfast cost €21. I won't be wanting a baguette for a long time either, those French must have iron jaws!!! I came away having made some new friends, and more fond memories, oh and a new flag to add to my collection. 

    Next stop is Nottingham for the UKPC, then EPC Malta. It's only cost me £95 for the flight plus luggage, but I may yet find a way to increase that cost. It seems I can't do cheap travel. 

    See u in Nottingham. 
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited February 2015
    Great read.  But you really need a PA.  I'm not young,female or  pretty but I'm available & cheap! ;-))
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited February 2015
    fantastic read joesman
  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited February 2015
    Excellent mate and congrats on the flag!  Keep them coming.
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Great read.  But you really need a PA.  I'm not young,female or  pretty but I'm available & cheap! ;-))
    Posted by Glenelg
    +1 sounds like good times,+1 to all the above but raise... i can also drive and do omelettes,good coffee and as long as your under 16 stone probably give you a piggy back ride over to your tourney!!(if not far away!)  
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