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One man and his gadgets on tour 2015



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited March 2015

    You won last night's Roller?

    Stop it Neil, stop it.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2015
    Great stories
    you must be an*lly retentive to remember all that detail
    or maybe it's just a sign of how scatty I am 
    how do you do it? 

  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Great stories you must be an*lly retentive to remember all that detail or maybe it's just a sign of how scatty I am  how do you do it? 
    Posted by GELDY
    I only remember the important facts Geldy. There's many I forget myself. I even forgot to mention how I just missed out on a thre@ome. 
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Enjoyable read.  When U in Malta?
    Posted by Glenelg
    Sunday 22nd March for 8 days. - And thanks 
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited March 2015
    Chapter 4:- Played like a fiddle, but Mr Walker, you are now my favourite tipple.

    As I write this latest chapter of my tour, I'm travelling back from Malta. It feels an age since I last wrote at the end of the UKPC festival. 

    So what's happened since?

    I've hardly played on line, in fact I've only played 30 on line tournaments all year up to now. Still (just) holding on to 3rd place in Aussie's (Robs) thread for overall profit in 2015 on Sky Poker. That thread alone is going to give me the incentive to take my online game seriously throughout the year.  

    We've seen the demise of Sky Poker Channel 861. But as one chapter ends, another one starts, and I'm sure that Sky Poker, and it's Community will continue to thrive. With the new show  starting on Sky Sports on a Tuesday night, it will attract a new audience, and just evolve. But I can't finish on this subject without a quick thank you. I, like many others have a lot to thank Sky Poker channel 861 for. If I hadn't stumbled across the channel back in 2009, I wouldn't be now travelling back from Malta, having already visited Deauville this year. Planning on going to Monaco next month. Defending a title in Marbella in June. etc... etc.... But more importantly, I wouldn't have made many new friends, to the extent that I helped arrange for 80 odd of them to descend to Newcastle for a weekend of total debauchery.

    Before the Newcastle get together I played the GUKPT @ Manchester. Nothing much happened for the 1st 2/3 hours, but then my table was moved to the feature table for live streaming. I'm not a fan of being on the feature table, as some players start to get funky, and the dynamics change. Anyways, again I was minding my own business, before I got involved in a funny hand. It was my BB and I had a suited King of spades. They'd been a min raise (I think), and 1 or 2 callers, so I went with it. I flopped the 2nd nut flush, I bet out, and it was folded back to the initial better, who called. The turn was a 4th spade, the one thing I had in my mind I didn't want to see, but I bet out, and it was clicked back to me. Now for some reason I didn't think it through properly and I folded. But afterwards, I thought why would anybody who had just turned the nut flush re-raise me there? I knew I'd made a mistake, and sure enough, when it was shown on the delayed 'live' stream, it was confirmed by Willie Elliot that I'd being 'owned'. It was the 1st of 3 times I was to be 'played like a fiddle' over the coming 2 weeks. Nothing much went right for me after that, though I did get lucky when very short stacked. I called an all in when I held Q5 on a Q72 board. My oppo had 77. The turn was a Q, the river a 2, - whoops. My luck didn't last long though and I departed before the end of Day 1. The guarantee of £200,000 wasn't quite achieved, but that was through no fault of Ian Simpson. He fired more bullets at it than Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral. I stayed until the end of play shared a few drinks with Ian, Derek Kavanagh, Sylvia Hewitt, Mike 'Da Bookie' Hill, and a few locals whose names I've forgotten. Mike eventually min cashed, yay!! And I also learnt from Sylvia that she has a new nickname for me after my portrayal of her in my last chapter. As this is a family blog, it's simply a ****! 

    So to the said shenanigans of the w/e of 20/21st of March, and the much anticipated unofficial Sky Poker Tour event @ Aspers in Toon Land. I had delayed my departure to Malta to the Sunday morning, as I didn't want to miss out on the fun and frolics. After all, it was because of these fun weekends that I was now enjoying live poker. 

    A group of us met @ Aspers for a Chinese on the Friday night before we played a self dealt side event. Some went for a buffet style Chinese, whilst the rest of us made our way to my favourite sit down restaurant in China Town, The King Neptune. A round of drinks was ordered, "Peroni's all round" was the shout. "Not here sir, we are Chinese Resaurant". - Chuckle chuckle -. "What do u have?" "Chinese lager and Budweiser sir". Errrrr ok, Budweiser it was then. The food it was agreed was great, and the bill came to £128, and £150 was handed over. So ensuring a nice reception the next time I go. 

    On arriving back @ Aspers, Chinese Budweiser was ordered, much to our amusement, and the bar tenders bemusement. I don't know much of what happened the rest of the night, as I was under the weather, and fighting off 'man flu', and as soon as I'd dunked off my chips, I left to go home. I had a lodger for the weekend in 'Eyeman', aka Graham Phipps, and true to form, he was already out.  

    I woke up feeling better the next day, and we waited for Rosjim, aka James Marriott to arrive at mine. The 3 of us then got The Metro into Gateshead for breakfast, before continuing our journey back to Aspers. On arrival I heard Sky stalwarts Gordon 'Dollie' Parton and Jamie-Lou Barrett were amongst a group that chopped up the previous nights event. I was especially pleased for Gordon, as this would allow him to go buy himself a new suit (smiley face). 

    The main event of the w/e, a £50 freezeout, was attended by 80 odd people, not bad, but not the 100 I'd anticipated. A special thanks must go to Duncan Howarth, Chris England, Michael Daly, John Cormack -  The Card Room Manager, and all the dealers for their efforts in organising/running the event. It ran so well, that plans for the next event @ Aspers in Milton Keynes are well under way. The event itself was won by no other than James 'Rosjim' Marriott, defeating Alistair 'Longman' Long heads up. Well done lads.

    Now I'd have rather have finished this part of the blog here and now, and move on to Malta, but alas I can't..... So here goes.... Sigh......

    There was a small side event that started at 7pm on the Sat night for all 'us failures' in the main event. I watched England in glorious defeat in their attempts to beat the French by 27 points to win the six-nations before entering it. Within a couple of hours through reckless/loose play that had been rewarded, I'd built up a decent sized stack, and eventually we were down to the final 2 tables. There was a seat next to me, to my right, and here came my Sky Poker nemesis, Mr Colin 'CTBN' Napier to sit in it. He had a bigger stack than me, and between us, we probably had 1/3 of the chips in play. The usual banter followed, about who was taking who out etc, much to the amusement of the rest of the table. Within FIVE minutes, I woke up with KJ sp. Colin as always bet out, I called, everyone else folded. The flop came QXX (2*sp). Right I thought, I'm gonna get u once and for all. He bet, I obv' called. The turn was the Q sp, u beauty I thought to myself. Colin bet out, now some reason I suddenly took pity on him, I didn't want to destroy his stack in one go, so I said "Colin mate, I'm gonna do u a favour, I'm going all in to save u some chips, I want it to be slow death, like a Cobra suffocating its kill'. Colin looked at the cards on the table, looked at me, looked back at the table, and muttered "Neil, I'm not good enough to fold this hand". Delayed a bit longer and called. I rolled my eyes and flicked over my 2nd nut flush, he flicked over one card, a queen, then stopped. No never, I thought, please God, not a 'house'. A few seconds passed by then he flicked over his 2nd card, nope, no house, another f@king queen. I actually gave out a proper scream, stood up, turned to the wall, started banging it, "anyone but u, anyone", was all I could say. I turned back to see a table full of people and onlookers howling, and Colin gathering my chips in. Completely 'owned' and 'played like a fiddle' #2. Colin went on to win the event, - gritted teeth - well done!!

    By the time James had won the main, and we'd had a drink it was midnight ish. I'd arranged with James that we would leave my flat at 3am and he would drop me off at Leeds/Bradford Airport 5ish for my 6.45am flight. We had 3 hours to kill, so we joined a few others went for an Indian. Then went back to mine where I packed, took a shower, fed James with enough caffeine to keep him awake, and set off for the airport. 

    As u would expect at silly o'clock on a Sunday morning, the airport was quiet and I breezed through check-in and security, which meant it was still 1 1/2 hours before the flight was due to leave. Eventually the time came to board the flight. Always one for wanting to stretch my legs I'd booked myself onto row 1, but I'd made the mistake of boarding the flight 1st, which meant I had to sit by the door, wide open, and a baltic wind blowing through for a good 1/2 hour. It was good practise for what was to follow, as I knew the weather waiting for me was poor. I'd had a text off my mum who was already in Malta (on holiday and not to play poker) to tell me to pack a coat and fleece. 

    Arrived on time to a text off my mum to tell me she was at gate 8. The plan was to go see her and my dad to say hello, as they were travelling back on the same plane I'd arrived on. But the dynamics of the airport didn't allow for it. I did however bump into a 'Mad Turk' aka Yucel Eminoglu, a regular at Dusk Til Dawn. He's Turkish and a bit mad. He was waiting to be picked up by EPT Travel arranged by Dale 'Judith Chalmers' Garrad. I'd arranged my hotel to pick me up and it went as smooth as. Although I hadn't slept since I got up early Saturday morning I resisted the temptation to crash out in my room, instead I just chilled and watched Sky Go on my iPad for a few hours. Again like Deauville before, my phone hadn't recognised I'd left the UK, and I was able to use the Internet on it free of charge and without disturbance the whole trip. This also meant I could tether up my iPad to my phone and watch Sky Go without using the VPN app', the result being it did not lag as much. 

    I'd decided I would play the live satellite for the EPT main event that evening. If I failed I was committed to digging deep and buying in. But alas, at approx 3.45am on the Monday morning I'd snook in. Yay €4,250 saved (for now). It was now time for some much needed shut eye. I soon crashed out and got back up just in time for breakfast. I arrived at noon for the EPT main, took my seat, and dreamed of still being in it come Saturday. I didn't even last TWO hours. Now I've talked to a lot of people about my exit hand. One or two heroes claim they could have got away from it. But to my thinking, they are either on a different planet to me ability wise, or far too tight to win anything. Anyways the details, I've AJ sp on a 347 sp flop and I'm drawing dead, end of!! Villain was 1st to act at 75/150. He min raised, I 3 bet to 1k, 2 callers behind me. Villian bets 2k on the flop, I call, other 2 fold. Turn is a blank, he bets 5k, I call. River another blank, he tanks for a bit then shoves. He has me covered as he's been busy and up to 40k, I've just my starting stack of 30k. Briefly I think to myself, he could have 5/6 sp here and have flopped it, but then I make the call. Of course, yes he had it, - 'played like a fiddle' #3. And in one hand I'd done in my whole stack. The only consolation was that I'd satellited in. So off I took myself back to my hotel and grieved in isolation. I'd had my aces beaten in the main @ Deauville. Had my aces beaten on the bubble by Kitai's 8/2 off in the 2k side event there, now this. Come on Father Variance, throw me a bone!! 

    The following day I played the 2k side event. I obviously shouldn't have, as I played like an absolute buffoon. It was just a 12k starting stack, and by the time I'd tried a semi bluff and had to fold, I only had 7.5k of it left. I did the rest in with top pair mediocre kicker when up against a flopped set. Two Brits, both excellent players, Keith Johnson who'd just won the IPT High Roller, and recent Sky Poker guest Andrew Hulme were on the table, and must have thought 'wtf'. In hindsight I was in no mood for playing this event, but hey ho, it's done now, move on. 

    The following day I played a light hearted event called 'Deuces Wild'. This was a fun/gimmick tournament, that was exactly what it said it was on the tin, - all 2's were 'wild'. I was doing very well until I did most of my stack in with quad aces, in a 3 way all in, and I had the worst hand!! I think that in a nutshell, sums it up. Total madness, but lots of fun.

    The only other event on the schedule that tickled my fancy was the 10k High Roller. Obviously I'd only be playing it if like earlier in the week, I managed to qualify via the live satellite. About 2 hours into the satellite Ben Dobson joined my table. I hate playing with people I know at the best of times, but abroad even more so. Anyways Ben made a move on me, and I was certain I had him crushed, but I was already chipped up by then, and I didn't want to take a fellow Brit out, so I folded. I really do need to become more ruthless in these situations, as I'm sure Ben was taking advantage of the fact that I'd probably fold because it was him. Alas, after 7 hours of play, and 5 hours after the actual High Roller event had started, I sneaked in. On the seat bubble I had to call an all in with my 1 1/2 big blinds to a shove from the button, and my K2 hit trip 2's. If I'd missed I already had the consolation of the €4,990 cash bubble in safe keeping. I was in no rush to join in the event, I had until 11.45am the following day to register. So I went back to my hotel, re-freshed, had a bite to eat, then took a walk back over. 

    On the way back I bumped into Ludovic Geilich (Ludo). He was undecided whether or not to jump into it. Anyway he decided to go for it and we registered together. I was pleased about this, as I meant I wouldn't be up against him. After an hour or so, I was no worse or better off, and I glanced over to Ludo. Yep there he was, stacked up already, north of 150,000 from a starting stack of 50,000. Typical Ludo. A short while later, well known Brit, Owain 'aggro' Carey joined my table, great (not so) I thought. I stayed out of Owain's way and made it through to Day 2 with 65,000, approx 30,000 below the average, but happy enough. 

    I was so looking forward to the start of play on Day 2. A whopping 300 + entries made for an amazing €3 million prize pool, with €800,000 for the winner. The top 39 got paid a min of €19,000, so that was my 1st target. As u would expect for Day 2 of such an event, not an easy draw. I had well known British Pro' Paul Newey on my table. And very soon after the start of play Simon Higgins, a well known DTD regular with big cashes also joined the table. In between them was seated a previous November 9er. From 155 left at the start of play, we were down to 80 ish when I got a much needed change of tables. I'd been card dead from the start of play, stealing a few blinds to keep my head above water. With 70 left and still 31 off the cash, I'd finally found a hand, aces. At this point I was back down to 65k at 2/4k. Max Silver an excellent British Pro' min raised under the gun, I thought about jamming, but I didn't want to kill the action there and then, I wanted/needed a full double up, so I just 3 bet to 25k. I was hoping one of the big stacks would put me all in. But they all folded, and it was back on Max, who had approx 180k ish. He knew if he shoved on me, having me bet 25k already, there was no way I was folding. So I expected a fold or shove. Surprisingly, he did the one thing I didn't expect, and just flat called the 25k bet. Anyways the flop was XX2 and he'd flopped a set of 2's. My shove was insta called, and no ace came to my rescue and that was it, out!! I'd ground away like I never had before, waiting for a hand to go to war with, or situation where I could represent a hand, but nothing happened for me. I knew I'd given it my best shot, so I wasn't too hard on myself. Ludo ended up coming 13th for €45,000. Then I looked at the rest of the cashers. Kitai, McDonald, O'Dwyer, Gruissem (what's that tash all about?) Danzer, Higgins, etc etc... The usual suspects. It's no coincidence, and I need to step up to the plate if I'm gonna try give myself a chance of competing with these guys. 

    The only other event I played was the €300 EPT Turbo Edition and again I never got going. So the whole week cost me the same as the buy in for the main event, which I'd already resigned to spending at the start of the trip anyway. So it wasn't too bad. There was to be no get out of jail card like I'd encountered at Deauville, and it being a free trip, - or so I thought.

    As regulars on the Sky Forum know, I'm part of a group that enjoys tipping on the weeks golfing events. I'd had quite a bit of success recently, tipping up Bubba Watson, Dustin Johnson, Rory Mclroy and Jordan Spieth, when they had won. And also just lost out, when again Johnson and last week Henrik Stenson lost in play offs. My picks this week were Zach Johnson and Jimmy Walker. They were in 1st and 4th spots going into Sunday's final round. Anyway, Mr Walker strolled to victory, and I celebrated by having a tipple of his namesake Johnny Walker as he sealed the deal. I hate whisky, but on this occasion, it tasted **** marvellous. Cheers Jimmy, u saved my bacon and paid for the week. 

    My next adventure was meant to be Monte Carlo next month, but that might now change. The lads I've come to knock around with on these ventures couldn't make Malta for one reason or another, and although there were plenty of Brits in town, who loved to party, I'm not one for imposing myself on people, and so the week became a bit of a drag. It so happens the lads are going to the Irish Open this coming weekend, and although I knew about it, it wasn't on my radar. I'm still not certain I'm going. But me being me, I've booked and paid for a flight back next Sunday. So I haven't arranged a flight there yet. Not sorted any accommodation out. The tournament finishes next Monday, and yet I've paid for a flight back next Sunday morning @ 7.40am. Where's the logic in that? Tbf it was a freakish £18.66 to book the flight. My logic is that if I go, and bust out early, I can fly back next Sunday for next to nothing. If I don't go, or low and behold I do, and I go deep, I'll just book a new flight, and it's just £18.66 wasted. That's nothing compared to my Deauville - train debacle. 

    So I may be reporting back after Dublin next weekend. If not, it's the UKIPT in Nottingham mid April.

    See you anon..... 
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited March 2015
    fantastic read as always Neil thank you
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited March 2015
    Great read Neil.

    As always, honest and well written, already looking forward to chapter 5.
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited March 2015
    Great read, I would also be out of the tourney for not folding nut flush against flopped straight flush, but if we run that hand a 100 times, you must be right over 90% of the time,surely??
  • macapacamacapaca Member Posts: 658
    edited March 2015
    Great read! What a life!
    Good luck in Dublin if you go and Nottingham!
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited March 2015
    Fascinating! GL on your next trip!
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2015
    Love this diary quality read.
    Gl joesman1
    edited March 2015
    Cracking Stuff, I look forward to your next installment and hope you run a bit better
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited March 2015

    A cracking read as ever Neil. Inspirational stuff written really well. Keep the updates coming please.
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited June 2015

    Chapter 5:- Marbella time again, will lightening 'strike' twice??

    It's been a while since I updated this blog. I'd love to blame it on work, but the fact is I've just been lazy. As I write this latest piece I'm on route to Marbella, where my run good started. I can't believe how quick the last 12 months has flown by, but it's been both enjoyable and eventful.

    After I last wrote on my return from Malta, I decided I'd get back on the bike as soon as the following (Easter) weekend and head for Ireland and the Paddy Power Irish Open. I got to the airport at the crack of dawn on the Good Friday for the early flight over, and straight away bumped into a familiar face, Dominic Mahoney. Not long after Tom Dunwoodie turned up and we had a quick breakfast before boarding the flight. Not the smoothest of flights, and I was glad when we landed on terra firma. 

    A quick taxi ride to the hotel, we then unpacked, and went straight out to sample some delicious chicken wings with an amazing accompanying sauce that Tom had been raving about. 

    The tournament kicked off at 1pm and was held in the hotel, and what a lovely hotel it was. Big spacious rooms, friendly staff, and not too pricey. I found my table, and Mr Irish Open himself, Ian Simpson was waiting for me. "Great" I thought. Well not quite accurate, "fu@ing great" was my actual thought. Previous winner, and DOUBLE final table-ist!! I kept my powder dry for most of the day, plodding on, by now Ian was running all over the table. He'd taken 3-4 out and was on +100k. As the last level of the day started, things got even harder when Simon Deadman took the vacant seat to my left, for a change (not) he was chipped up too, great!! At least I'll see how the maestro does it I thought to myself. Not long after I made the fatal mistake of tangling with Ian. I can't remember the specifics as its a while ago now, but I flopped top pair on a raggy board. As per, Ian continued his pre flop bet, I called, the turn was a 6, I thought of shoving at that point as there was enough in the middle already, but I checked behind Ian. The river was another 6, after tanking Ian put me all in (I only had 15k ish behind me at this point). The flush draw had missed I thought, no straights out there, I'm probably good with my top pair, so I called. Nope I wasn't good, yes Ian had missed his flush draw, but he was holding 6/7.... Taxi for Strike!!! Ian ended the day chip leader, but he couldn't convert this time.

    I ended up in the bar having a couple of glasses of Guinness with Mike 'Da Bookie' Hill, Phil 'The Tower' and others before heading for bed. 

    The following day I played the side event, but again I never got going and never got there when chasing a flush draw on the flop. 

    Again I spent the night in the bar, watching the golf, drinking Guinness and having a laugh. At least as per the last few weeks the golf was going well, and the golfers that I'd put up (two outsiders 40/1 and 66/1) were well placed. A bit too much was consumed that night, and I had to be up at 5am to catch the 7.50am flight I'd booked myself on - well it was only £23, and it's not often I can say I've snared a bargain. 

    I kept in touch with the lads the following night as they wanted to know how their 'investment' on the golf was going. It did ok in the end, 66/1 2nd and 40/1 joint 5th meant another winning week, and the weekend became a freebie, much like Malta the previous week. At least something was covering the costs of travelling, drinking, and playing poker.

    My next foray was the UKIPT at Dusk Til Dawn in Nottingham. Ian Simpson asked if I could give him a lift down, which of course wasn't a problem. But I'd made arrangements to pop and see my parents on the way down. Whilst having a cuppa, my mum asked how Ireland went. "It was going great mum, 'til the chap u have just made a coffee for took me out, so that round the world voyage I said I'd pay for if I won will have to wait". My mum had that look that said, "you've gotta be joking?".... Made me laugh anyway. Ian not the least bit bothered, "business is business" he said, totally correct of course.

    The UKIPT festival brought no joy, continually owned by Liv Boaree in the High Roller, before last years WSOP main event runner up Felix Stephenson took me out. I've got to know Felix a bit over the past 12 months, and he's a very likeable/humble lad. Again no joy in the main event, and I was beginning to think my run good had come to an end.

    Next on the agenda was the 'big one', the EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo. I couldn't wait to get there. I flew from Newcastle to Nice, and met up with Ludovic Jonsen and Alan Gold at Nice Airport. We then jumped in a helicopter, and arrived in Monte Carlo in style. Absolutely worth the €130.

    The hotel I was staying in was approx 1/2 an hour from the casino. On my 1st day there I decided I'd walk to it, and the views were breathtaking. I took in the Grand Prix circuit, walked around the marina, casino square etc etc... On arrival at the casino I was left in no doubt about what Monte Carlo is all about, I'd never seen so many Ferrari's. 

    And so it was to work, my 1st event was the FPS main event. I late reg'd and early exited. Only playing two hands, not a great start to the most expensive festival of the year. By now I was looking down the barrel a bit. Approx 10k down for the year (playing live) and with the grand final buy in around the corner, my wish of ending the year at least level was looking a bit of a pipe dream at this point.

    Next event was the FPS 2k High Roller. For some reason, I run well in these events. Winning in Marbella, and going very deep in London to name two. So I entered in good spirits. A whopping 383 entrants made it a decent prize pool, and by the end of day 1 I was in a decent position. As day 2 progressed I started to think I could go very deep again. When Jake Cody exited, I was the only Brit left. By approx 2am I'd made the final table, and it was decided we needed a 3rd day to finish off the tournie. It was agreed to finish at 5am, and when that time came there was 6 of us left, and we re-convened at noon. 

    Six became five, then four, then three.... Now I'm honest enough to know where I am ability wise. I've played on many a tough table in the past 12 months, and I've struggled to hold my own. But I honestly thought I had the beating of my 2 opponents, I just had to bide my time like I had done in Marbella, and a second poker stars trophy was coming home with me. So I was very disappointed in myself for 'getting it in behind' on my exit hand, there was no need for it. €66,000 helped ease the pain though.

    I made day 2 of the main event before running KK into AA, so my dream of becoming an EPT Grand Final winner would remain just a dream. I stayed on and railed Ludo and Tom Hall to the final 2 tables, very well done to them two, AGAIN!! Both have got massive futures in the game. I then had a stab at PLO, believe me, I'm dangerous, ask Alan Gold. 

    I spent the rest of the trip chilling out with Mike Hill, drinking plenty of wine and lager. On the last night we met up with Ludo, Jake Cody, Kevin Killeen, Marc Convey and a few others to watch the Barca/Bayern Munich Champions League q/final. Now I already knew Ludo and Jake ran good, but when u have backed over 2.5 goals, and after 75 mins it's still 0-0, u are normally in a spot of bother, not them two!! In the 93rd min the Ref' made a tremendous 'play on' shout after a blatant foul. Neymar escaped, and the 3rd goal was duly put away. Cue epic scenes in the bar. 

    So that was Monte Carlo. Fact:- it is over hyped, over priced, over everything.... But can't wait for next year!!!

    That was supposed to be my last poker event before Marbella. But I was chatting to Mr 'Bookiebasher', James Moult, and he asked if I was playing the upcoming Deepstack at DTD. I told him 'no' as I'd promised I'd miss it as I was jetting off the following w/e for 9 days. He mentioned there was a midweek High Roller before it. Now that got my attention, as I could play that as work was quiet again. So I went down thinking all the 'top guys' would be in Vegas, and it might not be as strong a field as normal. I was wrong, very wrong!! They were Vegas bound, but not 'til the following week, yuk!! 

    I got through day 1 with an ave stack. Kept my head down throughout day 2. Had one tricky spot, where I could have handled the situation better, got myself a bit upset about it, but have 100% learnt from it, and eventually I made the f/t. And what a final table it was!! Goulder, Warburton, Trigg, Hemsworth and EPT winner Middleton to name a few. Who needs Vegas?? Somehow I made the final four along with Goulder, Warburton and Trigg, and a long tussle ensued. I eventually took Trigg out when my 6/7 made 2 pair on the turn, and outdrew Richards AA, which he had slow played until the turn. He took the bad beat very well. So then it was just the 2014 WPT Prague winner (amongst other notable wins), the recent WPT Amsterdam runner up (again amongst other notable wins) and poor old me. Over TWO hours later we were still three handed!!! But eventually class told and I finished 3rd for $12,000 and a $3,500 WPT seat. Alex got the better of Steve to win it.

    But that wasn't the end of the excitement. It was 1.30am by now, and I'd arranged a meeting for 10am in Newcastle, so there was no staying back another night for me. But I was bored of driving up and down the M1 with all the roadworks going on. So instead, having discussed it with Glenn from DTD, I decided to take the cross-country route to the A1 via Sherwood Forest. All was going well, driving at 50mph, through the forest when all of a sudden, a Deer sprang out from the bushes straight across me. I broke, and managed to miss it, but I'm afraid not his 'mate' following him. One Deer tossed over my bonnet, and one mangled front grill and bonnet. That was £500 out of my winnings gone. I'll stick to the M1 in future. 

    So my year has turned round. I'm +6k in front on line, courtesy of Rob White's table or else I wouldn't know. And as I've only played 4-5 MTT's on line the past two months, and I don't intend on increasing my online volume above that, I know I'm not going to get anywhere near giving "that back. And I'm now approx' +30k up live. So no matter what happens the rest of this year, my mission at the start of it, for it not to be a losing one, will have been accomplished. Happy days.

    Well this flights about to land in Malaga, so time to sign off. I'll report back after Marbella has ended.

  • BrrrrrrrBrrrrrrr Member Posts: 4,242
    edited June 2015
    Great read again - I hope we are reading about more Mabella succcess very soon.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited June 2015
    Good stuff, always enjoy reading your updates to this thread.  Very best of luck in Marbella!

    Do you intend to head out for any of the WSOP or are you settling for crushing around Europe?
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2015
    What a ledge Quality read Good luck in Marbella!
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited June 2015
    great read good luck run well
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2015
    great read neil and good luck 
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: One man and his gadgets on tour 2015:
    Good stuff, always enjoy reading your updates to this thread.  Very best of luck in Marbella! Do you intend to head out for any of the WSOP or are you settling for crushing around Europe?
    Posted by shakinaces
    Thanks for the compliment. As for the WSOP, not this year. I've planned a family holiday that clashes with the final few days of the main event. If I was to even suggest I missed part of the holiday to play it, my testicles would be removed in my sleep. 
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