1,002 entries and 31 remain beginning at 1pm as follows
Matas Cimbolas 2 1 5845000
Tom Hall 12 5 2900000
Jonathan Kalmar 2 4 2600000
Andrew Garland 13 1 2380000
Jamie Clossick 14 9 2360000
Dewi James 13 9 2080000
Tom Kugelstadt 13 4 2060000
Padraig O Neill 14 3 2020000
Farhaan Khan 14 4 1910000
Paul Mctaggart 13 8 1705000
Nigel Dunbar-dempsey 2 3 1685000
Darren Crosby 12 7 1625000
Alan Taddei 13 7 1605000
Alan Saluk 13 3 1590000
David Lloyd 2 2 1555000
John Haigh 12 4 1500000
Rupinder Bedi 12 9 1450000
Fraser Bellamy 2 8 1365000
Mark Elliott 14 2 1335000
Aleksandrs Golubevs 12 1 1290000
David Mcconachie 2 7 1250000
Christopher Vernon 14 1 1090000
Paul Jackson 2 9 1080000
Michael Cowper-johnson 14 5 1025000
Morten Varbaek Mortensen 12 2 1000000
Gordon Mcarthur 14 6 885000
Chris Dowling 13 5 770000
Kevin Williams 2 5 665000
Ian Burdon 12 8 665000
**** Jin 13 2 520000
Terrance Davies 14 8 175000
0 ·
2nd £120,000
3rd £80,000
4th £55,000
5th £40,000
6th £30,000
7th £25,000
8th £20,000
9th £15,050
10th £12,000
11th £12,000
12th £12,000
13th £10,000
14th £10,000
15th £8,500
16th £8,500
17th £7,000
18th £7,000
19th £5,500
20th £5,500
21st £5,500
22nd £5,500
23rd £5,500
24th £5,500
25th £5,500
26th £5,500
27th £5,500
28th £4,500
29th £4,500
30th £4,500
31st £4,500
32nd £4,500
1.56m average
name me a winner....
name me a popular finalist...
i do hope in amongst the football, rugby and the roast dinners you can spend some of the afternoon on here cheering on the players
andrew1947 = Mr Garland
accccer03 = Alan Saluk
happynige = Nigel Dmpsey
fettdozer = Paul McTaggart
georgeyboy = Rupinder Bedi
actionjack plays on sky too
there will be more, but those are the ones i know
my pick is andrew garland. andrew1947. without doubt he has the ability but he also has the composure. i will be delighted should his game win through.
kevin williams = mbsfntb_jb
Other than that, all the best to all the Sky Poker regulars still battling for the huge first prize.
prize once again is a sky sports bounty hunter seat for next Thuesday night
who will finish highest of those players we know of with sky connections?
andrew Garland
Alan Saluk
Nigel Dempsey
Paul McTaggart
Rupinder Bedi
Paul Jackson
Kevin Wlliams
tiebreaker: their finishing position, closest wins
in the event of a tie i will draw lots via tikay
so give me an answer in the format:
Richard Prew
deadline for entries is 1pm
Paul McTaggart
Andrew Garland
andrew garland 1st