12 1 Aleksandrs Golubevs 12 2 Morten Varbaek Mortensen 12 3 Tom Kugelstadt 12 4 John Haigh 12 5 Tom Hall 12 6 Alan Taddei 12 7 Darren Crosby 12 8 Ian Burdon 12 9 Rupinder Bedi
14 1 Christopher Vernon 14 2 Mark Elliott 14 3 Padraig O Neill 14 4 Farhaan Khan 14 5 Michael Cowper-johnson 14 6 Gordon Mcarthur 14 7 Dewi James 14 8 Andrew Garland 14 9 Jamie Clossick
and this is the feature, the golden oldies (and matas)
2 1 Matas Cimbolas 2 2 David Lloyd 2 3 Nigel Dunbar-dempsey 2 4 Jonathan Kalmar 2 5 Alan Saluk 2 6 Chris Dowling 2 7 David Mcconachie 2 8 Fraser Bellamy
Competition List (allowing the few late ones) FCHD - Paul McTaggart 7th ( out in 29th) Phantom66 - Paul McTaggart 3rd ( out in 29th) MAXALLY - Nigel Dempsey 1st lurna - Nigel Dempsey 5th SoLack - Andrew Garland 3rd aussie09 - Andrew Garland 1st Irishrose - Andrew Garland 1st dumb blond - Andrew Garland 4th CraigSGI - Andrew Garland 7th SUPERSNEDD - Andrew Garland 2nd mrsduck - Rupinder Bedi 3rd lovelyrach - Rupinder Bedi - no position given JohnConnor - Paul Jackson 4th ( out in 27th) gogogadget - Alan Saluk 1st Glenelg - Kevin Williams 2nd ( out in 31st) Posted by MAXALLY
In Response to Re: Sky Poker UKPC @DTD £1,000,000 GTD Day Three and Final : Sorry, dewi wasnt in the list of 7 players that were put up to guess from. I am sure there will be more comps through the day though if you follow this thread. Posted by MAXALLY
Competition List (allowing the few late ones) FCHD - Paul McTaggart 7th ( out in 29th) Phantom66 - Paul McTaggart 3rd ( out in 29th) MAXALLY - Nigel Dempsey 1st lurna - Nigel Dempsey 5th SoLack - Andrew Garland 3rd aussie09 - Andrew Garland 1st Irishrose - Andrew Garland 1st dumb blond - Andrew Garland 4th CraigSGI - Andrew Garland 7th SUPERSNEDD - Andrew Garland 2nd mrsduck - Rupinder Bedi 3rd lovelyrach - Rupinder Bedi - no position given JohnConnor - Paul Jackson 4th ( out in 27th) gogogadget - Alan Saluk 1st Glenelg - Kevin Williams 2nd ( out in 31st) Posted by MAXALLY
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
Competition List (allowing the few late ones) FCHD - Paul McTaggart 7th ( out in 29th) Phantom66 - Paul McTaggart 3rd ( out in 29th) MAXALLY - Nigel Dempsey 1st lurna - Nigel Dempsey 5th SoLack - Andrew Garland 3rd aussie09 - Andrew Garland 1st Irishrose - Andrew Garland 1st dumb blond - Andrew Garland 4th CraigSGI - Andrew Garland 7th SUPERSNEDD - Andrew Garland 2nd mrsduck - Rupinder Bedi 3rd lovelyrach - Rupinder Bedi - no position given JohnConnor - Paul Jackson 4th ( out in 27th) gogogadget - Alan Saluk 1st Glenelg - Kevin Williams 2nd ( out in 31st) Posted by MAXALLY
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
Competition List (allowing the few late ones) FCHD - Paul McTaggart 7th ( out in 29th) Phantom66 - Paul McTaggart 3rd ( out in 29th) MAXALLY - Nigel Dempsey 1st lurna - Nigel Dempsey 5th SoLack - Andrew Garland 3rd aussie09 - Andrew Garland 1st Irishrose - Andrew Garland 1st dumb blond - Andrew Garland 4th CraigSGI - Andrew Garland 7th SUPERSNEDD - Andrew Garland 2nd mrsduck - Rupinder Bedi 3rd lovelyrach - Rupinder Bedi - no position given JohnConnor - Paul Jackson 4th ( out in 27th) gogogadget - Alan Saluk 1st Glenelg - Kevin Williams 2nd ( out in 31st) Posted by MAXALLY
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
12 1 Aleksandrs Golubevs
12 2 Morten Varbaek Mortensen
12 3 Tom Kugelstadt
12 4 John Haigh
12 5 Tom Hall
12 6 Alan Taddei
12 7 Darren Crosby
12 8 Ian Burdon
12 9 Rupinder Bedi
14 1 Christopher Vernon
14 2 Mark Elliott
14 3 Padraig O Neill
14 4 Farhaan Khan
14 5 Michael Cowper-johnson
14 6 Gordon Mcarthur
14 7 Dewi James
14 8 Andrew Garland
14 9 Jamie Clossick
and this is the feature, the golden oldies (and matas)
2 1 Matas Cimbolas
2 2 David Lloyd
2 3 Nigel Dunbar-dempsey
2 4 Jonathan Kalmar
2 5 Alan Saluk
2 6 Chris Dowling
2 7 David Mcconachie
2 8 Fraser Bellamy
Alan Taddei calls
in the small blind Ian Brydon has 6x bb and calls off, hoping for the treble
Morten A-5
Taddei K-Q
Ian 10-9
trebles Ian up, leaves Morten very short
next hand Tom Kugelstadt raises UTG, Taddei shoves and Mrten calls all in in the big blind
Tom folds
Taddei A-Jhh
Morten K-6o
the run out gives him hope 6--Q-K that is extinguished on the 10 turn
Morten Varbaek Mortensen is out 26th
sky alias corblimeyg
qualified into the UKPC for a tenner...
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
in the blinds Alex Golubevs calls, and the origional raiser folds
Bedi A-K
Alex 10-10
tens hold knocking Bedi out 24th
It was ftw sorry didn't know I had to state the position if I had him for first. Sorry
Chris Vernon calls in the big blind
6s 3s 7s
Vernon check calls 225,000
Garland rechecks his cards as Vernon checks
and pushes 500,000 over the line
Vernon a quick ponder and fold
"i bluffed you this time" says Garland and reveals Td 4s
Gordon 9-9
Dewi A-10cc
8-J-Q-2-10 to double Gordon up with a straight
at the same time on the feature
Matas 120,000 UTG
Saluk call button
McConachie shove 1.2m small blind
Matas fold
Saluk long think and fold 7-7 face up
Dempsey thinks and calls with 5-5
Dowling 2-2
10-8-K-J-7 knocks Dowling out 23rd
Alan Saluk calls in the big blind
Saluk check calls 145,000
Saluk check calls 195,000
check check
Saluk shows 8-7dd which is good
Clossick check calls 120,000
Clossick leads 400,000 on the 3 turn
Clossick 500,000 on the Kriver
Vernon all in
Vernon Q-Q for the turned house
doubling through Clossick K-10
to go to 3.3m again
Elliott 10-10
khan A-K
King the first card out, and Elliott is out 23rd
22 left
blinds 40-80k next
average 2.1m