Back once again with the renegade master! Well, back once again with Ryan anyway... Sky Poker TV LIVE Sunday 8th March 2015 7pm-midnight
Channel 861 or streamed from
With Richard ‘Still at the UKPC, even though everyone else has gone home’ Orford

...and Ryan "Wishes he'd been still at the UKPC after Day One" Spittles...

And we go live from 7pm for another 5 hour fest of Sky TV goodness. Featuring of course the main event-The £20K Super Roller from 8pm, The Final Table from Thursday's main event Sky Sports Bounty Hunter and from 8.45pm The Viva las Vegas Semi Final Satellite!
Feel free to start sending in your messages now- I'll be reading them out on the show to everyone watching as soon as we go live and throughout the night.
The best three tonight will win seats into Tuesday night's Turbo main event.
And amongst all the usual coverage, we're also looking to come up with an... ALTERNATIVE POKER GLOSSARY

We just accept it's called the big blind and small blind don't we? But...what if we could start again and rename all the poker terms. Would we now call it the Little 'un and Big 'un? Would we be better off calling the river 'the death card'? Or the flop 'the spread'?
You get the idea.
Send in your genuinely sensible alternatives. Or your comedy not-so-sensible alternatives.
Cya @ 7 this Sunday. :-)
"The Arsenal" (back 4).............2 useless pairs :-)
Didn't you know February is now an alternative to March !
Gonna choose the best 3 tonight for prizes, so it won't be a case of being pulled randomly from the hat. i.e. the better they are, the more chance they have of getting you a free shot at Tuesday's main.
The Big blind = The Ulrich Rettig AKA our very own, Giant.
The Small blind = The Matt Bates