Are you taking hand requests from Master Cash tables tonight? If so:
The general consensus has been that I should call the river here... but I've been bruised so often lately by people showing up with the near nuts here that I make the nit-fold. It's a weird line for the villain to take with one pair or a missed draw. So what do you gents think? Call because I'm getting better than 2/1 and he can have KJ or something odd?
Hand History #882900844 (00:05 08/03/2015) - Master Cash 22
You'll gather that I flatted the flop to allow draws or one-pair hands to keep betting. I don't really want to get it in there and then against a range that has good equity against me or has me in big trouble, presuming the villain doesn't stack off with just top-pair.
I can't offer any great information on the villain because a) it was late and b) I'm not sure I was paying attention.
It's probably a mistake to fold... I know it's probably a mistake... I just wonder how mahoosive a mistake it really is.
when holding AA, we always seem to get frustated, as we always want to be called but what we also want to happen is we win the hand , so maybe we should call it the wind up pair
if we want to attract new players into poker why don't we make it more accessible so how about flop - the board's three turn - number 4 river - number 5 not sexy - but isn't poker sexy enough already Posted by GELDY
ok, point taken, so:
the board is the abc
the flop d
and the river e
and just to avoid confusion we have to rename the Ace as the "Almighty 1"
i should know better , seeing as Ryan usually examines my hands and at some point says, "I have no idea what Memfno is doing here" and not in a good way ! But here goes, could you have a look at a hand of mine from the roller tonight with card blockers please
I won the hand - but I don't really know if I should have called the all in on the turn? I know I do strange play - but what would proper players have done?
hi,if there had been a triangle which is thrown in when a 'all in' is called,this problem would not arise,i was in seat 8 and he was in seat one and he said softly into the dealers left ear,'all in; which i did not hear,at the same time pushing into the table the amount that i had bet,i said is that a call? the dealer who had heard the 'all in; and pick out the word call from me.
so i had to call the all in which i would have not,had i heard it first.
So a triangle would be good because it is visual, everyone can understand it.
I came 21st 5.5 k
Still a great weekend,and thanks to the railers and good luck messages,(i was 3rd at start of final day)
Hi guys great show again,how about instead of flop turn river just call um crash bang wallop because I think everyone has had a disaster on each one before...
Hand History #882446160 (23:42 06/03/2015)Master Cash 6
It could be JarvisGate all over again!
Hand History #882900844 (00:05 08/03/2015) - Master Cash 22
For the river - The rabbits nose? nothing for the turn yet...
When playing against Stuart Rutter
The player has to decide whether to raise small or all in if they can't beat trips
Its a guaranteed fold by Stu either way
The decision is purely for street cred
Hand History #883262725