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Changes to Sky Poker TV



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    the news is a bit sad, tikay.  i hope that you and your tv colleagues will do ok.  i hope it isnt the end of things that were great, more the start of things that are even better. could there be an outtake section on the last show?
    Posted by aussie09
    Really appreciated, Rob, thank you. "the start of something even better"? Maybe, hope so, we shall see. Your Jackpot Updates on the Show thread have been greatly appreciated.
    Outtake section on the last Show? Not sure that is possible, in the time remaining. I reckon over 8 years they have had some 2,000 Live Shows, & some 9,000 hours of Live TV (they used to be 4 hours, so I'm just averaging really), so that's a lot of unreferenced tapes (well, it's digitally recorded now I think) to look through. I'll ask them though, maybe they could, with a little more time, do an outake You Tube Vid or something.
    The new Show on Sky Spprts will not allow any "calls to action", ("quick, register now, Late Reg closes shortly") or "sign up now, get a sign-up bonus", so in some ways, that should make better viewing, that's a tough message for the Presenters & Analysts to endlessly repeat without it sounding "flat".

    Anyway, thank you.

  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    gutted to hear this news... nearly 3 years ago i stumbled across sky poker tv by accident, after a few months of watching the show i decided to give it a go myself, I have come a long way in that time but i certainly would never have thought about playing online poker had it not been for the sky poker tv shows.
    Posted by jordz16
    You, me and countless others.

    So shortsighted.

    Rake will increase next.

    Online poker operators kill their own golden goose while trying to force more eggs out of it.

    Sad but symptomatic of these capitalist times.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    I haven't told the Mrs this news.  Not sure I will TBH!   If I do it means she'll have the remote an extra 15 x hours per week! On a serious note tho, I will defffo miss my "poker fix" in its current form.  IMO "current form" is the key.  We all innately hate change.  e.g. I was gutted when 865 became 861!  ;-)   I also would like to pay credit to the folks that have entertained and, more importantly, educated me over the last 4 x years.  It will be exactly 4 x years on the 26th March that I discovered 865 & more importantly POKER.  It was a very moving & personal cathartic experience for me discovering poker and I hope to do a short retro diary of my experience in a couple of days.  I know a few of you already know my story BUT it helps me re-writing it down.  I'm also REALLY looking forward to the NEW format.  In fact I'm twitching already!! Pad P.S. "There is NOTHING permanent except change"  
    Posted by Glenelg
    Stop it Pad, you'll have me welling up. That's a grand Post, thank you. See you at the PLO8 tables soon.
    Make sure you start that Diary, please. Seriously, ok?

    And yes, nothing permanent except change. It's how things are these days, but we all seem to be doing ok.
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : Thanks Matt. There is a seasonal fluctuation every Spring, no exception, this year will be no different, plus or minus a few %. Come Autumn, it swings back up again. Nothing anyone can do will change that, & it's all in the forercast & budget. No decreases in numbers is "planned", (the annual seasonal swings excepted), & the current trajectory is strong growth y-o-y. Your kind words are, I'm sure, appreciated by all, certainly by me. Hope you can tune in next week, or at least keep an eye out for the new stuff planned - interviews, location shoots at big events, Twitch, Vegas (fingers crossed), & all sorts.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Try and stop me :-)

    Best of luck and who knows - may see you in Vegas :-)

  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2015
    Hi guys, not sure what all this means, but should I be looking at taking out my funds until the dust settles.   I don't know what to do tbh
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    It's a shame, especially as I'm another one of those who stumbled on the channel in 2007 and never left. That's totally down to the channel and the chance to follow tournaments through the evening. Plus some rather good presenters. But I appreciate the need to change. I just hope there will be some interesting new ways to follow some of the big tournaments in the future. I'm particularly thinking of the VLV final, as it would be good to see who makes it to Vegas but I'd like to see coverage through other selected events. Twitch would be an exciting development as I'm not currently a Sky Sports subscriber, so I'd rely on other means of getting to the new coverage when it was live. Anything else that can be done with mobile video, or shorter summaries of final tables on youtube would also be appreciated. And have you ever considered doing a weekly podcast? Hope the new developments go well and best of luck to those involved in the changes.
    Posted by IRONZ
    Thanks Ironz, you've been here pretty much since Day One, Sky Poker has so many loyal regulars, quite something really.

    Twitch - they are just getting their heads round Twitch stuff, e-Mails galore are going back & forth developing a Twitch plan.
    Podcast? It's certainly been proposed & discussed, think they are trying to gauge how worthwhile Clients would deem it. That's something - if they go ahead with it - that could be up & running pretty quickly. What sort of stuff, & by whom, would interest you on Podcasts?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    Gutted I have recently got onto sky poker and have really enjoyed the banter that Sky Poker TV provides. I have also started contacting the show and am now dissapointed that this wont continue.  Good luck to all. How will people without sky sports be able to get involved and will there be a live show? Regards Greg - djayskate
    Posted by djayskate
    Hi Greg,

    The Live Show will be on Sky Sports, that apart, Sky Poker TV will be prominent on You Tube, Social Media, Twitch, etc, & their stuff will be promoted on the Community.
  • zadoczadoc Member Posts: 3,402
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : You, me and countless others. So shortsighted. Rake will increase next. Online poker operators kill their own golden goose while trying to force more eggs out of it. Sad but symptomatic of these capitalist times.
    Posted by SJspanky1
    i seem to remember there's an old saying. i think it start
     " if it ain't broke......"
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : You, me and countless others. So shortsighted. Rake will increase next. Online poker operators kill their own golden goose while trying to force more eggs out of it. Sad but symptomatic of these capitalist times.
    Posted by SJspanky1
    Hi SJ,

    Don't think we'd best get into a debate on capitalism.

    Sky Poker & SB&G are commercial animals, thats why they exist.

    If they do a good job, the Business does well, if they don't, it won't.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    Hi guys, not sure what all this means, but should I be looking at taking out my funds until the dust settles.   I don't know what to do tbh
    Posted by tsarina
    Hi Tsarina,

    Pardon me, but I'm not sure what that means.

    Sky Poker is a small part of a huge Business, it won't be going anywhere just because the Poker TV channel is changing to a different format.
  • djayskatedjayskate Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2015
    CHeers Tikay

    I dont have sky sports, maybe i have to upgrade?!!

    Thanks for the concrete information. Very informative ;-)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : it's how you tell them teeks a few hours a week, subscription only and no live stream - that ain't SkypokerTV and for those who want to know what's behind this you can find some speculation here
    Posted by GELDY
    There's a bit of a disconnect there Geldy. That IS Sky Poker TV.
    The term "Ch 861" is what I have used to describe what we had, & "Sky Poker TV" to describe what it is changing to. That's how the Business has labelled them. I've used those terms all day, so as to (try!) & avoid confusion. 
    As to the new owners, you have, with good intent, I'm sure, several times suggested that the new Owners are behind all this. They are not , not at all, these decisions were made by the existing Management, be they good decisions or bad.

    You are speculating - nothing wrong with that of course - but you are incorrect. I can state that as a fact.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    CHeers Tikay I dont have sky sports, maybe i have to upgrade?!! Thanks for the concrete information. Very informative ;-) Greg
    Posted by djayskate
    I see what you did there. ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : i seem to remember there's an old saying. i think it start  " if it ain't broke......"
    Posted by zadoc
    Yup, I remember that one too.

    You could equally say "stand still & you'll get left behind".

  • beckazabeckaza Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2015
    Great to see such a bastion of Sky Poker (Tikay) responding with such calm, patience and understanding. What a legend.
  • zadoczadoc Member Posts: 3,402
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV : Yup, I remember that one too. You could equally say "stand still & you'll get left behind".  
    Posted by Tikay10

    maybe it should be

    " the proof of the pudding is in the eating "

    not everyone likes these new fangled recipes

    this news is really upsetting, the five hour live streams have been informative and very amusing.

    they were unique
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Changes to Sky Poker TV:
    Great to see such a bastion of Sky Poker (Tikay) responding with such calm, patience and understanding. What a legend.
    Posted by beckaza
    Aww, thank you Beck. I've been called a few things in my time here, though not all of them would escape the forum swear filter. ;)

    To be fair, people are entitled to feel a bit miffed at first, I totally get that, but for the most part, everyone has been polite & civil, & we've had a healthy exchange of opinions. 

    I'm about done for today, I even missed my afternoon nap, so tomorrow, as sure as eggs are eggs, I'll be Mr Grumpy.   


  • MrStarch1MrStarch1 Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    Sad to hear this news and all the best to everyone on the team, behind and in front of the camera. Had some tremendous fun working on the live shows - sometimes it felt guilty to be paid for it!

    Really talented staff all round, and I miss it already. 

    Have a great final show on Thursday, best of luck moving forward and I look forward to the next step...and a beer with everyone soon. 
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2015
    :-( thats all i have to say
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2015


    good luck

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