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Thursday Night Live on CH861 Celebration of all things 861 with Fowler and Mr Kendall 7pm -midnight



  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on CH861 Celebration of all things 861 with Fowler and Mr Kendall 7pm -midnight ****official show thread***:
    Unsafe to read comments have been coloured red I think a #weareallchoppingonions is appropriate tonight, although you two need to wait until after the show otherwise we're going to have flood alerts up and down the country. The live shows have been the best regular adult educational entertainment I have ever seen, so much so I could even put up with a few hours of sporting cross-sell (as long as Neil Channing was on hand to deliver his latest pearls of wisdom).   Playing on SkyPoker always seemed a little flat the non-show nights in comparison. And now every night will be a non-show night it just isn't going to be the same. And I'm not going to subscribe to Sky Sports for their meagre alternative offering. Thanks everyone involved in the live shows for giving us such a wonderful time. And meeting up with so many of you at live tournaments just cemented the bond that was generated with Sky Poker. It was truly a great gig. And having regular players from the site on the show as well, just wow. And for the final, nay, ULTIMATE show we have the two ultimate performers in Anna & Teeks: SkyPoker TV legends. That's not to undermine the quality of Rich & Jen, Jules & Scotty, Laura & Stapes etc etc, who have also been supremely great viewing, but hey, here we have the immortals, literally in one case, figuratively in the other. We understand the corporate necessities that has led to the demise of this great institution, and we can hope and pray that what follows will provide us with a soupcon of that experience, but it cannot be replaced. I believe the new owners have underestimated the importance of the community aspect to SkyPoker, but all I can do about it is vote with my feet. So I'll be taking some time out to reflect, and reminisce. I wish everyone who has been involved in these shows the best possible future, you've certainly delivered some spectacular results so far.
    Posted by GELDY
    Here here, very well said that man, I concur whole heartedly
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live on CH861 Celebration of all things 861 with Fowler and Mr Kendall 7pm -midnight ****official show thread***:
    Good luck with you final show. I always stream the live show while playing it won't be the same now. Hmmmmm a thought Clarkson suspended, last show on 861 anything to tell us Mr Kendall?
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    Where's my dinner?
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited March 2015
    Thanks to all the people, both in front of the cameras and those behind the scenes for several years of excellent entertainment, sometimes to the extent that the poker was superfluous!

    A great many highlights, some already mentioned, but the one that keeps coming back to me was James Hartigan singing/rapping a hand analysis (I think he did it twice, once while most of the other analysts were in Vegas and once on his last show).

    I've been lucky enough to have won a few spot prizes over the years, so I also wanted to re-iterate my thanks for those.

    Hope all will be well for all the Channel 861 employees, good luck in Vegas Tikay and good luck with the photography Anna.
  • ClassyladyClassylady Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2015
    My favourite guest was Chris Moorman. However, sky has had many amazing guests and it has been amazing to listen and learn from them. 
    My favourite show was the story about the monkey, so funny. I also loved Anna and Ryan's show last week a out the monkeys and the universe. Bit of a theme there.
    Most of all I am going to miss the chat, the stories from you all,the banter and the feel of being part of the show discourse the poker.
    Will be watching tonight. I know the show will be amazing and memorable. 
    Will miss everyone who is part of the show.  All the presenters and naturalists have done a brilliant job over the years and every last one of you will be sadly missed.
    So the end of era. Good luck to you all and hope to see you on other channels or playing poker,but, it won't be the same. 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited March 2015
    Hey Anna and Tikay

    As it's the last show tonight, there was a vote on the forum today for the player who constantly popped up during the show. 

    It was very close and their was some very tough competition.

    Matt Bates was up there for constantly making Final Tables just to get on the TV.

    Dontellmum for always being on the master cash tables, but turns out it's just part of his nightly routine playing 30 tables.

    Somebody called RichOroford who apparently has been on regularly.

    Missfowler who always crushes BorinLoner and Craigcu12 souls.

    Some of the other prolific tv goers: craigcu12,pokey2011,Idonkcallu,geldy,evilpingu,sir- gary,doh, rancid,arazi,greghogg as well as many others.

    It was so close in the end it was decided to make everyone winners for their sterling efforts.

    Have a fantastic last show and all the best for the future.
  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited March 2015
    Drop kicked penguin. Anytime a new presenter gets caught out reading out a flop that has a 4 followed by a king. The awkward silence after HitmanRV's live on air, more than slightly risque explanation of a term of endearment for a female presenter.
     Really enjoyed the show over the years. Lets hope the new one lives up to the standard set by yourselves up till now.
    regards and tx for 8 years entertainment,
    p.s. Orfords input to the show is far entertaining than usual.
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited March 2015
    Anna and Tikay, i hope you have a great last show, and whilst I for one am so sad it's the last one, as has been said elsewhere it's not the beginning of the end it's the start of a whole new chapter, as ever HAVE FUN

    as to having fun there are a load of us meeting up at Newcastle for the first ever FORUM DTD live weekend, it promises to be a cracker, hope to see loads of you there

    one thing I will say is that through Sky Poker in whatever guise it goes too, I have made many close friends through this community, and nothing will ever change that


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2015
    Best shows from memory back years ago i played in the open as a featured player. Got loads of phone calls etc. Strange to say without that single show my poker journy imo would be vastly different. I was awfully bad and played awfully bad, but still one of my favourite ever poker memories. 

    Also vididly remember Ryan and Redmonds first shows, the way they worded things, and explained things was just like nothing that was around anywhere for free at the time. No disrespect to other experts who where on before or since. 
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited March 2015
    Ex forum posterer Spornybol doing Orford's DISASTERMIND .. comedy gold.
  • IleraIlera Member Posts: 114
    edited March 2015
    Must say, today's show really isnt up to the usual standard so far, what are you playing at?

    There again, it's only 5:45, guess maybe it will pick up from 7pm onwards.

    Going to miss 861, always enjoyed the banter and the info, and even the occasional comment from tikay. Where oh where am I going to go for my concrete, bridge, service station and slump test anecdotes now?

    Sad day. Best of luck to anyone moving onto other things, viewers included.

    Andy / ilera
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited March 2015

    Best of luck to everyone in front of camera and behind it tonight.

    You maybe reading messages out all night at this rate Anna. ;)

    Some quick fire memories from myself out of the hundreds that I have after watching the shows over all these years....

    The Sky Poker 'Club' on 865 with Dan & Matt. 

    All the 'My name is'....(special mention for OnlyoneCT - you were a star Craig)

    The natural chemistry between all the presenters and analysts over the many shows, and the interaction of humour which made viewing very enjoyable.

    The involvement of the community throughout the shows, which as a long time contributer, will be greatly missed.

    A personnel favourite memory of mine is when I somehow fluked R/U in the primo many moons ago and there was a whole hour show hosted by Tikay showing the highlights.

    I am only going to see the 1st hour of tonight's show so wish you both well and all who have sailed in the good ship Sky Poker TV channel.


    (that red dress though of LML!) ;)

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited March 2015
    Hi Guys, 
    Looking forward to the show...
    I have racked my brain today to try and come up with my favourite memory/program on 865/1, but it's a bit like picking your favourite child.   They are all precious!! 
    If i'm pushed tho, it would have to be the evening I discovered 865, by accident.  It was almost exactly 4 years ago.  I had just arrived back from my dads funeral in Ireland and was randomly flicking thru the channels when 865 popped up.  I had never played or  interested in poker BUT my dad was a poker addict all his life even before it became popular.  When i was growing up there was a "home game" every Friday night.  It therefore seemed inevitable that at his wake there would poker.  In fact there were quite a few "poker schools" where his mates had a lot of fun with some serious cash flying around, plus a few fists I'm afraid to say. 
    So it did seem odd when on my return home I happened on 865 and saw a poker table pop up!   I took it as a sign that I should look into this poker game a bit further.  It was a life changing experience if I'm honest and I'm still here.... still learning....
    The presenter that night? An old guy with white hair who "seemed" quite knowledgable about the game.  Think his name was Tony Kinder?   Wonder where he is now?  ;-))

    Sorry for ramble

  • FortunatusFortunatus Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2015
    Memories light the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories of the way we were

    Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another for the way we were.

    Can it be that it was all so simple then
    Or has time rewritten every line
    If we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we, could we

    Memories may be beautiful and yet
    What's too painful to remember we simply choose to forget
    So it's the laughter we will remember
    Whenever we remember the way we were.

    The way we were.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited March 2015
    Every moment's been special!

    We've been so fortunate to share some great moments and so much laughter.

    My personal favourite was making a comment for a competition

    About six scotsmen sat round a table playing the beautiful game and asking would that be called "full kilt poker"?

    Unfortunately I added a contentious comment so It wasn't read out but I did hear Tikay chuckle when he read it!

    You've all been so wonderful I only hope your paths lead to bigger and better thing in Poker and on TV!

    The show's, laughter and personalities will be sorely  missed
  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited March 2015
    Anna and TK

    I was watching 861 long before i was playing on the site. It just felt like the best place to watch REAL poker. I mean watching a High roller events with all those multi level thinking players, and instead you'd be watching hands play out as they would at your local casino. Sky Poker always made poker seem accessible rather than only available to those with very deep pockets.

    Favourites, most everybody to be honest, but have to say I've missed Sarah Champion and her Mrs Krabapple laugh, "HA !"

    On a personal note, always loved having my hands analysed, and having Sam Razavi and Carlo Citrone call in my straight flush where i had 8h8d, my opponent 77, the board coming 7c7d9d, turn 6d, river 10d !! That was brilliant.

    Think there has been a strange symmetry going on this week with the last LIVE covered Roller being won by Andrew1947 and Orford, who went into negative money the first night he ever played on sky Poker, this week, in the last week of 861, binking the £55 BH, and finally reaching the heady heights of profit !

    Hope the future Sky Tv hits the height of the past, and BRING BACK SPT s !!

  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited March 2015
    Will tonights show be available on the you tube channel?

    As i'm unable to either watch or record it.
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited March 2015
    Good evening Mrs Fowler and Sir Tikay.
    You will be sorely missed, hope to see you both in the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack in the near future.
    My favourite memory from the show will be Mrs Fowlers glasses.
    Thank you for making  poker even more enjoyable .
    All the best for the future.
    All the best.
    p.s would it be possible to give one last shout out for the £2.20 @2.20 DEEPSTACK
  • BenchmarkBenchmark Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2015
    Truly a sad night. Although I've not been playing poker that long, I've gleaned a great deal of information about playing poker from the show.
    It's been entertaining and informative, plus it also made you feel that you weren't playing your poker alone and sat in a darkened cupboard.

    Guess I'll be spending more time at my mum's house from now on. I've been thinking of doing it for some time. Oh, and she has the full Sky package.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    edited March 2015
    Ah well, sadly all good things come to an end.

    I'm sure Sky Poker will find some way of filling at least some of the gap that is now left in many people's poker lives.

    Thanks to all the presenters for being thoroughly entertaining and the experts for educating the many of us that had little or no idea of how to play before we stumbled into channel 865. I still have no idea but I can't blame you guys for that!

    I'm certain that you will all go on to bigger and better things and wish you the all the best for the future.

    Hopefully Tikay will still grace us with his presence now and again on the PLO8 tables where, of course, Anna would be more than welcome if she decided to pop by.

    To quote the recently departed Leonard Nimoy 'live long and prosper'.

    Paul aka Tuney aka Enut
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2015

    And in late news, it looks like there MAY be a special guest appearance by Richard Orford, aka Lord Smirk. 
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