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  • Moon_RiverMoon_River Member Posts: 176
    edited April 2015

    Isn’t this interesting! I have often said that poker is a reflection of life and different people show their respective characters even in a poker game/environment. The character of Dave Harvey I consider to be both strong and true. He seeks to do no one harm, leads from the front and I have seen the evidence of how he will help whenever he can, not just with poker.


    I don’t get too involved in posting on FB or on the forum, mainly because I am not a computer whizz. I like the camaraderie of my team and also of the DTD in general. I enjoy the banter with players in all the teams and I enjoy healthy competition. I have enjoyed meeting many at live events.


    Recent events are not healthy, they are personalised and if left untreated will poison what a lot of people, including Dave, Michael and others have worked hard to develop leading  to the success DTD is now.


    Unfortunately, one or two unhappy, toxic people seem to get pleasure from creating a negative atmosphere.  I would be surprised if they succeed but I guess they need their bullshi.t fix in order to stay full of it.


    I fully support Dave Harvey, he lacks bullshi.t.

  • bailey69bailey69 Member Posts: 101
    edited April 2015
    +1 to all above

    Struggle to find a nicer, more genuine bloke than Dave. Known him best part of 20 years. He'd give you his last fiver in his back pocket if you needed it. Makes me laugh when I see people trying to tarnish his name. 

    Unfortunately, you will always have people with nothing better to do than cause trouble and upset. Its sad, but a fact of life.

    Full support as always mate.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2015
    Lend us a fiver Dave :-)
  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    edited April 2015
    I do not play the DTD events (except very occasionally) as I am not generally available on a Monday evening, so I have not been aware of any of the "goings on". I am absolutely amazed that anybody can question the character of Dave in any way. I have met him on many occasions over the last 6 years or so and a more genuine and caring guy would be difficult to find. 

    Many words (all good) have been written on this thread in support of what you contribute and what you stand for. Dave, these are the words that matter because they come from the people who know you or know of you, all of whom have the utmost respect for you and value the fact they have you as a friend and/or aquaintance. I know I certainly do!!

    Hope to meet up again soon.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2015
    it´s a shame it´s come to this.

    i hesitated a long time before posting because on other occasions that i´ve tried to stick up for what i believe is right i´ve been told that i´m grumpy or worse a troll. but i need to stick to my principles regardless. (the former maybe true at times though, but never intentionally the latter)

    i remember arriving at Notts on my second SPT. arrived early to register and didn´t spot anyone i knew. popped into the local bar and there was Dave having a hitsquad party. he beckoned me over and welcomed me to join the party with open arms. he, like all the team leaders i´ve met, seemed a really nice person, trying to make the sky community a better place. i´m sure there are others who haven´t got on with him, such is humanity. But to me Dave represents what I like about SkyPoker, and I truly hope it stays that way.

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited April 2015
    I would be extremely careful before rallying to either support or to vilify someone, when you do not yet know the facts
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2015
    hence my use of "seem" and "hope"
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2015
    Good point about knowing the facts
    bit like a marriage break up
    speak to one side and it'll all seem obvious it's the others fault
    but it's never so simple
    not sure the forum should be used as the courtroom though
    but fully understand if someone is feeling under threat
    that they want some validation

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited April 2015

    it took some time to work you out, geldy. 
    sometimes you write good things,
    sometimes not. 

    i know now that you are a part-time troll. 
    i am pleased to say that the rest of the time
    you are not.

    ...or just asleep.

  • EdgeSortinEdgeSortin Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    I would be extremely careful before rallying to either support or to vilify someone, when you do not yet know the facts
    Posted by mrsduck
    Having just seen screen shots of the alleged colluding on a FB group called SKY POKER TOURNAMENTS I fully agree with the above comment of Mrsduck.

    Be wary of judging someone regardless of the good they have done in the past as people are A: Not always what/who they seem and B: Can change. With my own eyes I have seen evidence of colluding and this comes in the form of damming screenshots taken during the DTD tournament. I read also that these have been sent to Sky and reported however should it be allowed I am happy to post them here but I am sure that Sky would prefer to deal with this in house.

    What is posted there and clearly documented breaches the following rules:

    15.3 Collusion between you and any of our other customers, as determined at our sole discretion, by sharing “hole” cards or by any other methods is strictly forbidden. To detect collusion, we use sophisticated software to analyse hands, game play history and suspicious activities. Our system monitors card history, betting patterns, player history and gameplay, including all bets, for all customers, up to and including the last round of betting where applicable. We also look at various other sources of information as part of our anti-collusion checks. We reserve the right, in addition to other measures, to restrict seating and/or to prohibit customers from playing at a particular poker table or in a tournament, including restricting two or more customers from playing together at the same table or in the same tournament and you agree to cooperate fully with us in respect of such measures and to investigate any such activity.

    The use of 3rd party software (Messaging Services) were used to assist a member to collude with another in order to gain an unfair advantage over other members. As the posts are time stamped and the members identitys are known it is now very east for Sky Poker to use their "sophisticated software to analyse hands, game play history and suspicious activities" to confirm the hands discussed and to confirm that the relevant members acted accordingly and colluded.

    Having seen the evidence that is available and now out in the public domain I assume that Sky will take this very seriously and act accordingly.
    I am sure that everyone will agree that at no point should a members previous good character, positive actions and friendships within a company give him an advantage over the rules AND their disciplinary process. People make mistakes and this seems that it may be a case that someone may have been stupidly and naively suckered into giving and receiving hand info but they still colluded, they will forever been known within poker as a colluder and the evidence of that collusion will be there forever. They can make excuses now and say that they told people after the fact but during the conversations and more importantly during the game, that person gave away hands, accepted hand information and crucially they acted upon it and commented that they done so...... They colluded.

    Online Poker is struggling already with allegations so when one comes to light with evidence like this has we are left in the hands of the authorities (or Sky in this case) to do what is right not only for its members but also for the reputation of poker as a whole.

  • luvBWFCluvBWFC Member Posts: 763
    edited April 2015
    yh but youre clearly a sock Edgesortin. only post is this one and no history on SKY. Wouldn't just be agitating would we?
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2015
    mr edge has clearly outplayed me in the troll stakes
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited April 2015
    Welcome to Sky Poker Mr edge, nice of you to get involved in the community forum right away.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    Good point about knowing the facts bit like a marriage break up speak to one side and it'll all seem obvious it's the others fault but it's never so simple not sure the forum should be used as the courtroom though but fully understand if someone is feeling under threat that they want some validation
    Posted by GELDY
    I have to agree with young Geldy here.

    Never had an issue with hitman or got involved in any of the team stuff. We have always got on fine whether it be at the tables or at the bar at live events.

    Whilst it must be frustrating to have accusations made about you if they are untrue I don't see any purpose in this thread. All it is doing is having pro hitman people come on here and say he is a great guy and wouldn't do it. Then others come on and say they know the truth and know what he has done. Where is that really getting anyone?

    Sky need to do their investigation, this sort of thing isn't good for the sky community and there wont be any winners in this thread!
  • EdgeSortinEdgeSortin Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    yh but youre clearly a sock Edgesortin. only post is this one and no history on SKY. Wouldn't just be agitating would we?
    Posted by luvBWFC
    This isnt about me or anyone else that feels compelled to condemn the fella. Me only having made only 1 post and being new to this forums is irrelevant and seems a strange response to what was a detailed and balanced post (I even stated that i felt he was suckered into it, this is exactly what the guy himself said when admitting it so how am I aggravating it?). I am a fan of Sky Tv Poiker shows and I have always held Sky in the greatest esteem, I have watched the shows for a very liong time. I first saw this colluding story on a forum and eventually followed the trail to one that had the evidence. I am very interested as i am a strong defender of online poker and the principles it represents so any negative gamesmanship is of the upmost interest to me. This is obviously a more high profile case as the person in question who has now admitted colluding is not only a Team Captain of a well respected team but is also well connected and on "Friends" terms with a number of Sky "Faces" and TV PresentersThe person himself has been on the Sky TV Show, so of course this case is being discussed on many general poker sites. 

    There is not much left to say, the guy has admitted colluding. He has created a mitigation but regardless of reason or excuse, he has admitted colluding with another member to gain either him or his associate an advantage. This goes against the fundamental principles of online poker and is one of if not the biggest taboo. He has said that he doesnt want to be unsporting but he WAS. He admits that he should haveknown better, well that is a certain fact especially given his standing on Sky and within poker and his team. He says he immediately admitted it to Sky representatives, now this may be an issue as why has no action been taken? I am sure Sky are dealing with it.

    His basic defence is "Worse things have happened and it was Heat of the moment and he was suckered into it". These are fair points and i am sure Sky will take them board BUT he has broke a fundamental rule of Sky Pokers and a rule that has seen numerous people banned. Sky will have to decide on what is right but given this is such high profile case ( A captain of a key team and a known face from off the TV and its tours) then I am sure they will take the opportunity for the good of online poker as a whole and make an example of him as anything else would not bode well for their reputation or that of the industry. There are many examples where this has happened with reputable Poker Sites and the rules and outcome are quite clear.

    I am sure that Sky will do the right thing.

  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    In Response to Re: IF................... : I have to agree with young Geldy here. Never had an issue with hitman or got involved in any of the team stuff. We have always got on fine whether it be at the tables or at the bar at live events. Whilst it must be frustrating to have accusations made about you if they are untrue I don't see any purpose in this thread. All it is doing is having pro hitman people come on here and say he is a great guy and wouldn't do it. Then others come on and say they know the truth and know what he has done. Where is that really getting anyone? Sky need to do their investigation, this sort of thing isn't good for the sky community and there wont be any winners in this thread!
    Posted by MattBates
    Hit the nail right on the head.
  • EdgeSortinEdgeSortin Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    In Response to Re: IF................... : I have to agree with young Geldy here. Never had an issue with hitman or got involved in any of the team stuff. We have always got on fine whether it be at the tables or at the bar at live events. Whilst it must be frustrating to have accusations made about you if they are untrue I don't see any purpose in this thread. All it is doing is having pro hitman people come on here and say he is a great guy and wouldn't do it. Then others come on and say they know the truth and know what he has done. Where is that really getting anyone? Sky need to do their investigation, this sort of thing isn't good for the sky community and there wont be any winners in this thread!
    Posted by MattBates

    And him taking the time to come on and admit that he collude was a nice gesture and will save them a lot of time and effort. It couldn't have been easy for him to admit to openly breaking the rules regardless of his mitigation however I guess when confronted with screenshots of you doing it he didn't have much choice.

    It's no ones business now but Sky who will of course being dealing with it and deciding on the correct punishment. A quick and fair outcome will protect the image of Sky and Online Poker as a whole and regardless of if you like the guy or not, that's what's important here.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited April 2015
    I wish I had your dedication!

    I joined 4 years ago, and you have been an inspiration throughout all that time!

    The names supporting you on this thread are like a who's who? of Sky Poker.

    there will always be Plonkers!

    Don't let them get to you!

    You've earned our respect!!!

    The plonkers have nothing but our contempt!!!

  • tsarinatsarina Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2015
    I am not getting involved in this one.  I believe mattbates to be correct in his analysis that no good will come of this thread.  It is indeed unfortunate that the thread was started in the first place.  There may be one or two fellow players as old as I am who will recall the former Jonathan Aitken stating he would fight with the sword of truth shortly before he got convicted of dishonesty offences and got sent to spend some time at Her Majesty's pleasure.  #justsaying

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: IF...................:
    In Response to Re: IF................... : Having just seen screen shots of the alleged colluding on a FB group called SKY POKER TOURNAMENTS I fully agree with the above comment of Mrsduck. Be wary of judging someone regardless of the good they have done in the past as people are A: Not always what/who they seem and B: Can change. With my own eyes I have seen evidence of colluding and this comes in the form of damming screenshots taken during the DTD tournament. I read also that these have been sent to Sky and reported however should it be allowed I am happy to post them here but I am sure that Sky would prefer to deal with this in house. What is posted there and clearly documented breaches the following rules: 15.3 Collusion between you and any of our other customers, as determined at our sole discretion, by sharing “hole” cards or by any other methods is strictly forbidden. To detect collusion, we use sophisticated software to analyse hands, game play history and suspicious activities. Our system monitors card history, betting patterns, player history and gameplay, including all bets, for all customers, up to and including the last round of betting where applicable. We also look at various other sources of information as part of our anti-collusion checks. We reserve the right, in addition to other measures, to restrict seating and/or to prohibit customers from playing at a particular poker table or in a tournament, including restricting two or more customers from playing together at the same table or in the same tournament and you agree to cooperate fully with us in respect of such measures and to investigate any such activity. The use of 3rd party software (Messaging Services) were used to assist a member to collude with another in order to gain an unfair advantage over other members. As the posts are time stamped and the members identitys are known it is now very east for Sky Poker to use their "sophisticated software to analyse hands, game play history and suspicious activities" to confirm the hands discussed and to confirm that the relevant members acted accordingly and colluded. Having seen the evidence that is available and now out in the public domain I assume that Sky will take this very seriously and act accordingly.   I am sure that everyone will agree that at no point should a members previous good character, positive actions and friendships within a company give him an advantage over the rules AND their disciplinary process. People make mistakes and this seems that it may be a case that someone may have been stupidly and naively suckered into giving and receiving hand info but they still colluded, they will forever been known within poker as a colluder and the evidence of that collusion will be there forever. They can make excuses now and say that they told people after the fact but during the conversations and more importantly during the game, that person gave away hands, accepted hand information and crucially they acted upon it and commented that they done so...... They colluded. Online Poker is struggling already with allegations so when one comes to light with evidence like this has we are left in the hands of the authorities (or Sky in this case) to do what is right not only for its members but also for the reputation of poker as a whole.
    Posted by EdgeSortin
    I'm sure Sky know their own rules without having to copy & paste them on the forum.
    As a newbie you sure seem to know your way round on here !
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