I am a new player here. i really want to play at sjy poker supporting a british company and playing in pounds but the 8 seconds one gets to act each turn is barely enouigh time to type your bet amount out and click your action, put on that any thinking time its just silly. Also i can even find the time bank if there was a 2min time bank to make for the 8seconds to act it might be understandable but so far i cant seem to locate it for some reason. I play on other sites and 20 seconds is definitely more suitable with a time bank. After all we are playing for money no matter how little so a bit of thinking time should be required rather trying to maximising rake by fitting in as many hands as possible. Anyone else think we should petition to sky poker to raise the thinking time to 20-30seconds? I have seen on tv adequate thinking time so it may just be at the micro stakes, which doesnt make any sense, infact bad players need more thinking time. thought anyone?
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If you know what you're doing, eight seconds is plenty.
There are good arguments for and against this limit. Extending it and/or introducing time-banks will mainly help multi-table grinders, a minority group who most poker providers are now realising have a negative impact on their business. The only other beneficiaries I can think of are those annoying people who stall close to bubbles in MTTs.
Personally I prefer it as it is. Twenty seconds is always more than enough for me.
Your thread title is incorrect, & very misleading I'm afraid.
The "time to act" is a lot longer than 8 seconds, I believe it is 15 or 20 seconds, which is in addition to the time before it is "you to act". On balance, that suits more players than it does not, although it's not possible to suit everyone.
Micro stakes are not limited to what you describe as "bad players", some players just prefer to play smaller stakes.
Raising the "time to act" to 30 seconds would be a disaster, & the vast majority of players (most of whom 1 or 2 table) would be very cross. It would also eat up time & make the structures much faster, as the clock keeps ticking while people are dwelling.
I'm also not aware that micro stakes players get less time than anyone else.
Hope you stick around, & I hope, eventually, you'll become comfy with it.