Last night was the first night I've seen the show on Sky Sports and have to say I was disappointed. The guests and Tikay were entertaining but, I expected hand analysis/coverage of the Turbo Open. What can we expect from the next few shows if/when the 100 challenge is finished?
Is it just me or do others want to see tournament coverage on the show?
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We had a long chat about that in the TV Office yesterday. We meet (the TV Team) before & after every Show to see what we could or should do better, add, or drop. The new format is still in it's infancy, & we are trying different things.
Whilst it's not my decision, & they have not 100% made a decision yet, it's more than likely that they will drop coverage of the late stages of Turbos on the Show for a while. Why? In truth, in a Turbo, you can't really do much by way of in depth analysis, because, by it's very nature, it is formulaic, like SNG's, in that almost every play is standard, & there's almost no play down the streets. It's shove or fold stuff.
We recognize, of course, that players like to see themselves on TV, but in truth, it does nothing, either way, for the numbers, & as a spectacle to view, it is not really great TV.
The Cash challenge, as it happens, seems to be very well received, on the whole, so far.
The feedback is appreciated, & the tweaks will continue, thank you.
PS - Did you actually play that Turbo event?
PPS - howay the lads
Your feedback is much appreciated, really, & we shall see how the Show develops. We know players like to watch themselves on TV, but it's really not got much upside for the Business, in truth, it does not drive traffic to any significant degree. A £11 MTT with 500 runners generates £500 of margin. Now try to guess how much it costs to put a Show on air......
What will follow the £100 Challenge? Not sure yet, but we have a ton of ideas. Whether they are any good is another matter.....
You enjoyed me being all aggro? Ha! I was dreading doing that £100 Challenge. I've not played NLH Cash for 12 years or more, except on very rare occasion (last time was in Newcastle, when I somehow done a bag to Paul Jackson NTTP, sigh), it's not my thing, & the game has long left me behind. Never looked forward less to doing a Show, & I was extremely uncomfy, mentally all night, but, with the help of some nice cards, I managed to turn a profit, albeit small. (Sample size, variance etc). I hope they don't ask me to do it again, but if they do, I will.
Anyway, glad to see you are doing so well here, long may it last.
Has NPF closed down for good now? Shame, in a way, but independent poker forums are up against it these days, most of them are struggling. Times change, habits change.
Oh, I forgot to add - I completely agree as to Jamie Sykes - I thought he was just tremendous.
He was top rate, & very supportive & helpful of me once he realised my discomfort.
I used to watch all 15 hours of the old format, most of it live while I was playing and the rest later.
Has to be good, imo.
The players know, too, that they can apply pressure, as we only get one bullet.
Loved playing against you, we kept tangling, not intentionally, but just how the cards fell. How you made that fold with three nines I'll never know - well done.
You typed "just made the worst fold ever", & I wanted to reply "No you did not, unless you had quads" as I had the nuts, but unforch, I did not seem able to type stuff into the chat box on the Studio I-pad, or type in bet sizes, so I had to use the pre-set buttons all the time.
Great fun - after it had finished. Not so much before, or during, I was consumed with nerves, & fear of failure.
my feedback is there should be different opposition on the two tables.
I subscribe to some cracking "non-poker" Forums, mind, The Pylon Appreciation Society, PPRuNE, The Bird Forum, etc.
"It's simple: the Pylon Appreciation Society is a club for people who appreciate electricity pylons. Enthusiasts range from primary school children to retired engineers and include anyone who is interested or inspired by transmission towers.
As well as the wealth of information available through this site, if you choose to become a member there are other benefits including the field guide (pictured, being released in installments), messageboard, and other resources.
You will get a welcome pack with photo card, a "parts of the pylon" print, badge, and other items such as bookmarks, stickers and info card."
When a man is tired of pylons, he is tired of life (Samuel Johnson, 1709 - 1784)
I used to record all the Mastercash that was on TV because thats what I want to watch is cash.
The 100 challenge for what its worth I think is brilliant, it also inspires people to sit there and think I could spin a 100 up.. and its quite exciting to wonder if someone is going to run hot one show and get to like 900 squid lol!! Maybe when Rich has a go.
So i short lol, please dont bring tournament play back stick with the cash!!