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Life's a Flop...



  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,695
    edited June 2015
    I'm not religious: I don't believe in God - certainly not in the old guy with a grey beard and deep voice kind of way - but sometimes life plays out in such a way that it gives with one hand and takes away with the other almost in the same breath, and it is during moments like those that I sometimes revise my position on the whole cosmic significance of the forks that appear from time to time in our personal journeys.
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited June 2015
    Cryptic.....pray tell
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: Life's a Flop...:
    I'm not religious: I don't believe in God - certainly not in the old guy with a grey beard and deep voice kind of way - but sometimes life plays out in such a way that it gives with one hand and takes away with the other almost in the same breath, and it is during moments like those that I sometimes revise my position on the whole cosmic significance of the forks that appear from time to time in our personal journeys.
    Posted by Slipwater

    Biggest load of bollooooox I've eva read :)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited June 2015
    I hope it's a bit deeper than I won a flip, then I lost a flip? 
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited June 2015
    hope everything is ok mate. 

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: Life's a Flop...:
    hope everything is ok mate. 
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    +1 hope my remark wasnt flippant in a serious moment
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,695
    edited June 2015
    Thanks for the concern, folks (even Sam, who obviously cares deeply).

    All is fine. The job may not be there for much longer, but such is life - I'm sure I can pick up another one of those. There are certainly forum regs who have it a lot tougher than I do right now, so I don't wish to undermine or draw silly comparisons... but I'm a writer, so I'm prone to wallow in a bit of melodrama from time to time.

    Phantom - no offense taken at all, but what on earth makes you think I've ever won a flip? ;)
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited June 2015

    You could always just play cash with the homeless and needy.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited June 2015
    Hope you find a nice new job Slip! 
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,695
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: Life's a Flop...:
    Hope you find a nice new job Slip! 
    Posted by mrsduck
    Thanks, Ducky...  watch this space, I guess.

    Sam - your compassion is duly noted.

    Oddly, this last weekend was the most profitable I've had in the casino - perhaps the knowledge that I may be out of a job soon pushed me to try something different, and I walked away with just under £1k for my Friday/Saturday efforts.

    Lucky hand of the weekend: I raised pre to £8 with AQ and get two callers. The rainbow flop comes down Q34. I lead out for £12. Caller number one shoves for £130 and caller number two calls (leaving himself with about £40 behind). So there's now just under £300 in the pot and I have top pair. I thought about it for ages - put one of them on a big queen (maybe even the same hand as mine) and the other one on maybe A2 or a mid pocket pair like 7s or 8s.

    It probably should have been a fold, and I don't think your profit/loss for the night should ever be a factor in your decision, but I looked down at my stack and saw that I was about £200 to the good for the night, so going for it here wasn't really going to hurt me. I raised, to put the other guy all-in. He showed JQ and the original shove showed 34. Way ahead of one, and way behind the other. Dodge a jack. Ace or queen for the win.

    Turn 6. River 6.


    I win the £400 pot.
  • CATCH-22CATCH-22 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2015
    which casno u play in slip

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited July 2015

    How's things Slip (hoping the grammatical error will entice you back)

    You had some worrying work related news - hope things are ok?

    PS In case you hadn't heard, there is a writing competition on here at the moment to win a seat to the UKPC.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2015
    Well done phantom 
    that's one less prize available

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: Life's a Flop...:
    **BUMP** How's things Slip (hoping the grammatical error will entice you back) You had some worrying work related news - hope things are ok? PS In case you hadn't heard, there is a writing competition on here at the moment to win a seat to the UKPC.
    Posted by Phantom66
    I think he must have gotten broken being left to try and control drunken Samantha and Trips in MK.  Not sure any person could survive that tbh.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,695
    edited September 2015
    Well, I guess I'm back...

    I only intended to take a few days away from the forum, and before long a few days turned into a week, that into a month, and then... well, here we are. And three months down the line, the reasons for my absence in the first place have escaped me.

    Now, if you don't mind, the level of literacy around this place has not improved sans Slipwater, and as a result there are a lot of grammatically incorrect posts I have to fix.

    See you in another few months then, yeah?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Life's a Flop...:
    Well, I guess I'm back... I only intended to take a few days away from the forum, and before long a few days turned into a week, that into a month, and then... well, here we are. And three months down the line, the reasons for my absence in the first place have escaped me. Now, if you don't mind, the level of literacy around this place has not improved sans Slipwater, and as a result there are a lot of grammatically incorrect posts I have to fix. See you in another few months then, yeah?
    Posted by Slipwater
    I fink ewe will find it aint dat bad as sum of us have been working hard at are grammer. 
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited September 2015
    Welcome back my good man, i hope things are ok. Please could you put to the top of your grammatical naughty list the constant use of the word of instead of have in could of, would of etc etc. it may be a small thing but that's how wars start, or some such hyperbole;)
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