In Response to Anyone else feeling a little uneasy? : I understand why you may have had concerns after what happened during the week but I cannot divulge what happened - all I can tell you is that we have a list of players that we will continue to monitor, and if we deem there to be a problem then we will take necessary action. I'm on the ball don't worry. Posted by Sky_Dan
sorry dan can my post about multiple accounts be removed now please some later responses are annoying now it's been resolved thanks
In Response to Re: Anyone else feeling a little uneasy? : Yes I agree with what your saying me and my gf which is hotflush67 have played in the same tournaments in the past then ended up on the same table, then it pops up with problems with the ip address cannot not be used on 2 accounts meaning mine and my gfs. therefore logging us out of our accounts. As i stated though any cash tournaments me and my gf play in the future we won't enter the same 1. Posted by ANTC4
So the other day when hotflushes internet went down and you where instantly on hand too be there too reply/know that her/his/its internet was down and where commenting on her/his/its behalf except when a post was posted/deleted in a flush(sorry flash) very convenient as that by how it sounds would make it extremely difficult too sign in in the wrong name especially when one or the others internet goes down i would think!