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New Sky Poker Rewards



  • Sky_JPSky_JP Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Same as a previous poster I barely get to 100 points, so will not make much of a difference to what or how much I play.
    Posted by SP_SP

    With a bit of luck, you'll occasionally earn 50 points in a week which would qualify you for 5 x £1000 freerolls (presuming you could play them).

  • mkgunnermkgunner Member Posts: 3,037
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Fantastic. It was already awful that new signs ups through affiliates get 30% flat, but now I will get even less than before.  Clever system, new sign ups get the most rakeback (+ the affiliates take an extra cut), and long term loyal players and proven rakers are forced to think about leaving. 
    Posted by Boonicon
  • Sky_JPSky_JP Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Fantastic. It was already awful that new signs ups through affiliates get 30% flat, but now I will get even less than before.  Clever system, new sign ups get the most rakeback (+ the affiliates take an extra cut), and long term loyal players and proven rakers are forced to think about leaving. 
    Posted by Boonicon

    Hi boonicon,

    Are you happy for me to give you a call at some point tomorrow to discuss.

  • Sky_JPSky_JP Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    At 7.36 you were just about to leave the 8.16 your still in the big is skys office??? :D
    Posted by gerardirl
    Well spotted! 

    I'm actually on my way home now, but want to avoid anyone being unnecessarily concerned!
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited May 2015
    Well I have to say apart from like most not being overly happy with the new process, top marks for your customer service and how you are dealing with each query Sky JP.

    You and sky deserve great credit for this.....
  • Sky_JPSky_JP Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Well I have to say apart from like most not being overly happy with the new process, top marks for your customer service and how you are dealing with each query Sky JP. You and sky deserve great credit for this.....
    Posted by gerardirl

    Thanks for that Gerardgirl!
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited May 2015
    Ok the amounts I earn in c4p are never a great amount but as with everything in this country at the moment bit by bit is chipped away from the little guys pie.

    Players like myself who previously earned around £15-20 have just seen that halved to £8.80 tokens. gg sky
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    I think, like anything, will be winners and losers. All ready shows from above posts. I think that unless you are playing between £25 and £49 a week, 25-49 points range, or in the 220 points to 499 weekly, then you break even or be better off.  For example, the rec like myself. Normal points is 400-500. Maths states that's approx 100 -125 weekly depending on days in Callander month. Instead of £5 I would get approx £10 in tokens. I will be honest, never withdraw my cash4points, C4P)so that's a win all ready.  As a bonus - get to play free roles at a £1k each, probably a mtt value of £2-£5 depending on runners. Ok, I can't play them all, but run well in one and get £50-£100 bonus - more than I could dream of getting in my monthly C4P reward. Yes, if I was earning 40 per week, yeah I  loose out on £1.60ish, but unless you only play set games, chances are one week you nudge 50, next be 30 etc and again, you a winner straight off with £2 token plus free roles. When you first look its human nature to find how much worse off you are. But when you really look, I mean properly work it out, probably find you are in better shape and get few more free mtt's.  Play nice all :) is just a bonus after all :)
    Posted by Nuggy962

    We can withdraw cash for points? ?? how is this possible ?
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : The usual way to view such things is to look at the effect on the midpoint of the bands, ie 50/300/750/1250/1750 points per week. I invite you to do the math. PS-it's not close....
    Posted by Essexphil
    I see no-one took me up on my offer. To make the maths simpler, I am using lunar, as opposed to calendar, months but the principles would be the same:-

    50 points per week/200 per month-current system, £2, new £0
    300 per week/1200 per month-current £12, new £8,80 in tokens
    750 per week/3000 per month-current £45, new £30
    1250 per week/5000 per month-current £100, new £62.50
    1750 per week/7000 per month-current £140, new £105

    I can see an advantage for people earning 100-214 points per week. I csn see an advantage in freerolls. However, that is coming at a not inconsiderable cost to everyone else.

    Rakeback is not the most important thing in the world (it is less important than rake,for a start!). It won't stop me playing. I just don't feel that this is an improvement. There would be a nice simple way to test it-ask people which they would prefer!
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : I see no-one took me up on my offer. To make the maths simpler, I am using lunar, as opposed to calendar, months but the principles would be the same:- 50 points per week/200 per month-current system, £2, new £0 300 per week/1200 per month-current £12, new £8,80 in tokens 750 per week/3000 per month-current £45, new £30 1250 per week/5000 per month-current £100, new £62.50 1750 per week/7000 per month-current £140, new £105 I can see an advantage for people earning 100-214 points per week. I csn see an advantage in freerolls. However, that is coming at a not inconsiderable cost to everyone else. Rakeback is not the most important thing in the world (it is less important than rake,for a start!). It won't stop me playing. I just don't feel that this is an improvement. There would be a nice simple way to test it-ask people which they would prefer!
    Posted by Essexphil

    I think sky did a poll a while back and most people were opposed weekly payments.

    Why do a poll if you do the exact opposite
  • dub1dub1 Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2015
    Seems like a load of BS to me. Confusing, utter nonsence. The question is:

    Under the new system are the people who signed up through an affiliate still getting a flat 30% rake back?

  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Seems like a load of BS to me. Confusing, utter nonsence. The question is: Under the new system are the people who signed up through an affiliate still getting a flat 30% rake back?
    Posted by dub1
    Yes they are
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Yiou're correct  - however, we're never going to be able to set a suitable time for everyone, and evenings are certainly more playable for the majority than morning/afternoon. There was a suggestion earlier, in which customers would receive "Freeroll Tokens". This functionality isn't currently possible, but it's certainly something we can look into.
    Posted by Sky_JP
    I don't profess to understand the system for issuing tokens, but if you are issuing £2.20 tokens, then I would have thought it possible to issue freeroll tokens.

    If you ran 7 freerolls, including the weekends, and issued 5 tokens, then it might help those who have other commitments during the week.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Thanks for that Gerardgirl!
    Posted by Sky_JP

    Pretty sure when Gerard reads this all those nice things he said will be retracted :-)))))
  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Two things to point out about the £2.20 tokens (which is the realm many will fall into): 1. It's a bit naughty giving a £2.20 tournament token instead of £2.20. Only £2 of the £2.20 actually goes into the prize pool, so it's raked twice. 2. The £2.20 tokens need to be cumulative. I want to be able to use 10 of them to enter a £22 MTT rather than have to play 10 smaller tournaments. Are they?
    Posted by BigBluster

    Are the tokens cumulative?

  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2015

    Sky to do list:

    1) Make rewards system so complex no one understands

    2) Dont do anything about ridiculous state of lobby

    3) Annoy existing loyal players by offering new players a much better deal

    You couldnt make it up

  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited May 2015
    Just worked out that I'll be miles better off under the new scheme.
    Currently I get about £10 per month based on 1000 MTT points. With the new scheme, based on 4.5 weeks per month, I'll get 9.90 in tournament entries and also access to £22.5K of freerolls.

    If the 2.20 tournament entries are cumulative that would be the icing on the cake.

  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Hi Thanks for all the feedback. Just three things to mention... Firstly, we know from experience that it's very difficult to make changes to things like this to make everybody happy. Some might be a bit worse off, some better off and some the same. It is natural for people to say what it means for them but we design these things to reward people correctly and fairly and appeal to the most people possible. Also, this scheme is not set in stone forever. We and you will learn from the changes and depending on how things go, it's possible future tweaks will be made to make it the best we can for the benefit of the most people on the site overall. The new weekly model gives us more flexibiity on this. Finally, remember there will be more cash and prizes available to people to add to or compliment this scheme - like the iPads in June. There will be more things like this in future so watch this space as we annouce more. Thanks Sky Poker
    Posted by Sky_Poker
    It's important to remember without regular contributors there will be no Sky Poker.

    As most of the big names on the site regularly post in their diaries they make profits without having to deposit.

    What purpose does it serve alienating the smaller bank rolled players who feed the professionals?

    50 points a week for some people equates to £50 a week contribution, £200 a month.

    Why take away their measly £2 rewards?

    I'm sure you've thought this through and made the decision in the best interests of the business.

    but it does seem, judging by the posts received. This may be the straw that breaks the camels back.

    An increase of 100% to achieve a return , Only suceeds in making rival sites more appealing!

    Surely that is not the way forward.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Well I have to say apart from like most not being overly happy with the new process, top marks for your customer service and how you are dealing with each query Sky JP. You and sky deserve great credit for this.....
    Posted by gerardirl

    On the one hand I'm not a huge fan of the new system because I'm quite lazy and don't always put in the hours every week (so one week I might make 4k, then the next just 1k). But turning the negative into a positive - At least now, I'm forced to put in the volume each day to make sure I reach 2500 every week :)

    re. The freerolls - I agree that no time will not suit everybody so surely a way around this is to put freerolls at different times? So have some freerolls in the morning and afternoon as well as in the evening.

    The only thing I'm annoyed about is the continued 30% rakeback by new customers. I'm aware it's important to attract new customers but the 30% RB for ever after they sign up is too much. If it was just the first 3 or even as much as 6 months I'd have less of a problem with it. If you signed up with 30% RB, can sky not cancel this? I'm sure with most things it says "sky reserves the right to alter/change this promotion or similar" so you'd have thought you could cancel the 30% RB - or do you think if you did this, then all those customers getting 30% RB would leave?

    The alternative to taking away new the 30% RB to keep loyal customers happy is to reward them more and make 30% RB (or new equivalent as 20%) more easily attainable - or at least able to get closer to it. One suggestion I have is as follows:

    For every month you make Priority (after the initial month you make it) increase the bonus rakeback by X%. X can depend on how many points you have earned per month. If you make between 10k and 20k, then lets say you can gain 0.5%. If you make between 20k and 30k in one month then you will gain 0.5% the first time and 1% thereafter for every increase. If you make between 30 and 50k in one month then you will gain 1%.

    This way, if you make Priority 20 months in a row only getting 10k points each time you will now be earning 20% rakeback on top of the rewards (and the same as platinum) This rewards consistency and being loyal to sky throughout the year. *

    If you fail to make Priority one month then you will lose some of your bonus rakeback and this might depend on a number of factors including the level of Priroty you are/how often you have made Priority in a row and how many times you have failed to make Priority. 

    * The only problem with this is that there's less incentive to keep getting 30k or 50k points a month every month if you can reach the 20% bonus rakeback and then because of your priority level but I'm sure that can be figured out to make something work. Maybe make 25% bonus rakeback as the maximum for reaching platinum, 22.5% for reaching Gold, 20% for Silver and 17.5% for Bronze.

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Thanks for that Gerardgirl!
    Posted by Sky_JP

    JP is a legend but give me back my £150 a month plzzz   :)

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