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here we go

ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
edited January 2010 in Poker Chat

 my bankroll now stands at £0.00 

 i have put in about 300 in the last couple of weeks and have lost it all

 i have not really bothered about my bankroll ie thats why its gone   not a problem just a bit dissapointing

 so thinking about it last night i thought i would give myself a challenge

 to build an empire from the ground up

 so i will not deposit any cash for the rest of this mounth or next insteed i will play the freerolls i start from there
 starting today in the super six and the 12k bounty freeroll so lets see how this works out

 my goal is to make 1k by the end of feb

 i will be getting £75 for my cash for points at the end of jan which i know is cheating a bit if i use that money
 to play so might just take it all out.

 so here goes



  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited January 2010
    good luck
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited January 2010
    Good luck with the challenge, please keep us updated.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2010
    In Response to here we go:
     my bankroll now stands at £0.00   i have put in about 300 in the last couple of weeks and have lost it all  i have not really bothered about my bankroll ie thats why its gone   not a problem just a bit dissapointing  so thinking about it last night i thought i would give myself a challenge  to build an empire from the ground up  so i will not deposit any cash for the rest of this mounth or next insteed i will play the freerolls i start from there  starting today in the super six and the 12k bounty freeroll so lets see how this works out  my goal is to make 1k by the end of feb  i will be getting £75 for my cash for points at the end of jan which i know is cheating a bit if i use that money  to play so might just take it all out.  so here goes  
    Posted by ckd
    Thats some target sir, good luck

    By the way, ive managed to get £50 deposited on 1st January to £700 so far, so its defo achievable.

  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010
    wow it took Chris Ferguson 6 months to go from zero to $1k (500 pounds.)  That was in the day when online poker was pish easy........  it's great to aim high but i feel a more achievable target may keep you more focussed.  If you get to even 100 in just over a month i think that would be massively impressive.
    Aiming too high will inevitably lead to busto as you'll be gambling far too much trying to acheive a target that imo is unattainable.

    GL with things
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     with jesus it was a lot harder for on here its more possible as the free games are bounty hunter and primo  and if you cash im them then you got about 100 or so then hit the double your money tables   play £5 then if you win put that on a £10 then that on a £20 then start it again 5 10 20 as long as u win the 5 your ok  so thats my plan for this i will keep up to date on it and see what happens
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010
    [ ] Bankroll Management
    [x] Bust

    Wouldn't get your hopes up. This isn't a challenge, this is a fools dream of gambling.
  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited January 2010
    How did you di in the super6 or still going?
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: here we go:
    By the way, ive managed to get £50 deposited on 1st January to £700 so far, so its defo achievable.
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    That's some going! Nice one! It's taken me 10 months to work £50 upto £550 (using only a 5% max buy-in rule). Although I probably don't play as many games as some on here - 10 in a ten would be hardcore for me lol, it's usually less than 5 and no cash at all (yet)
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2010
    It is achievable, if you put the hours in and also become a bit creative with BRM.

    I had some time off this month, and withdrawals over Xmas and stuff and losing a bit I had £27 in my account 12 days ago.  It was 3am and was bored, and was planning on moving a grand in the next day to get the grind on 50nl.

    Anyway I took the 27 onto 30nl...doubled up.

    Went onto 50nl...double up.

    Went onto 100nl...double up.  So had like 250 by 6am, and then just 4 tables 50nl like usual the next day.

    From that 27£ I have grossed 2.4k.  I have played a LOT tho this past 12 days.  Gone from no-where in the poker league to top 20.

    I do run **** pretty awesome tho,  BigShann will confirm that.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     might be a fools dream but it dont hurt to have a go 

     i know it wont be easy but to me it will add to the fun of tryin

     if i only make a quid at least i have tryed it  but if i do make it then what a fools dream it would turn out to be 

     remember if you dont try you will never get
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited January 2010
    That's excellent, Ryan, very impressive!
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: here we go:
    difference is scotty, you're in the minority who can do that and even then you have a great chance of going broke no matter how good you are. ckd plans on playing DYMs and a simple checkup on his sharkscope shows him as £-3400 which is not a sign of someone running good.
    Posted by Deadluck
    well they should get better then!  those kinda figures should be a wake up call!

    and I didnt care about the 27 quid, i wasn't taking it that seriously cos i hadn't played properly on sky for like a month and was gonna be 4 tablig 50nl the next day regardless of the result.

  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     ok so im down that makes no difference what so ever 
     on your sharkscope u have never been in profit so does that mean you will never be in profit

     past is past its what we do from now  that counts 
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2010
    yeah goodluck CKD.  DYMs to get you settled in and then maybe start on cash games.

    if you wanna get 1k by feb just go for a 10BI rule.

    if you want a more long term BR then go for 20BI just in case variance does decide to mo lest you.

  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010
     iwill stay with the dym as i cant play cash to save mylife  ( but sayin that poker aint that good either lol )

     i know 1 k is a lot to aim for but  if i aim for 100 and win a seat in the bounty hunter and take 100 there nothing else to aim for

     its just for fun at the end of the day
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010
    Wasn't here to draw comparisons ckd, besides I play cash on sky poker not tourneys so i would ignore my sharkscope score. In fact I also believe im a horrible tourney player online!

    As you say past is past, but learn from your mistakes. As you have already said you did not care for your bankroll and look what happened to it?

    If there was ONE, just ONE piece of advice that I had to give to anyone who wanted to set goals in poker, it would be to use a strict bankroll management strategy.

    Sorry if I offended you but this thread just sets out a very bad example to others who also want to try your proposed feat.
  • MH45706MH45706 Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2010
    CKD why are you trying to look like some kind of weird Lord of The Rings orc/ modern day chav hybrid in your profile pic?
  • hogan2089hogan2089 Member Posts: 169
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: here we go:
    Wasn't here to draw comparisons ckd, besides I play cash on sky poker not tourneys so i would ignore my sharkscope score. In fact I also believe im a horrible tourney player online! As you say past is past, but learn from your mistakes. As you have already said you did not care for your bankroll and look what happened to it? If there was ONE, just ONE piece of advice that I had to give to anyone who wanted to set goals in poker, it would be to use a strict bankroll management strategy . Sorry if I offended you but this thread just sets out a very bad example to others who also want to try your proposed feat.
    Posted by Deadluck
    if you expect people to ignore your sharkscope stats, then dont mention other peoples, and im sure people are intelligent enough to make up their own minds as to whether ckds goals are achievable or not
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     you did not offend me mate

     and i total agree with you that my bankroll management is very very very very shall i carry on poor

     when it comes to that side of poker i am no good and that is why i have dumped so much

     as i said above the resson i have said 1k is cos of the big prizes offered in the primo and 12 k bh 

     i am going to try and play with a strict bankroll management as soon as i find out how to lol 

     i think its 5% of it but not sure 

     i can see where you are coming from as i think i have give the wrong impresson in that im just going to throught my money in and hope  but thats not what i mean with this as that is what i have been doing up to now and its not worked 

     if you have any advise on bankroll management or theres somewhere to help u with it that you know i would be gratefull if u let me know  ty mate
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010
    Well since we ended up comparing anyway, as it is quite clear my stats are just a "little" less extreme, and I never expected anyone to ignore my stats cos i quite frankly dont give a monkeys about mine - it's obvious that I haven't actually played many tournaments of a substantial buyin!

    The fact is, if the OP intends to be successful then things have to change. To that, I wish him luck. To ignore a proper BRM strat, I think he's fallen at the first hurdle.
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