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This Question will Not just go away?



  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited January 2010

     the main freerolls we have is the primo for 100 points i think which top 15 get in not bad for 700 + runners

     but the best 1 is 12k bh top 5 go in and again 700 + runners but for just 25 points wow lol

     i totaly agree with u benny but in reguards to the advert  it is not false, it does say you can cash your points in or use them to play in freerolls which is true you can    now i know you cant cash all the points in but it does not say you can  they do need a better system in place for the points  but with the fact that this has been a problem since the start i cant see it changing

     i have just said goodnight to my points as to me there are in a state of suspended sleep lol 

     if sky do think of changing it but have to start fresh with the points how about a toury players start with the points as chips and play for a nice little pot ( that sky put in place for these points ) it would not cost nowhere near what they are worth but its beeter than nothing say a 5k game
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    cash for points playing mtt is not good, its 10% rakeback.  its not possible to work it out for cash games, but i think its 15-20% rakeback but im very unsure.  the current freerolls r a joke! will sky do anythig about this? i think not as i explained in my previos post.  philmenow if i could give you my points i would as i am almost certain they r as much use as a ashtrey on a motorbike.  how can we make sky give us somthing to do with the points? we cant.
    Posted by freechips1
    thnx chips,iv already bought an ashtray for me bike,to go with the chocolate poker for me fire,and its true, they are both useless..however as my BR is now zilch and i have 6 points(lol),those points would at least allow me to play,even in a lousy FR(perfect training for patience and bad beat training),if sky implemented some way of passing chips over to another player,you could at least sell them on,maybe 1000 points for a £1,small potatoes i know,but some sort of return...
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
     the main freerolls we have is the primo for 100 points i think which top 15 get in not bad for 700 + runners  but the best 1 is 12k bh top 5 go in and again 700 + runners but for just 25 points wow lol    i totaly agree with u benny but in reguards to the advert  it is not false, it does say you can cash your points in or use them to play in freerolls which is true you can    now i know you cant cash all the points in but it does not say you can  they do need a better system in place for the points  but with the fact that this has been a problem since the start i cant see it changing  i have just said goodnight to my points as to me there are in a state of suspended sleep lol   if sky do think of changing it but have to start fresh with the points how about a toury players start with the points as chips and play for a nice little pot ( that sky put in place for these points ) it would not cost nowhere near what they are worth but its beeter than nothing say a 5k game
    Posted by ckd
    That would be an extremely deep stack in some cases!   :-)
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    In Response to This Question will Not just go away? : Hi bennydip2, Thank you for your response. We will relay your message to the marketing and management team for review. Sky Mod
    Posted by Sky_mod2
    Hi Sky MOD2,  Thank you for your post here in this thread, much appreciated knowing that some one is listening up there , and I'd like to thank all the other people who have contributed here as well, thank you.... 
    What I would like to say to everyone is LISTEN to the advert, the wording of it IS  wrong and misleading!
    However i'm fully aware that although  MOD2 will pass on the message, the powers that be   will find away to get around the advert and avoid as much consultation about the subject of redeeming this mountain of points that we  the players have in our accounts ..
    What I don't want is a private PM to myself from SkyRICH, I want a public message on this forum as to what  will be the outcome of these points for us all to see.

    As you all now realise, I may be looking for the none existence of a small golden chalice that will probably never be found, and the final result will end in me getting a forum and chat ban. 
    However I will not let this subject go away, it has now become my own crusade to get these points back to you the players,  that we the players have earned in our loyalty to SkyPoker over the years..

    There is more I could say but it's only fair that we allow 'The  Management' to make a clear statement to us all as to  what will be the outcome of these forgotten points,  that have helped   SkyPoker  and not the players !!

      click link below   :))

    There are many things happening here on Skypoker  some good,  some not so good.... from a players  view forgetting about these points and the way the management have dealt with this subject is definitely NOT SO GOOD

    To  all  of  you  good luck ...   (bennydip2)
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010
    If you contacted watchdog with regard to the advertisement and their use of the words 'redeeming points for cash', you could probably go alot further with this.

    I take it that any further points you are currently collecting are being converted to cash each month?
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    it has got to the point where everyone has so many points its going to cost sky a fortune.  if they open a store or give you the chance to exchange them for cash it will just cost far to much, a store should have been put in place when the site first opened, i have 47000 points any1 want em? what about the big guns ajs and gerrard9 i bet they have near 1 million.  the only way i can ever see this working is sky hold their hands up and say sorry, but we cant afford to cash em all in but we will wipe the slate clean (all points gone) and from now on we have a store where you can buy in direct to a mtt or exchange them for cash. i just cant see sky giving away soooo much money when they don't have to. i would love to see direct primo buy in for 2000 points but its not gonna happen.  sky you do need to sort this out soon as this problem will not be going away and the longer its left the more points you will have to deal with. poker points is the sky poker reward scheme then please reward me and give me somethig to do with them.
    Posted by freechips1
    hi mate i agree this would be the best solution....some sites(ladbrookes i think) restart the points at nil every month.....
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away? : Hi Sky MOD2,  Thank you for your post here in this thread, much appreciated knowing that some one is listening up there , and I'd like to thank all the other people who have contributed here as well, thank you....  What I would like to say to everyone is LISTEN to the advert, the wording of it IS  wrong and misleading!   However i'm fully aware that although  MOD2 will pass on the message, the powers that be   will find away to get around the advert and avoid as much consultation about the subject of redeeming this mountain of points that we  the players have in our accounts .. What I don't want is a private PM to myself from SkyRICH, I want a public message on this forum as to what  will be the outcome of these points for us all to see. As you all now realise, I may be looking for the none existence of a small golden chalice that will probably never be found, and the final result will end in me getting a forum and chat ban.  However I will not let this subject go away, it has now become my own crusade to get these points back to you the players,  that we the players have earned in our loyalty to SkyPoker over the years.. There is more I could say but it's only fair that we allow 'The  Management' to make a clear statement to us all as to  what will be the outcome of these forgotten points,  that have helped   SkyPoker  and not the players !! There are many things happening here on Skypoker  some good,  some not so good.... from a players  view forgetting about these points and the way the management have dealt with this subject is definitely NOT SO GOOD To  all  of  you  good luck ...   (bennydip2)
    Posted by bennydip2
    i agree totally with you on this m8y,

    there must be a few  millions points between all of us players on skypoker,

    and growing because it not being dealt with proper,

    the problem will only keep growing and get worse the more its ignored,

    hence a lot of growing unhappy costumers.

    ps. come on sky suits heads out of the sand plzzz on this one .

  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited January 2010
    Nice one benny for keeping at this.  Im sure I remember a post a while a go from a mod or a suit saying there will be big changes and watch this space.  I think they added a £100 f/r or something which isnt exactly a big change
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away? : hi mate i agree this would be the best solution....some sites(ladbrookes i think) restart the points at nil every month.....
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    Hi Davey,   I'm not 100% sure   but I dont think they restart points every month anymore,  what they do  is use "points or cash option"  to enter tournaments, so it's not likely they do both .......... 

    Other sites do many different things,  however all sites that I know of, dont hold back points that cant  be used they  all give back in the form of points for tournament  entry,  or some have a shop to redeem  points ...
    Now you could argue that Skypoker have  25pt freerolls  but  I reiterate what the point of the thread is   ... 
    The Advert says  "You can cash in your points, or use them to play freerolls"  !!! 
    So well see   on Monday how we  can use our points or   maybe we cant ?

    "Who Can Ya Turn To "   ?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    edited January 2010
    have to to be honest here not really thought about points cuz i,ve bin doin well and winning abit and think sky shud get there cut . dont know what its worth but i,ve got 20k points never really botherd bout f/rs and not really thought about it so long that i keep putting abit in me bank to pay for for me mortgage and wot not.but if you,ve got a large amount of points i spose its worth quite abit.dont know the ins and outs of this sort of thing and just keep going but if you,ve got alot of points i suppose its woth fighting for good luck in your quest benny
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited January 2010
    i may have missed the point of this of the op but the way i see it is you get money for earning at least 500 points in a month.

    i entered points into the bit that says redeem promotional code and as far as im aware i will be getting at least £5.00 back at the end of the month as ive earned over 500 points.

    also by earning at least £5.00 in a month you could then use that money to enter a tournement or at least pay for most of a buy in?

    apologies if this isnt the point you are making.
  • emilyeggemilyegg Member Posts: 3,408
    edited January 2010
    You could turn to this bloke....

    Oops, Wrong Picture.

    Meant this bloke....

    Could try and get a few people joining in the debate as well...

    They might even show it on......

    the questions WOULD be answered......

    But who could be on the panel ???


  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    have to to be honest here not really thought about points cuz i,ve bin doin well and winning abit and think sky shud get there cut . dont know what its worth but i,ve got 20k points never really botherd bout f/rs and not really thought about it so long that i keep putting abit in me bank to pay for for me mortgage and wot not.but if you,ve got a large amount of points i spose its worth quite abit.dont know the ins and outs of this sort of thing and just keep going but if you,ve got alot of points i suppose its woth fighting for good luck in your quest benny
    Posted by stokefc
    even if you worked that out on the lowest of the low cash for points deal.  Thats still £200-300
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited January 2010
    No answer yet from anyone in the Skypoker  Management  , SkyRich or the Marketing people ..

    About right for  this lot ...          quick to  try and promote something !!

     slow to answer problems that the customer has !!
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2010

    I might have missed the point here, just skimmed through the thread, but dont we get the cash for points at the end of every month?

  • darichdarich Member Posts: 969
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away? : That would be an extremely deep stack in some cases!   :-)
    Posted by MereNovice
    I might have a chance if they decide on this - given that I have played on this site for 7 days a week for 2.5 years!

    Motion proposed!
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited January 2010
    It looks like Im proved right,
    DES AND  RICH , wont answer this thread ...sad really   !!
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    I might have missed the point here, just skimmed through the thread, but dont we get the cash for points at the end of every month?
    Posted by dantb10
    If  you missed  the  point why  bother making a comment ???.. read  it again and then you might understand  .. Alot of players have a  lot  of points in their account that  SKYPOKER wont  refund to the players..
    So  your wrong to say  we get them each month  thats what you get for what  you have played in that  month :
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: This Question will Not just go away?:
    It looks like Im proved right, SKYPOKERS  DES AND  RICH , wont answer this thread ...sad really   !!
    Posted by bennydip2
    FYI, neither Sky-rich or Sky Des are in the office today.

  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited January 2010
    What's Sky_Rich gonna say anyway? He's hardly responsible for Sky's marketing! Sky_mod2 has already said it's been passed on to the relevant dept for review.
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