What's Sky_Rich gonna say anyway? He's hardly responsible for Sky's marketing! Sky_mod2 has already said it's been passed on to the relevant dept for review. Posted by NoseyBonk
Yes your right but I got this BEE in my bonnet about this having been posted by BigShann and others over the last 6 months and still has not been resolved or a proper response from Skypoker other than "Were looking into the matter" or words to that effect !!
What's Sky_Rich gonna say anyway? He's hardly responsible for Sky's marketing! Sky_mod2 has already said it's been passed on to the relevant dept for review. Posted by NoseyBonk
after i spent allot of my time reading and posting on the forum (what can i do with my points, community suggestions) i realised i was **** in the wind so i sent sky a email, i put up a copy of the reply on the same thread 22/12/09. i like benny am not happy about this at all, i am very suprised that more of the regs and the guys who have been with skypoker from the early days (who have the bulk of the points) have not spoken out. maybe if these guys spoke out then just maybe we can see a result.
i made a comment benny because i didnt understand! I did and still do get paid for my points at the end of every month. i thort that was the promotion.
Thanks for being so gracious in your reply i appreciate it.
Hi Benny, OK, I've just read through this entire thread (well almost...got quite bored towards the end tbh so skipped a few) and the problem is this. The phrase"You can cash in your PLAYER POINTS" is misleading because they do it automatically at the end of each month. When you reach certain amounts they credit your account with cash BUT what they do not do is remove those points from your account details afterwards! So what you have under the heading Total Poker Points does not actually mean anything, apart from seeing how many points you have amassed during your time on the site. The only useable points are the ones you are aquiring during the CURRENT MONTH and those are the only points you can use to enter freeroles etc. All previous monthly points have had a "cash back" (if applicable) awarded to them. IMO Sky should just delete the "Total Poker Points" STATISTIC (as that is all it is) because it appears as though you have loads of points when in actual fact YOU DON'T! Well, that's the way I see it anyway! Sky Mods please correct me if I'm wrong! Thanks! Chris
i made a comment benny because i didnt understand! I did and still do get paid for my points at the end of every month. i thort that was the promotion. Thanks for being so gracious in your reply i appreciate it. Posted by dantb10
im with you dan!
benny you are saying the add is missleading!
i dont think it is click on the poker points bit on the homepage and it explains everything!
i believe this thread has run its course. we have tried to politely explain the 'cash for points' marketing incentive and various other ongoing activities @ sky poker.
we love to hear you ideas and suggestion so if you do have any, please email the marketing team direct at suggestions@skypoker.com
Yes your right but I got this BEE in my bonnet about this having been posted by BigShann and others over the last 6 months and still has not been resolved or a proper response from Skypoker other than "Were looking into the matter" or words to that effect !!
Be lucky "hope this helps"
so if you dont get enough you dont get any money
if you want the points to make you money you have to make sure you play enough to get 500 points min.
if u get say 400 points every month after a year you will have 4800 points. like you say these are of no use.
yes i agree those points are are waste but thats not skys promotion is it?
its all about earning enough in a month.
maybe sky should just wipe the slate clean at the end of the month then you wont have to worry about it
Thanks for being so gracious in your reply i appreciate it.
Hi Benny,
apologies i have been out of the office for the last couple of days. let me try and get some 'official' word on this subject for you.
all the best
OK, I've just read through this entire thread (well almost...got quite bored towards the end tbh so skipped a few) and the problem is this. The phrase "You can cash in your PLAYER POINTS" is misleading because they do it automatically at the end of each month. When you reach certain amounts they credit your account with cash BUT what they do not do is remove those points from your account details afterwards! So what you have under the heading Total Poker Points does not actually mean anything, apart from seeing how many points you have amassed during your time on the site. The only useable points are the ones you are aquiring during the CURRENT MONTH and those are the only points you can use to enter freeroles etc. All previous monthly points have had a "cash back" (if applicable) awarded to them. IMO Sky should just delete the "Total Poker Points" STATISTIC (as that is all it is) because it appears as though you have loads of points when in actual fact YOU DON'T!
Well, that's the way I see it anyway! Sky Mods please correct me if I'm wrong! Thanks!
points are rewarded with 'Cash for Points' where (once customers have entered) we automatically ‘redeem’ them for cash.
We also have lots of freerolls where customers can use their points (see the lobby)
And don't forget the numerous other promotions which offer things for free (i.e. no points needed). For example – TKO Santa’s Sack etc
hopefully this helps clear things up for you a little.
all the best,
benny you are saying the add is missleading!
i dont think it is click on the poker points bit on the homepage and it explains everything!
we love to hear you ideas and suggestion so if you do have any, please email the marketing team direct at suggestions@skypoker.com
thanks guys.