Can anything else go wrong!! Now my babyliss curling thing has decided to pack up! AAAAAARGH Am I meant to go to MK..........I really don't know. But will be going anyway. Already read of some nice cashes from those that are down there. Also of Tash and Hendo getting to a FT! Had a practice on a fr this morning. Had quite a large stack then the Chip leader decides to go all in. I went with him. His cards AQ my cards A 10. Then the racing......nothing came on the flop to help me out so was out. Oh well never mind well easy come easy go. Was still happy enough as played well up till that point. Least now could concentrate on getting ready for later. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong this morning or will be tearing my hair out............what's left of it that is. lol
Thanks Mick. Can anything else go wrong!! Now my babyliss curling thing has decided to pack up! AAAAAARGH Am I meant to go to MK..........I really don't know. But will be going anyway. Already read of some nice cashes from those that are down there. Also of Tash and Hendo getting to a FT! Had a practice on a fr this morning. Had quite a large stack then the Chip leader decides to go all in. I went with him. His cards AQ my cards A 10. Then the racing......nothing came on the flop to help me out so was out. Oh well never mind well easy come easy go. Was still happy enough as played well up till that point. Least now could concentrate on getting ready for later. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong this morning or will be tearing my hair out............what's left of it that is. lol Posted by Darkangel7
If you fall and twist your ankle running up the MK steps its going to look scripted.
Can keep you semi updated when I go back to Casino if she wants to concentrate. She hit a nice flop against me lets just say that. Use my chips wisely Donna!
Am out. But I lasted till after the first break. So am really happy that I achieved my initial goal. So sorry once again matty. Not bad for my first ever tourney. Great people on my tables. Not met everyone else yet. After this mornings debacle am surprised I even got here. Going to do later one at 7. So will have another go. Can't find my normal glasses so stuck with sunnies. Hope I can find am for driving back.
Wasn't first one out. Flopped a straight and a flush draw to trip ks. Certainly an eye opener. Anyway set off from casino at 11 and laughed most of the drive back. Good job really as was falling asleep. Just got back in at 1.50 am great crowd of people. Great experience. I'm just as nutty as they are but am sure you will hear what they think sooner rather than later. Lol
Having humungous wobbles at minute. Prob cos am knackered. Starting to realise the huge and daunting thing that lays before me................but what ever happens it is a fantastic experience even though at this particular time really want someone else to play it for me.....................but I know that will never be allowed to happen and wouldn't want it to either.
Oh dear just found some proper poker chips. Looks like will be practicing with them. Looks like fate is working against me. Lol looks like its becoming more of a reality now the bubbles burst and reality is kicking in.
Oh dear just found some proper poker chips. Looks like will be practicing with them. Looks like fate is working against me. Lol looks like its becoming more of a reality now the bubbles burst and reality is kicking in. Posted by Darkangel7
Hi Donna... good to meet you at the weekend, you did a pretty reasonable job of hiding the nerves, although I guess flopping pretty much the nuts (hand vs Matt) must have helped to settle them!
All joking aside I'm sure there isn't much of a leap from fake-SPT to UKPC... at £565 and so many low-cost/free satellites there are bound to be a decent number of recreational players involved and that'll keep things fun and chatty. Might get a bit more serious around the final table, but by that point you can be relaxed knowing you're a few thousand quid richer
In Response to Re: My road to Nottingham DTD : Hi Donna... good to meet you at the weekend, you did a pretty reasonable job of hiding the nerves, although I guess flopping pretty much the nuts (hand vs Matt) must have helped to settle them! All joking aside I'm sure there isn't much of a leap from fake-SPT to UKPC... at £565 and so many low-cost/free satellites there are bound to be a decent number of recreational players involved and that'll keep things fun and chatty. Might get a bit more serious around the final table, but by that point you can be relaxed knowing you're a few thousand quid richer Posted by shakinaces
Shakin was great to meet you too. Have you recovered? and was the door baracaded? lmao You lot have a lot more faith in me than I actually do. But after helping a few friends sort a house out and finding a part set of poker chips seem's like someone or something is telling me it's meant to be. :S
Not played much at all this week due to being very busy and extremely tired. But need to get back to playing as was reminded it wasn't that long till DTD! My immediate reaction was (bleep bleep)....insert any words you think I may have used
Found yet anothe poker chip today :S wish the students would make sure they took the stuff with
Fate once again raises her head..........oh well, hopefully back to the grind tonight. Now instead of just playing for fun, have started studying the game! oh dear.............what am I going to be like when I finally get a better understanding of what i'm actually doing I don't have a clue. But I do know what I've got to work on, which is a start. Still have bouts of random laughter at the thought of Milton Keynes and all the brilliant people and ladies! I met there. Just wish I could have stayed and got totally trollied as just feel like doing that right about now. Know I'm going to have a few bad days next week always do round this time of year, but gonna be even worse this year as no mum. Oh well onwards and upwards as they say.
Bbq and beer with good friends and watching grease and singing and dancing that's even before I've had a drink. So if I'm on later will be fun to see how I actually do when am 3 sheets to the wind.
Well tonight I played 5 tables at once! Not bad to say I really struggled with all 3 dtd ones not too long ago. I didn't make the ft but I can honestly say I have really enjoyed tonight immensly. Never have I run so good in quite a while. Think I went though a bad beat shortly after my epic and Funny Final tournament of the UKPC.....
Sorry James, yes was a sick flop, and very unlucky, and I know I limped a few hands but I play my game my own way you should know that by now.
Managed to stay in all DTD's for quite a while instead of crashing out in spectacular fashion. So tonight I am really happy with my progress. Came 24th in DTD1 after being the short stack since 40 runners left. Sat there was determined wasn't budging until I got under 30 so that was good. Anyway off to rail for a bit see who's still in and then off to sleep. Hope I don't miss the alarm and over sleep again for school in the morning.
Finally I've binked a tourney. Sure not too many players but a binks a bink.
£6.50 + £6.62 Head Prizes
2.30 b.h this morning. Don't ask me how I did it! Not got a clue............Was busy multitasking. Was short stack for quite a while and others were knocking one another out, suited me fine. Just insinctively knew when to bet and when to fold. Next minute I know i'm on f.t. Large stack of chips.....where they came from I haven't got a clue! Next 20 minutes pass, still multi tasking minds not really on poker, just gut instinct and then there were 3!
Knocked the 3rd one out and it was heads up........... lasted about 10 minutes, wasn't gonna give up my chips easily and I binked it. Not bad to say my mind is on my daughters last day of junior school.........Woke up this morning quite tearful. Must be post blues plus kids growing up too quick!
Anyway think that was the win I needed to get me sort of back on track with poker. Off to daughters final assembly in a bit, not taking tissues am taking a full roll of bog roll...............believe me it will be cheaper than tissues, am sure will be in a right state. Am sure all the other parents will be taking kleenex with them. Am I bothered nope..........bog roll will suit me fine, must say it's gotta be andrex though
Can anything else go wrong!! Now my babyliss curling thing has decided to pack up! AAAAAARGH Am I meant to go to MK..........I really don't know. But will be going anyway. Already read of some nice cashes from those that are down there. Also of Tash and Hendo getting to a FT! Had a practice on a fr this morning. Had quite a large stack then the Chip leader decides to go all in. I went with him. His cards AQ my cards A 10. Then the racing......nothing came on the flop to help me out so was out. Oh well never mind well easy come easy go. Was still happy enough as played well up till that point. Least now could concentrate on getting ready for later. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong this morning or will be tearing my hair out............what's left of it that is. lol
Glad you decided to play, will be good practice for DTD.
Hopefully by now you will have met all the peeps you have only known online, and realised they are twice as mad in real life as they are on Sky.
Hope you've had a great time today, only sad that I am not there to enjoy it with the rest of you guys n gals.
All joking aside I'm sure there isn't much of a leap from fake-SPT to UKPC... at £565 and so many low-cost/free satellites there are bound to be a decent number of recreational players involved and that'll keep things fun and chatty. Might get a bit more serious around the final table, but by that point you can be relaxed knowing you're a few thousand quid richer
Found yet anothe poker chip today :S wish the students would make sure they took the stuff with
Fate once again raises her head..........oh well, hopefully back to the grind tonight. Now instead of just playing for fun, have started studying the game! oh dear.............what am I going to be like when I finally get a better understanding of what i'm actually doing I don't have a clue. But I do know what I've got to work on, which is a start. Still have bouts of random laughter at the thought of Milton Keynes and all the brilliant people and ladies!
In my dreams.
Sorry James, yes was a sick flop, and very unlucky, and I know I limped a few hands but I play my game my own way
Managed to stay in all DTD's for quite a while instead of crashing out in spectacular fashion. So tonight I am really happy with my progress. Came 24th in DTD1 after being the short stack since 40 runners left. Sat there was determined wasn't budging until I got under 30 so that was good. Anyway off to rail for a bit see who's still in and then off to sleep. Hope I don't miss the alarm and over sleep again for school in the morning.
Knocked the 3rd one out and it was heads up........... lasted about 10 minutes, wasn't gonna give up my chips easily and I binked it. Not bad to say my mind is on my daughters last day of junior school.........Woke up this morning quite tearful. Must be post blues plus kids growing up too quick!
Anyway think that was the win I needed to get me sort of back on track with poker. Off to daughters final assembly in a bit, not taking tissues am taking a full roll of bog roll...............believe me it will be cheaper than tissues, am sure will be in a right state. Am sure all the other parents will be taking kleenex with them. Am I bothered nope..........bog roll will suit me fine, must say it's gotta be andrex though