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My road to..who knows where



  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    Thank you Sir G

    Was bubble girl in FR last night, was between me and smoki who would get through. The rail on my table was brilliant and the support I got was great, even smoki wanted me to get through. The thing was it would have come down to blinds but was one short on my table and I didn't catch a card on the river to take me through. Felt so bad that it was down to me and smoki on the bubble, but it was me I was the bubble girl and it wasn't meant to be last night. Oh well, enjoyed the game, had fun that's all that matters. Always next time.

    This morning, I got called a Donk, and the worst player someone had the misfortune of playing in a long time. All because I called with A 10 against his k something and I won the pot quite a few

    My reply to this was thank you very much for your compliment on my play or words to that effect. Wasn't nasty didn't diss em. Just was pleasant.

    Please excuse me while I play my game my way, i've not been playing that long. Bout 4 months maybe a tiny bit longer than that. He said carry on. So I said I am going to be doing thank you :)

    Oh by the way, have you got your seat to Nottingham yet?? No came the reply........

    Oh well I have, good luck in your games later, bout 10 minutes later he gets knocked out not by me unfortunately. Off the rants start again, I said as I always do, gg ul but my parting shot was, I hope you do well in your games later today and you don't run up against too many donks............

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    For the person that called me a donk.................donk on this!

    Decided to play 10.45 b.h. I know that is flash jonny's usual stomping ground and he usually cashes or wins. Decided to give it a go anyway.

    87 Players including me.

    I played my usual game, which according to some I play badly.......;) I didn't get off to a great start tbh and was basically at the bottom of the pile for quite a while. Basically I was the short stack with zero heads. Did that bother me........nah was enjoying playing and shared the tables with some really nice players.

    Kept on sneaking a peak of where I was in the tourney and there was 40 left. I was 37th at the time. I didn't think anything of it and thought I wouldn't be long for saying goodbye. I just kept plodding and doing what I was doing and the numbers kept on dropping like flies.

    Bout an hour later thought would check again see where I was and how many was left, to my surprise there were 20 left and me being the 20th. So what I thought to myself, if it's meant to be it's meant to be.

    Can't remember hands I played what so ever, so am not even going to be going there. Time was flying past and it finally reached the bubble........still last but never mind. I hit a couple of great hands where I really thought I would have been out and was totally in shock when I saw the chips been shoved over to me! Think by this time jj had come to rail me on the table. A few times I got moved and met the same players i'd played earlier. They wondered how I was getting on and if I was out or not. Think to their surprise and to mine I was still in!

    Even had a bit of banter with one of the chip leaders as he went all in and I said you will have to try harder to get me out cos am not going
    He said you never know you could knock me out which I think I did a few hands later.

    I survived the first bubble. I told everyone I would be happy to get to the final 2 tables which I did and what would be will be, either way I would be happy. Then it came time for the dreaded hand for hand play. Bout 10 minutes later the hand for hand was over.............I had to ask if we had cashed..........tbh I couldn't believe i'd actually cashed.

    JJ and Lmfaoallin came to rail and kept on saying come on angel. Believe me I was trying, probably very trying to the others that I was playing and time was ticking by very quickly. I had to pick daughter up from music academy at 1.30................what was I going to do.........throw it away or keep playing.

    Next minute I know I'm on the Final table! Wiiii I thought, done better than I thought I could have done. Don't ask me how I managed it but was chip leader for a while. 6 became 5 became 4 and james kept on saying come on you can do 3rd. Which I did, at this time it's 1.45 I should have been there at 1.20 waiting to picked daugher up .............ooops

    Then it came down to the final 3. Was a really fantastic game of tooing and froing of chips and chip leader changing hands quite frequently. I told them at the break I had to go get my daughter but I would be back. Took me 10 minutes there and back something which would usually take me 20...........

    I have got to say a massive thank you to Boo and also Tu for not taking advantage of me being away and stealing the blinds etc. Massive respect to them both.

    Can't remember who knocked Tu out but then it was HU, I was chip leader and boo had a fairly decent stack. Then in comes Jonny for the rail the b.h king............

    Lets put it this was a brilliant game, really enjoyed every single minute of it and here is the result! My first ever proper bink!

    Darkangel71720001£36.77 + £14.87 Head Prizes3£4.83
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    Have been cashing quite a bit so my ski slope is on an upward trend at the minute, for how long I haven't a clue. Still a long way before I even break even. It's definately been a large learning curve in the 4 months i've been playing. I've still not read a book about poker, its still all instinct and gut feelings. Yes I know my play still leaves a lot to be desired but that will come with time.

    I'm managing to get deeper into tourneys now and managing to get to either final 2 tables or the actual final table, which still amazes the heck out of me and keep wondering how i've managed to do it. Some of my poker friends say i'm hard to read and play against. Ask me what 2 cards I had previous hand and I haven't got a clue......memory of a goldfish. I always have a laugh on the tables and enjoy my poker if the enjoyment ever stopped and I started feeling aggro I think I would take time away for a while as am no good when I'm not feeling nice and relaxed. Had a laugh with a few friends and said Imagine if I really learned to play poker, all the ins and outs and stuff. Their immediate reaction was omg nooooooooooooooo don't do it.

    Am still very apprehensive about UKPC in Notts and playing live. If I manage to stay in till after 1st break I will be over the moon. Will take it minute by minute and hopefully break by break. I still have no clue who's who in poker as said earlier I used to know all the big players but now not a clue. Is that an advantage? Have no idea, but I really pity anyone who's table i'm sat on. Biggest donk on the table I will be. I'm also apprehensive about having camera's there and Mr Orford critiquing my play....(don't try and understand me that's if I manage to play a hand at all) .........not looking forward to that what so ever. Either way it's a major achievement in my short poker playing career so far, some people who i've spoken to have been playing years and have never managed to bink a seat to it. So I guess I'm extremely lucky to have done so. Oh well, enough ramblings for a while. Lets see how long this good run lasts.................
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited July 2015
    Just relax when you get there, there is no rush to play a hand, just play tight and watch what happens and soak up the experience to begin with. My one piece of advice is announce before you act, say raise, call, fold etc. Above all enjoy yourself, it does not matter where you come if you enjoy yourself.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2015
    hey angel I have been reading your thread just not posted yet :).

    as gary said above just enjoy the experience and play your own game don`t worry about who you get at the table.

    The best thing to do like gary said is announce everything before you act just to be on safe side and another tip if you a bit nervous get a few drinks down you to settle the nerves haha.

    I prob be at notts that week too and anyone that knows me I prob be at the bar early ;).
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: My road to Nottingham DTD:
    hey angel I have been reading your thread just not posted yet :). as gary said above just enjoy the experience and play your own game don`t worry about who you get at the table. The best thing to do like gary said is announce everything before you act just to be on safe side and another tip if you a bit nervous get a few drinks down you to settle the nerves haha. I prob be at notts that week too and anyone that knows me I prob be at the bar early ;).
    Posted by liamboi11
    Let everyone know you're a novice , then when the try to take advantage, take them to the cleaners
    GL Donna x
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited July 2015
    hello matey

    Hijacking the thread to say.............

    Nuggy96218140001£100 + £550 seat into £250k UKPC
    What time we meeting at the venue

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    In Response to Re: My road to Nottingham DTD:
    hello matey Hijacking the thread to say............. Nuggy962 1814000 1 £100 + £550 seat into £250k UKPC What time we meeting at the venue woooooooppppppiiiiieeeeee
    Posted by Nuggy962

    Hijack away......:D wiiiiiiiiiiiii wtg you am over the moon for you. Am over thinking it and over stressing it. Am just not gonna think about it anymore. Am gonna do what I've been doing since the start of playing relaxing and having fun. So pleased you've done it :D:D

    Not a clue what time know nearer the date. Thank you all for the advice and support. I know I'm a pain in the derrier but that's just me love me or not am not bothered. Life's too short to be serious so enjoying each moment poker related and not as it happens. Including the bad beats. 
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    Have just read a great piece of advice that some not all players seem to forget..................

    Be a humble winner and a graceful loser. No one likes to play with a show off, or a sore loser. Maintain a good attitude and have fun.

    Best piece of advice i've read for a long time. That applies to every player that plays poker, think sometimes people forget their manners and how to exit gracefully. Even when I get knocked out I always say nh, gg, wp and gl in the rest of the game. No need for negative energy, it's just draining. Keep your chin up, smile and try again. Poker is as we all know a game of skill but also luck. Enjoy what your doing, if you don't take time out to re evaluate because you can't win all the time.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited July 2015
    Well I've had a few good days winning bits of cash here and there and then it happened........ started running like a 3 legged donkey trying to run on Blackpool Beach!  This is gonna sound strange but Kenny Rogers upped and left me! When I was winning The Gambler sung by Kenny Rogers is playing in my head..........don't ask me why but it makes me play better. Must have gone on his Jollies for a while and was soaking up some sun instead of staying in the rainy UK and trying to build a boat.

    I keep on getting reminded of how many days left until Notts..............all I will say is SHHHHHHHHHHHH I aint thinking about it lol............It seems like a lifetime away since I managed to get my seat. Am I getting nervous about it? Nah (that's a irishroseism for nh but that's another story)

    Will say last night in the freeroll was the best laugh i've had on the tables for a long long time. Don't get me wrong I always enjoy and have a laugh on most tables i'm on but last night was real fun. I think there was only one on my table that hadn't played before. Even had some people coming in to say hi and railing me and wishing me good luck. Someone asked me last night if I knew everybody as it seemed like everyone knew me and said Hi and gl etc. I said nope don't know everyone but most people seem to know me. Someone said I was famous. I started laughing at that one. Me famous........nah just like chatting and having a laugh. Probably do people's nuts in but there's always turning chat off. Irishrose is more famous than I am.

    I have come a long way from when I first started and am still refining my game play. Sometimes I kick myself (not physically cos would leave a massive bruise on my leg) when I realise I could have done something better or differently but I learn from it and move on.

    I just want to say I love the sky peeps on here and all those that know me and play me on the tables. I know i'm the underdog always and maybe some players will think i'm a donk and an easy push over. All I will say to them is think what you like, I'm a novice and learning all the time. Poker to me is a social thing, it's an escape from 4 walls and looking after 2 kids on my own. It's my only form of release to have fun and chat with others. It's a bit like marmite you either love it or hate it. Well I really hope Kenny comes back from his jollies soon as am missing him and The Gambler when he's back am gonna TID......(in my dreams).......lmao
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    Arrrgh have lost my edge, pokers gone to pot! Total loss of confidence when betting making me bet erratic and I kick myself when I know what I should have done. Poker angel please come back to me! Hope it's just a minor blip and getting my bad run out of the way for, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't say it cos I aint thinking about it really! All i've got running through my head at minute is Brother Beyond, The harder I try.............have not got a clue where it's come from but wish would hurry up and go away and the nice Mr Rogers would come back of his jollies.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    Well I'm finally starting to look forward to notts now. After been abused in chat regarding me being in a freeroll I nearly gave up. But hey, I paid my money and got the points to play so why shouldn't I play. Must be an easy target as didn't see them blasting any of the other players who's also playing the freeroll who's got a seat.

    The turning point for me was sunday night. Misty was on fire that night and I knew in my heart of hearts it was his turn to get his seat and that he was going to do it. I also knew that Irishrose was going to take down the Roller. Don't ask me how, it was a feeling.

    I railed both from beginning to end and really enjoyed every second of it. I also got called ugly........hahaha look I may not be pretty but my hearts in the right place and who ever goes on looks is shallow. I lost my poker mojo I wasn't feeling it what so ever bad beat after bad beat the river monster raising it's ugly head time after time. The rail for both of them was awesome as always. I couldn't sleep, don't know how Rose and Misty managed to either. So at 3 am I entered a B.H and surprise surprise I was taking heads left right and centre. Next minute I know I had 21K..........don't ask me how wasn't taking much notice of how many chips I had. Next thing I know I'm on the FT still CL think i scared them all on the table with my large stack. HU came and I knew I couldn't lose. Just a feeling I was calm and I knew just what to do. Well I only went and binked it at 3.40 am. Not looked back.

    My wrists and thumb are suffering from so much railing and have got RSI and arthritis in my left wrist. But hey will still keep on going. I am really looking forward to having fun and enjoying the atmosphere of the DTD at notts.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    Once again it's been great fun at the tables, last night railed rose and PokerTrev into the finals for sundays UKPC. Players came and went but did comment on how lively and fun our table was and how friendly we were in the chat box. I even got told yet again I was a lucky railer and I had to stay around. I even get asked if I know everybody on sky as I know a lot of the players now not just in TPT and I have a laugh with them all. No I don't know all the players on sky I just know quite a few now. All I can say is that I think that TPT has the best support and the best rail going on sky. That's why I am proud to be in Team Poker Titans. Sorry for being a noisy railer but I will say this I will support everyone not just TPT. Can't wait for Sunday night it's gonna be a blast.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    DTD is nearly hear and all I can think about is the fear
    of sitting down amongst the pro's
    waiting for the announcement Shuffle up lets go!

    Sitting there like a startled rabbit, I know I shouldn't but it's just habit
    To be so much out of my comfort zone, but I know I will not be alone,
    Lots more newbies will be there, So I know it's not just me.

    I hope I can do my best and remember what Tikay and Channing said,
    Just to relax and play my game, and hopefully get a few minutes of fame,
    Who would have thought that a total novice could do so well to bink a seat
    it really is a special treat, I am to enjoy and have some fun and lets see how deep I can run.
    If I don't cash that doesn't matter, i'm going to enjoy the banter and chatter,
    Yes the butterflies have started to flit and I really hope I'm not a nit.

    To all the qualifiers I wish you well and and see you there. 
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    Well today has been and up and down sort of day, had a meeting with the area manager of the funeral directors who did mums funeral. So been a bit off today. It's taken well over 6 months to finally get to meet face to face due to the stress of what happened after they dropped mums coffin. Things were finally sorted and we reached an agreement and came to a conclusion that would satisfy us all. I even asked them for a job! hahaha. Well am sure mum is with me and watching over me and will be with me as DTD looking over my cards and even though she never played poker in her life she would have loved to have come down to watch me play. I am really looking forward to tomorrow, even thinking of doing one tonight and going down but still got loads to do. Wouldn't be the first time and won't be the last. Anyway lets hope that I get a decent nights sleep tonight ready for tomorrow. Really looking forward to meeting everyone it's definately gonna be fun even if it's off the tables. Run golden and run deep everyone.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited August 2015
    GL Donna x
  • dabossmandabossman Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2015
    Good luck.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited August 2015
    Thanks guys just ran pretty deep in fr makes a change as usually out early doors so am happy enough with that result

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited September 2015

    I played a sat to get into punta cana qtrs tonight............well I went and got through. Entered into qtrs at around 9.45, had a look who was in the tourney........pretty scary players. But I had that feeling, the feeling I had when I won my seat to ukpc............I lost a lot of chips to someone being stupid chasing the river, so was short stack for quite a while. I was short stack from about 17th place and it kept going down and down to 12 and I was last for what seemed ages, then next thing I know I was 10th..........then another few went until it got to hand to hand, only 8 got through and as always was the short stack. Big thank you to rose, trev and mattyp for sending me good luck. I really don't know how I managed it but I've managed to get a place into the semi on sunday night!!! From last to........................................ wait for it.............

    Darkangel780803Entry to Punta Cana Semi

    I had that feeling all night so calm, knew I was going to do it no matter what, made some brave calls but thought it was all in and see a flop or blind out. So I did what I did best and played my own game my own way. Knew when to fold and knew when to bet. Don't know what's going to happen on Sunday, but if I've done it once I think I can do it again.
  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited September 2015
    Well last night I really don't know what happened!!! I came 11th in Orfy first time of playing so cashed. Won 2 all ins to Pc and won in qtrs too. Healthiest i've ever seen my BR! Still got a long way to go before I am actually in profit but I know it will happen. It was like the UKPC feeling all over again. I still class myself as a donk/fish but that's just me. I know it's derogatory but I can call it myself because sometimes that's how I feel I play. Anyone can call me that and tbh I really don't care. Let people think what they will about me and about how I play. Have been playing on a few different mtt's and up my stakes in DYM and some people make the derogatory statement of a player being a donk/fish that's when I jump in and say no they aren't they are playing their own game their way. If anything it's me who's the donk/fish only to be told I play a good game oh and one player said I'm not i'm a lady.................roflmao to that remark. Been called a lot of things but Lady very rarely comes up.

    The PC qtrs last night was fantastic. I felt so sorry for my team mate who came 7th just out of the seats but did get a small amount of cash. The rail as always was funny as anything. I was the short stack yet again for quite a while. Yet managed to get a few DU's. The bubble went on seemingly for hours and the chat box was amazing. I really don't understand why people wanted me to win, one of the comments was I don't care who goes out as long as it's not Angel and she wins. Still bamboozles he heck out of me but gives me a warm feeling to know that they are routing for me. Lets hope I run as well as I have been doing on Sunday for the semi's to PC! Will wait and see but am not holding my breath.
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