I'm still playing, poorly, but still playing. In the rebuy and in a PLO8. The headhunter was interesting. Started playing like a freeroll not a 5 quid tourny and got worse. meh. Play another 5 quid bh and got it in 3 ways with top 2. Pity the others had bottom set and a flopped straight. Oh well, onwards and upwards Gl all
Sit ref. Am on 2 final tables Both are down to the last 5 but both only pay top 3. Should cash in at least one, I hope! the 2 I'm on the FT of are the PLO8 and the rebuy. Entered a 2 quid deepy to keep me occupied too
7 down 17 to go. Now comes the hard part, the small hours. Hard to stay awake and hard to find the games to play. Apart from the 5 min rest breaks I haven't missed a minute of poker so far. That may change in the next few hours. I played an 11 quid bh for a treat after the two cashes. It wasnt a long treat. QQ first hand and got it all in....... against KK. Oops. Flop was AKJ which actually gave me more outs then I had pre flop! Still couldn't hit them though. Oh well. Still in the deepy and entered the 1 am freeroll Gl all
Still going. That is all too report. I Will do this. Fresh plate of minted lamb kebabs cooking and more energy drink opened. As for poker, Still playing 1/3 of the way there now
Another hour done. Still played continous poker since 6 . A plea to the good folks at sky, anychance of a deepstack starting in the next hour? All the tounies now are speed or 15 min timed Oh well. Still loving life and poker and I've got my 100 poker points for the week too. Yay me!
3.37. Shoved TPTK into an overpair and am out and not playing for the first time since 6 . Only 7 mins to wait until the next tournie. No real late reg at night either. Sort it out sky!!!!
not much to report again for a bit. Played a good few and had fun but kept getting it in bad when it counted. Can't be perfect all the time. Came 2nd in a roller semi sat for about 19 quid which was nice and doubled my money in one of the 3 quid bh's. Had a quick shower at the last break so feeling nice and refreshed. Back to the coffee and need to make something to eat soon! Gl all
QUICK UPDATE!!!!!!>>>>>

He's still awake
and stillawake now