Am out. But wasn't out first. Lasted till now. Was short stack and had a5s suited but was short stack. Knew he had aa but alread 2 spades on the board. Had to try and no luck. I had fun and enjoyed my first ever major tourney. Am gonna stick around and play some more poker. I will be back next year. Bigger and better than this year. Major achievement for a total novice of 6 months. Loved it. Posted by Darkangel7
Pleased you had a good time. Well done on getting there
Good luck mattyyyyyyy lol I keep laughing at this thread. As you know I've got a dirty laugh. But I don't care. Have had a blast. The people who I've met have all been fantastic. Am here and staying and making a w.e of it. Think will 've playing more live games from now on.
Good luck mattyyyyyyy lol I keep laughing at this thread. As you know I've got a dirty laugh. But I don't care. Have had a blast. The people who I've met have all been fantastic. Am here and staying and making a w.e of it. Think will 've playing more live games from now on. Posted by Darkangel7
GG Angel. Hear all about it at the bar at the break.
I would appriciate an update on table 34 seat 4 (if he is still on that table ) Neil Edward Marcus Colquhoun Regards Alan (plo8 champ :P) Posted by ajmilton
ryan pritchard 65,000
stephen cole 45,000
Despite that, he is still in with just over starting stack
he's still from Swindon
despite that, he was above starting stack on my last run past
just coming to the end of six levels and another break, will try and find him them
a) arranging a removals van
b) betting on horses
c) playing poker. occasionally
below starting stack
In Response to Re: Sky Poker 6-Max UKPC sweat thread:
he has 45,000 after 6 levels
Break now
entry is closed though, you can buy into the 6pm flight though
he is in mid audition