WEDNESDAYBEST players in rolling month
10,131 players in 576 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen,
biggest climber is ronny707 up 33 positions to 46
highest new entrant is shawsok in at 73

Latest results from Tuesday show that there was a total overlay of £130 which was added to the prizepools of 3 of the major games. There were 1,453 players in 18 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more. Overlay is likely in today's 17 major tournaments.
JACKPOT no result: 171 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,095 players in 572 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen
biggest climber is vodkate up 33 positions to 49
highest new entrant is DustoLucko in at 67
Latest results from Wednesday show that there was a total overlay of £1970 which was added to the prizepools of 5 of the major games. There were 1,247 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more. Overlay is likely in today's 19 major tournaments.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 77 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,091 players in 573 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is DustoLucko up 44 positions to 23
Highest new entrant is Da_R_Emile in at 65
Latest results from Thursday show that there was a total overlay of £225 which was added to the prizepools of 3 of the major games.
There were 1,430 players in 18 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 85 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
Best 100 players in rolling month
10,141 players in 574 tournaments
Best player is Wacko90
Biggest climber is Limp2Lose up 30 positions to 42
Highest new entrant is ALLEYKITTY in at 71
Latest results from Friday show that there was a total overlay of £1085 which was added to the prizepools of 6 of the major games. There were 1,492 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 76 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,262 players in 576 tournaments
Best player is maza8311
Biggest climber is LARSON7 up 26 positions to 36
Highest new entrant is high_tea in at 85
Latest results from Saturday show that there was a total overlay of £1580 which was added to the prizepools of 10 of the major games. There were 1,426 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 80 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 21 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,268 players in 578 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is PeteLTFC up 45 positions to 52
Highest new entrant is shawsok in at 53
Latest results from Sunday show that there was a total overlay of £1095 which was added to the prizepools of 9 of the major games. There were 1,376 players in 21 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 58 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 17 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,195 players in 576 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is magicdaz up 28 positions to 66
Highest new entrant is GREGGER01 in at 75
Latest results from Monday show that there was a total overlay of £895 which was added to the prizepools of 6 of the major games. There were 1,315 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 70 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 18 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players in rolling month
10,152 players in 575 tournaments
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is magicdaz up 42 positions to 24
Highest new entrant is D1Lz in at 70
Latest results from Tuesday show that there was a total overlay of £110 which was added to the prizepools of 2 of the major games. There were 1,496 players in 18 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 168 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 17 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players
10,080 players in 571 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is GREGGER01 up 20 positions to 53
Highest new entrant is metz13 in at 65
Latest results from Wednesday show that there was a total overlay of £1870 which was added to the prizepools of 4 of the major games. There were 1,272 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: 2 near misses. 88 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
Hi Rob.
hi tikay.
good to hear from you.
Could you be so kind as to do a "Hero" profile for me on it from the beginning of 2015 if that's possible?
that's a fab post, waller02. thank you, very much.
i will add a HERO Card in the next 10 minutes. It looks like you're having a good year... again.
Cheers man. If I see you at the tables I will hide.
I'm hardly setting the poker scene on fire lol. Just happy to have the odd cash so I don't have to deposit, which keeps the missus off my back.
Keep up the great work and hope to see you posting more on the forum in the near future.
BEST 100 players
10,078 players in 573 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is Da_R_Emile up 24 positions to 37
Highest new entrant is Kerrnal in at 61
Latest results from Thursday show that there was a total overlay of £180 which was added to the prizepools of 4 of the major games. There were 1,548 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 83 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players
10,134 players in 574 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is metz13 up 17 positions to 49
Highest new entrant is baddunn in at 64
Latest results from Friday show that there was a total overlay of £240 which was added to the prizepools of 3 of the major games. There were 1,670 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: 1 winner and no near misses. 103 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
PM sent with website.
Good to see that you are doing well.