In Response to Re: *** best player and daily review *** : I'm very pleased to see Rob back on here, as most will be, but I'd appreciate it if linking to his site is done by PM please. I'm quite sure Rob will PM you when he sees your Post. Thanks. Posted by Tikay10
Thank you, tikay. Very kind.
It is good to post these things and I am happy to contribute bits and pieces. And I will happily post as requested. You know that my website supports only the interests of sky poker players as well as the business that makes it all happen. I guess it's because my 6 years poker experience is through playing at sky poker. I like to think of it all as Applied OCD.
BEST 100 players 10,243 players in 576 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is FuzzyDare up 47 positions to 20 Highest new entrant is swindonkev in at 55. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are ellopsy, stfc.
Latest results from Saturday show that there was a total overlay of £110 which was added to the prizepools of 2 of the major games. There were 1,599 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 69 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players 10,302 players in 578 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is SenorBegs up 31 positions to 49 Highest new entrant is F_Ivanovic in at 81. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are stack_u, effelreed, julia2015, Bluffy666, MilitantG.
Latest RESULTS from Sunday with 1,527 players in 21 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
IanSimpson won 2 major tournaments.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 58 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players 10,326 players in 576 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is Da_R_Emile up 16 positions to 21 Highest new entrant is MikeyMikey in at 96. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are Gatherer, witnit.
Latest RESULTS from Monday with 1,570 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £200 which was added to the prizepools of 1 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 98 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
From the 576 major tournaments played in the complete month of August the top three players in terms of wins are ozzieowen with 8 wins, omm with 6 wins and jordz16 with 5 wins.
BEST 100 players 10,329 players in 575 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is chrisx2525 up 26 positions to 41 Highest new entrant is Richiegone in at 86. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are rok_n_rola, ben170583, Mather14, ShuvMonkey.
Latest RESULTS from Tuesday with 1,649 players in 18 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
Please excuse my ignorance on this aussie, but (aside from the blatantly obvious) I don't know a lot about what this is.
I saw you posting on Orford's thread about this, and there were mentions of websites, leaderboards, hero cards and it's all gone a little over my head. Can you DM me the link so I can stop feeling stupid please ?
Also you explained the points scheme (I think!), is that weighted by buy-in, field size etc. etc. or is it just a uniform application? Does the website explain what Tournaments are included in the scoring?
BEST 100 players 10,320 players in 571 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is Richiegone up 35 positions to 51 Highest new entrant is lyonsbob06 in at 70. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: Essexphil . MilitantG . witnit
Latest RESULTS from Wednesday with 1,348 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £290 added to the prizepools of 4 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 99 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players 10,311 players in 573 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is rok_n_rola up 30 positions to 65 Highest new entrant is MD_575 in at 76. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: jonnyrkd . chrisdboy . D1Lz . Bluffy666
Latest RESULTS from Thursday with 1,527 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £50 added to the prizepools of 1 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 117 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
BEST 100 players 10,315 players in 574 tournaments in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen Biggest climber is lilzane up 20 positions to 64 Highest new entrant is MikeyW94 in at 74. Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: theloft Claytov poolidol77 Gatherer
Latest RESULTS from Friday with 1,658 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £95 added to the prizepools of 2 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: 1 near miss. 96 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Thank you, tikay. Very kind.
It is good to post these things and I am happy to contribute bits and pieces. And I will happily post as requested. You know that my website supports only the interests of sky poker players as well as the business that makes it all happen. I guess it's because my 6 years poker experience is through playing at sky poker. I like to think of it all as Applied OCD.
Best regards
BEST 100 players
10,243 players in 576 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is FuzzyDare up 47 positions to 20
Highest new entrant is swindonkev in at 55.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are ellopsy, stfc.
Latest results from Saturday show that there was a total overlay of £110 which was added to the prizepools of 2 of the major games. There were 1,599 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 69 stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 21 major tournaments.
*** STOP PRESS ***
FuzzyDare won 3 major tournaments yesterday.
JACKPOT possible:
23 players left from 58 in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight
JACKPOT possible:
6 players left from 58 in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight
62 players remain from 166 entrants in Main
56 players remain from 282 entrants in Mini
BEST 100 players
10,302 players in 578 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is SenorBegs up 31 positions to 49
Highest new entrant is F_Ivanovic in at 81.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are stack_u, effelreed, julia2015, Bluffy666, MilitantG.
Latest RESULTS from Sunday with 1,527 players in 21 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
IanSimpson won 2 major tournaments.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 58 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 17 major tournaments.
BEST 100 players
10,326 players in 576 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is Da_R_Emile up 16 positions to 21
Highest new entrant is MikeyMikey in at 96.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are Gatherer, witnit.
Latest RESULTS from Monday with 1,570 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £200 which was added to the prizepools of 1 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses.
98 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
From the 576 major tournaments played in the complete month of August the top three players in terms of wins are ozzieowen with 8 wins, omm with 6 wins and jordz16 with 5 wins.
Today, there are 18 major tournaments.
Yes, will PM you.
PS excellent play recently.
JACKPOT possible: 19 players left from 167 in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight
91 players remain from 429 entrants in Main
237 players remain from 546 entrants in Mini
BEST 100 players
10,329 players in 575 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is chrisx2525 up 26 positions to 41
Highest new entrant is Richiegone in at 86.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players are rok_n_rola, ben170583, Mather14, ShuvMonkey.
Latest RESULTS from Tuesday with 1,649 players in 18 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was no overlay in any of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses.
Today, there are 17 major tournaments.
I saw you posting on Orford's thread about this, and there were mentions of websites, leaderboards, hero cards and it's all gone a little over my head. Can you DM me the link so I can stop feeling stupid please
Also you explained the points scheme (I think!), is that weighted by buy-in, field size etc. etc. or is it just a uniform application? Does the website explain what Tournaments are included in the scoring?
hi YoungUn
will send you a PM with the name of the website
it is in support of players on skypoker. you'll see.
hope you find it fun and helpful too.
BEST 100 players
10,320 players in 571 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is Richiegone up 35 positions to 51
Highest new entrant is lyonsbob06 in at 70.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: Essexphil . MilitantG . witnit
Latest RESULTS from Wednesday with 1,348 players in 17 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £290 added to the prizepools of 4 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and 1 near miss. 99 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
JACKPOT possible: 30 remain from 117 players in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight.
8pm Main Event: 145 players remain of 300 entrants.
8:30pm Mini: 250 players remain of 533 entrants.
JACKPOT possible: 9 remain from 117 players in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight.
JACKPOT possible: 2 remain from 117 players in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight.
BEST 100 players
10,311 players in 573 tournaments played in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is rok_n_rola up 30 positions to 65
Highest new entrant is MD_575 in at 76.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: jonnyrkd . chrisdboy . D1Lz . Bluffy666
Latest RESULTS from Thursday with 1,527 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £50 added to the prizepools of 1 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: no winner and no near misses. 117 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.
JACKPOT possible: 20 remain from 96 players in both 8pm Main and 8:30pm Mini tonight.
8pm Main Event: 133 players remain of 297 entrants.
8:30pm Mini: 227 players remain of 582 entrants.
BEST 100 players
10,315 players in 574 tournaments in the last rolling month
Best player is ozzieowen
Biggest climber is lilzane up 20 positions to 64
Highest new entrant is MikeyW94 in at 74.
Other new entrants in the Top 100 Best Players include: theloft Claytov poolidol77 Gatherer
Latest RESULTS from Friday with 1,658 players in 19 tournaments that had a guarantee of £500 or more.
There was a total overlay of £95 added to the prizepools of 2 of the major games.
JACKPOT result: 1 near miss. 96 players stood a chance of winning the main + mini jackpot.
Today, there are 19 major tournaments.